Template Usage

    Mercurial allows you to customize output of commands through
    templates. You can either pass in a template or select an existing
    template-style from the command line, via the --template option.
    You can customize output for any "log-like" command: log,
    outgoing, incoming, tip, parents, and heads.
    Some built-in styles are packaged with Mercurial. These can be listed
    with :hg:`log --template list`. Example usage::
        $ hg log -r1.0::1.1 --template changelog
    A template is a piece of text, with markup to invoke variable
        $ hg log -r1 --template "{node}\n"
    Strings in curly braces are called keywords. The availability of
    keywords depends on the exact context of the templater. These
    keywords are usually available for templating a log-like command:
    :author: String. The unmodified author of the changeset.
    :bisect: String. The changeset bisection status.
    :bookmarks: List of strings. Any bookmarks associated with the
    :branch: String. The name of the branch on which the changeset was
    :children: List of strings. The children of the changeset.
    :currentbookmark: String. The active bookmark, if it is
      associated with the changeset
    :date: Date information. The date when the changeset was committed.
    :desc: String. The text of the changeset description.
    :diffstat: String. Statistics of changes with the following format:
      "modified files: +added/-removed lines"
    :extras: List of dicts with key, value entries of the 'extras'
      field of this changeset.
    :file_adds: List of strings. Files added by this changeset.
    :file_copies: List of strings. Files copied in this changeset with
      their sources.
    :file_copies_switch: List of strings. Like "file_copies" but displayed
      only if the --copied switch is set.
    :file_dels: List of strings. Files removed by this changeset.
    :file_mods: List of strings. Files modified by this changeset.
    :files: List of strings. All files modified, added, or removed by this
    :latesttag: String. Most recent global tag in the ancestors of this
    :latesttagdistance: Integer. Longest path to the latest tag.
    :node: String. The changeset identification hash, as a 40 hexadecimal
      digit string.
    :p1node: String. The identification hash of the changeset's first parent,
      as a 40 digit hexadecimal string. If the changeset has no parents, all
      digits are 0.
    :p1rev: Integer. The repository-local revision number of the changeset's
      first parent, or -1 if the changeset has no parents.
    :p2node: String. The identification hash of the changeset's second
      parent, as a 40 digit hexadecimal string. If the changeset has no second
      parent, all digits are 0.
    :p2rev: Integer. The repository-local revision number of the changeset's
      second parent, or -1 if the changeset has no second parent.
    :parents: List of strings. The parents of the changeset in "rev:node"
      format. If the changeset has only one "natural" parent (the predecessor
      revision) nothing is shown.
    :phase: String. The changeset phase name.
    :phaseidx: Integer. The changeset phase index.
    :rev: Integer. The repository-local changeset revision number.
    :subrepos: List of strings. Updated subrepositories in the changeset.
    :tags: List of strings. Any tags associated with the changeset.
    The "date" keyword does not produce human-readable output. If you
    want to use a date in your output, you can use a filter to process
    it. Filters are functions which return a string based on the input
    variable. Be sure to use the stringify filter first when you're
    applying a string-input filter to a list-like input variable.
    You can also use a chain of filters to get the desired output::
       $ hg tip --template "{date|isodate}\n"
       2008-08-21 18:22 +0000
    List of filters:
    :addbreaks: Any text. Add an XHTML "<br />" tag before the end of
      every line except the last.
    :age: Date. Returns a human-readable date/time difference between the
      given date/time and the current date/time.
    :basename: Any text. Treats the text as a path, and returns the last
      component of the path after splitting by the path separator
      (ignoring trailing separators). For example, "foo/bar/baz" becomes
      "baz" and "foo/bar//" becomes "bar".
    :date: Date. Returns a date in a Unix date format, including the
      timezone: "Mon Sep 04 15:13:13 2006 0700".
    :domain: Any text. Finds the first string that looks like an email
      address, and extracts just the domain component. Example: ``User
      <user@example.com>`` becomes ``example.com``.
    :email: Any text. Extracts the first string that looks like an email
      address. Example: ``User <user@example.com>`` becomes
    :emailuser: Any text. Returns the user portion of an email address.
    :escape: Any text. Replaces the special XML/XHTML characters "&", "<"
      and ">" with XML entities, and filters out NUL characters.
    :fill68: Any text. Wraps the text to fit in 68 columns.
    :fill76: Any text. Wraps the text to fit in 76 columns.
    :firstline: Any text. Returns the first line of text.
    :hex: Any text. Convert a binary Mercurial node identifier into
      its long hexadecimal representation.
