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5 <meta name="author" content="Guido Laures">
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9 <h1><a name="Demos">Screens</a></h1>
10 <p> These are some demo shots of charts generated by Cewolf/JFreeChart.
11 In sum Cewolf supports 20 types of charts. </p>
12 <img alt="Horizontal3DChart" src="img/examplehoriz3d.png"> <img
13 alt="Overlaid" src="img/exampleoverlaid.png"> <img
14 alt="PieChart" src="img/examplepie.png"> <img alt="ScatterPlot"
15 src="img/examplescatter.png"> <img alt="ScatterPlot"
16 src="img/examplevert3d.png"> <img alt="Vertical3DChart"
17 src="img/examplexy.png">
18 <p> <a href="http://sourceforge.net" target="new" height="30"><img
19 src="http://sourceforge.net/sflogo.php?group_id=57282&type=5"
20 height="30" border="0" alt="SourceForge Logo"></a> </p>