# HG changeset patch
# User František Kučera <franta-hg@frantovo.cz>
# Date 1555791864 -7200
# Node ID 5454e8a0c53edf1778da6b4a4e112b0fb019541c
# Parent  66728b983b4130c8f17090c7602eab900373a687
use variables in clientSubmitBackupRequest

diff -r 66728b983b41 -r 5454e8a0c53e vcs-backup.sh
--- a/vcs-backup.sh	Sat Apr 20 22:17:38 2019 +0200
+++ b/vcs-backup.sh	Sat Apr 20 22:24:24 2019 +0200
@@ -78,13 +78,14 @@
 # $1 = VCS type: hg, git
 # $2 = URL
 # $3 = "public" or "private" (default), whether the repository should be available through the public web interface
+# $4 = "clone" (optional), if present, will also clone the backup locally
 vcs_backup_public_clientSubmitBackupRequest() {
 	if isValidTypeAndURL "$1" "$2"; then
 		loadConfigFile ~/.config/vcs-backup/client.cfg
 		${VCS_BACKUP_SSH_COMMAND[@]} vcs-backup.sh serverSubmitBackupRequest "$1" "$2" "$3" "$4"
 		if [[ "$4" == "clone" ]]; then
-			if   [[ "$1" == "hg"  ]]; then  hg clone "ssh://${VCS_BACKUP_SERVER}//mnt/data/current/$1/$(urlToRelativeDirectoryPath $2)";
-			elif [[ "$1" == "git" ]]; then git clone "ssh://${VCS_BACKUP_SERVER}//mnt/data/current/$1/$(urlToRelativeDirectoryPath $2)";
+			if   [[ "$1" == "hg"  ]]; then  hg clone "ssh://${VCS_BACKUP_SERVER}/$VCS_BACKUP_CURRENT_DIR/$1/$(urlToRelativeDirectoryPath $2)";
+			elif [[ "$1" == "git" ]]; then git clone "ssh://${VCS_BACKUP_SERVER}/$VCS_BACKUP_CURRENT_DIR/$1/$(urlToRelativeDirectoryPath $2)";