    :hgdate: Date. Returns the date as a pair of numbers: "1157407993
      25200" (Unix timestamp, timezone offset).
    :isodate: Date. Returns the date in ISO 8601 format: "2009-08-18 13:00
    :isodatesec: Date. Returns the date in ISO 8601 format, including
      seconds: "2009-08-18 13:00:13 +0200". See also the rfc3339date
    :localdate: Date. Converts a date to local date.
    :nonempty: Any text. Returns '(none)' if the string is empty.
    :obfuscate: Any text. Returns the input text rendered as a sequence of
      XML entities.
    :person: Any text. Returns the name before an email address,
      interpreting it as per RFC 5322.
    :rfc3339date: Date. Returns a date using the Internet date format
      specified in RFC 3339: "2009-08-18T13:00:13+02:00".
    :rfc822date: Date. Returns a date using the same format used in email
      headers: "Tue, 18 Aug 2009 13:00:13 +0200".
    :short: Changeset hash. Returns the short form of a changeset hash,
      i.e. a 12 hexadecimal digit string.
    :shortbisect: Any text. Treats `text` as a bisection status, and
      returns a single-character representing the status (G: good, B: bad,
      S: skipped, U: untested, I: ignored). Returns single space if `text`
      is not a valid bisection status.
    :shortdate: Date. Returns a date like "2006-09-18".
    :splitlines: Any text. Split text into a list of lines.
    :stringify: Any type. Turns the value into text by converting values into
      text and concatenating them.
    :strip: Any text. Strips all leading and trailing whitespace.
    :stripdir: Treat the text as path and strip a directory level, if
      possible. For example, "foo" and "foo/bar" becomes "foo".
    :tabindent: Any text. Returns the text, with every non-empty line
      except the first starting with a tab character.
    :urlescape: Any text. Escapes all "special" characters. For example,
      "foo bar" becomes "foo%20bar".
    :user: Any text. Returns a short representation of a user name or email
    Note that a filter is nothing more than a function call, i.e.
    ``expr|filter`` is equivalent to ``filter(expr)``.
    In addition to filters, there are some basic built-in functions:
    - date(date[, fmt])
    - fill(text[, width])
    - get(dict, key)
    - if(expr, then[, else])
    - ifcontains(expr, expr, then[, else])
    - ifeq(expr, expr, then[, else])
    - join(list, sep)
    - label(label, expr)
    - pad(text, width[, fillchar, right])
    - revset(query[, formatargs])
    - rstdoc(text, style)
    - shortest(node)
    - startswith(string, text)
    - strip(text[, chars])
    - sub(pat, repl, expr)
    - word(number, text[, separator])
    Also, for any expression that returns a list, there is a list operator:
    - expr % "{template}"
    Some sample command line templates:
    - Format lists, e.g. files::
       $ hg log -r 0 --template "files:\n{files % '  {file}\n'}"
    - Join the list of files with a ", "::
       $ hg log -r 0 --template "files: {join(files, ', ')}\n"
    - Modify each line of a commit description::
       $ hg log --template "{splitlines(desc) % '**** {line}\n'}"
    - Format date::
       $ hg log -r 0 --template "{date(date, '%Y')}\n"
    - Output the description set to a fill-width of 30::
       $ hg log -r 0 --template "{fill(desc, '30')}"
    - Use a conditional to test for the default branch::
       $ hg log -r 0 --template "{ifeq(branch, 'default', 'on the main branch',
       'on branch {branch}')}\n"
    - Append a newline if not empty::
       $ hg tip --template "{if(author, '{author}\n')}"
    - Label the output for use with the color extension::
       $ hg log -r 0 --template "{label('changeset.{phase}', node|short)}\n"
    - Invert the firstline filter, i.e. everything but the first line::
       $ hg log -r 0 --template "{sub(r'^.*\n?\n?', '', desc)}\n"
    - Display the contents of the 'extra' field, one per line::
       $ hg log -r 0 --template "{join(extras, '\n')}\n"
    - Mark the current bookmark with '*'::
       $ hg log --template "{bookmarks % '{bookmark}{ifeq(bookmark, current, \"*\")} '}\n"
    - Mark the working copy parent with '@'::
       $ hg log --template "{ifcontains(rev, revset('.'), '@')}\n"
    - Show only commit descriptions that start with "template"::
       $ hg log --template "{startswith(\"template\", firstline(desc))}\n"
    - Print the first word of each line of a commit message::
       $ hg log --template "{word(\"0\", desc)}\n"