Wed, 31 May 2006 12:27:41 +0000 (2006-05-31)
changeset 340f9ae01fb3207
parent 339 6e3af80d8f5c
child 341 4e11661e039d
     1.1 --- a/tex/vym.tex	Wed May 31 12:27:41 2006 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/tex/vym.tex	Wed May 31 12:27:41 2006 +0000
     1.3 @@ -508,14 +508,9 @@
     1.4  \begin{center}
     1.5  	\includegraphics[width=0.5cm]{flag-url.png}
     1.6  \end{center}
     1.7 -If you use konqueror as browser, \vym will remember the konqueror which
     1.8 -was opened first by \vym. You can also press \key{Ctrl} and click to
     1.9 -open the link in a new tab then.
    1.10 +For more information on working with bookmarks and webbrowsers see
    1.11 +section \ref{bookmarks}.
    1.13 -If you want to keep bookmarks in a map, select a branch where you want
    1.14 -to add the bookmark, then simply drag the URL from your browser to the
    1.15 -map. Also you could use an existing heading as URL: Right click onto the
    1.16 -branch and select "Use heading for URL".
    1.18  \subsubsection*{\vym map}
    1.19  To link to to another map right click on a branch or choose "Edit \ra
    1.20 @@ -656,7 +651,7 @@
    1.21  could write import/export filters for \vym. Volunteers are always
    1.22  welcome ;-)
    1.24 -\subsection{Import} 
    1.25 +\subsection{Import} \label{import}
    1.27  \subsubsection*{KDE Bookmarks}
    1.28  The integrated bookmark editor in KDE is somewhat limited, so why not
    1.29 @@ -683,7 +678,10 @@
    1.30  testing \vym e.g. to easily create huge maps used for benchmarks (yes,
    1.31  there is still room to optimize \vym ;-)
    1.33 -\subsection{Export}
    1.34 +
    1.35 +
    1.36 +
    1.37 +\subsection{Export}  \label{export}
    1.38  \label{hideexport}
    1.39  Often you don't want to export the whole map, but just parts of it. For
    1.40  example you may have additional info you want to talk about in a
    1.41 @@ -750,6 +748,15 @@
    1.42  	\include{inputfile.tex}
    1.43  \end{verbatim}
    1.45 +\subsubsection*{KDE Bookmarks}
    1.46 +\vym will overwrite the KDE bookmarks file and then try to notify
    1.47 +running konquerors via DCOP of the changed file. \vym does not create a
    1.48 +backup!
    1.49 +\begin{itemize}
    1.50 +	\item File \ra Export \ra KDE Bookmarks
    1.51 +\end{itemize}
    1.52 +
    1.53 +
    1.54  \subsubsection*{XHTML (Webpages)}
    1.56  This is the format you want to use to create a webpage. For an example
    1.57 @@ -800,8 +807,54 @@
    1.60  \section{Advanced Editing}
    1.61 -\vym offers a few shortcuts to let you work more quickly and literally
    1.62 -to connect any branches directly.  
    1.63 +
    1.64 +\subsection{How to deal with Bookmarks} \label{bookmarks}
    1.65 +\subsubsection*{Open new tabs instead of new windows}
    1.66 +If you use konqueror as browser, \vym will remember the konqueror which
    1.67 +was opened first by \vym. You can also press \key{Ctrl} and click to
    1.68 +open the link in a new tab then.
    1.69 +
    1.70 +\vym can also open a new tab in Mozilla or Firefox using the remote
    1.71 +command\footnote{\href{http://www.mozilla.org/unix/remote.html}{http://www.mozilla.org/unix/remote.html}}
    1.72 +of these.
    1.73 +
    1.74 +\subsubsection*{Drag and Drop}
    1.75 +If you want to keep bookmarks in a map, select a branch where you want
    1.76 +to add the bookmark, then simply drag the URL from your browser to the
    1.77 +map. Also you could use an existing heading as URL: Right click onto the
    1.78 +branch and select "Use heading for URL".
    1.79 +
    1.80 +
    1.81 +\subsubsection*{Directly access bookmark lists of a browser}
    1.82 +Please see the sections \ref{import} and \ref{export} about
    1.83 +Import and Export filters.
    1.84 +
    1.85 +\subsubsection*{Special URLs}
    1.86 +\vym can turn an existing heading of a branch into an URL. Currently
    1.87 +this works for Bugentries in the Novell Bugtracking system: Open the
    1.88 +context menu of a branch (usually by right-clicking it) and select
    1.89 +\begin{itemize}
    1.90 +	\item Create URL to Bugzilla
    1.91 +\end{itemize}
    1.92 +The URL will be build from the number in the heading.
    1.93 +
    1.94 +\subsection{Including images into a branch} 
    1.95 +The default setting of an image is to float "freely". They can be
    1.96 +positioned everywhere, but they might end up in the same place as other
    1.97 +parts of the map.
    1.98 +
    1.99 +The solution is to include them "into" a branch. This can be done via
   1.100 +the context menu of their parent branch:
   1.101 +\begin{itemize}
   1.102 +	\item Include images horizontally
   1.103 +	\item Include images vertically
   1.104 +\end{itemize}
   1.105 +The image ist still positioned relatively to its parent branch, but the
   1.106 +heading and border of the branch adapt to the floating image, see below: 
   1.107 +\begin{center}
   1.108 +	\includegraphics[width=11cm]{includeImages.png}
   1.109 +\end{center}
   1.110 +
   1.111  \subsection{Modifier Modes} 
   1.112  Modifiers are for example the \key{Shift}- or the \key{Alt}-keys. When
   1.113  pressed while doing actions with the mouse, they will cause \vym to use