Mainly documentation fixes
Wed, 02 May 2007 15:31:17 +0000 (2007-05-02)
changeset 4804e2c9394c7da
parent 479 7a651cb19690
child 481 31196a98699c
Mainly documentation fixes
     1.1 --- a/aboutdialog.cpp	Wed Apr 25 16:02:55 2007 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/aboutdialog.cpp	Wed May 02 15:31:17 2007 +0000
     1.3 @@ -44,11 +44,14 @@
     1.4  		"</ul>"		
     1.5  	"<li> Credits " 
     1.6  	"<ul>"
     1.7 -	"<li>Jakob Hilmer for image drag and drop, &quot;About vym&quot; window patch </li>"
     1.8 -	"<li>Thomas Schraitle for the stylesheet  used for XHTML-export </li>"
     1.9 +	"<li>Peter Adams for documentation proofreading and polishing</li>"
    1.10 +	"<li>Jakob Hilmer for image drag and drop in 1.8.1, &quot;About vym&quot; window patch </li>"
    1.11 +	"<li>Thomas Schraitle for the stylesheet  used for XHTML-export and help with XML processing in general</li>"
    1.12  	"<li>Debianization by Christoph Thielecke and Steffen Joeris</li>"
    1.13 -	"<li>Ken Wimer and Olaf Hering for Mac support</li>"
    1.14  	"<li>Matt from <a href=\"\"></a> for <a href=\"\">Taskjuggler</a> export</li>"
    1.15 +	"<li>Olaf Hering for support with my Powerbook</li>"
    1.16 +	"<li>All the guys at Trolltech for their Qt toolkit</li>"
    1.17 +	"<li>All the guys at SuSE for their Linux and support, e.g. to get Linux running on PowerPC and also Macbooks</li>"
    1.18  	"</ul>"
    1.19  	"</li>");
    1.20      credits->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Plain );
     2.1 --- a/branchpropwindow.cpp	Wed Apr 25 16:02:55 2007 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/branchpropwindow.cpp	Wed May 02 15:31:17 2007 +0000
     2.3 @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
     2.5  extern Settings settings;
     2.7 -BranchPropertyWindow::BranchPropertyWindow (QWidget *parent):QDialog(parent)
     2.8 +BranchPropertyWindow::BranchPropertyWindow (QWidget *parent): QDialog (parent)
     2.9  {
    2.10  	ui.setupUi (this);
    2.12 @@ -22,13 +22,25 @@
    2.13      pix.fill (penColor);
    2.14  	ui.framePenColorButton->setPixmap (pix);
    2.15  	ui.frameBrushColorButton->setPixmap (pix);
    2.16 +
    2.17 +
    2.18 +	// Load Settings
    2.19 +	//FIXME setSatelliteName ( "propertyWindow" );
    2.20 +	resize (settings.value ( "/satellite/propertywindow/geometry/size", QSize(450,600)).toSize());
    2.21 +	move   (settings.value ( "/satellite/propertywindow/geometry/pos", QPoint (250,50)).toPoint());
    2.22 +	
    2.23 +	if (settings.value ( "/satellite/propertywindow/showWithMain",true).toBool())
    2.24 +		show();
    2.25 +	else	
    2.26 +		hide();
    2.27 +
    2.28  }
    2.30  BranchPropertyWindow::~BranchPropertyWindow ()
    2.31  {
    2.32 -	settings.setValue( "/branchpropertywindow/geometry/size", size() );
    2.33 -	settings.setValue( "/branchpropertywindow/geometry/pos", pos() );
    2.34 -	//settings.setValue( "/branchpropertywindow/showWithMain",showWithMain());	//FIXME add this!
    2.35 +	settings.setValue( "/satellite/propertywindow/geometry/size", size() );
    2.36 +	settings.setValue( "/satellite/propertywindow/geometry/pos", pos() );
    2.37 +
    2.38  }
    2.40  void BranchPropertyWindow::setBranch (BranchObj *bo)
    2.41 @@ -49,13 +61,15 @@
    2.42  			ui.colorGroupBox->setEnabled (false);
    2.43  			ui.framePaddingSpinBox->setEnabled (false);
    2.44  			ui.frameWidthSpinBox->setEnabled (false);
    2.45 +			ui.framePaddingLabel->setEnabled (false);
    2.46 +			ui.frameBorderLabel->setEnabled (false);
    2.47  		} else	
    2.48  		{
    2.49  			penColor=bo->getFramePenColor();
    2.50  			brushColor=bo->getFrameBrushColor();
    2.51  			QPixmap pix( 16,16);
    2.52  			pix.fill (penColor);
    2.53 -			ui.frameBrushColorButton->setPixmap (pix);
    2.54 +			ui.framePenColorButton->setPixmap (pix);
    2.55  			pix.fill (brushColor);
    2.56  			ui.frameBrushColorButton->setPixmap (pix);
    2.57  			ui.colorGroupBox->setEnabled (true);
    2.58 @@ -63,6 +77,8 @@
    2.59  			ui.framePaddingSpinBox->setValue (bo->getFramePadding());
    2.60  			ui.frameWidthSpinBox->setEnabled (true);
    2.61  			ui.frameWidthSpinBox->setValue (bo->getFrameBorderWidth());
    2.62 +			ui.framePaddingLabel->setEnabled (true);
    2.63 +			ui.frameBorderLabel->setEnabled (true);
    2.65  			switch (t)
    2.66  			{
    2.67 @@ -114,12 +130,15 @@
    2.68  void BranchPropertyWindow::frameTypeChanged (int i)
    2.69  {
    2.70  	if (mapEditor)
    2.71 +	{
    2.72  		switch (i)
    2.73  		{
    2.74  			case 0: mapEditor->setFrameType (FrameObj::NoFrame); break;
    2.75  			case 1: mapEditor->setFrameType (FrameObj::Rectangle); break;
    2.76  			case 2: mapEditor->setFrameType (FrameObj::Ellipse); break;
    2.77  		}
    2.78 +		setBranch (branch);
    2.79 +	}	
    2.80  }
    2.82  void BranchPropertyWindow::framePenColorClicked()
    2.83 @@ -174,6 +193,15 @@
    2.84  	if (mapEditor) mapEditor->setIncludeImagesHor (i);
    2.85  }
    2.87 +void BranchPropertyWindow::closeEvent( QCloseEvent* ce )
    2.88 +{
    2.89 +    ce->accept();	// can be reopened with show()
    2.90 +	hide();
    2.91 +	emit (windowClosed() );
    2.92 +    return;
    2.93 +}
    2.94 +
    2.95 +
    2.96  void BranchPropertyWindow::connectSignals()
    2.97  {
    2.98  	// Frame
    2.99 @@ -211,7 +239,7 @@
   2.101  void BranchPropertyWindow::disconnectSignals()
   2.102  {
   2.103 -	// Frame
   2.104 +	// Frame 
   2.105  	disconnect ( ui.frameTypeCombo, 0,0,0);
   2.106  	disconnect ( ui.framePenColorButton, 0,0,0);
   2.107  	disconnect ( ui.framePaddingSpinBox, 0,0,0);