hg incoming [-p] [-n] [-M] [-f] [-r REV]... [--bundle FILENAME] [SOURCE]

aliases: in

show new changesets found in source

    Show new changesets found in the specified path/URL or the default
    pull location. These are the changesets that would have been pulled
    if a pull at the time you issued this command.

    For remote repository, using --bundle avoids downloading the
    changesets twice if the incoming is followed by a pull.

    See pull for valid source format details.

    .. container:: verbose


      - show incoming changes with patches and full description::

          hg incoming -vp

      - show incoming changes excluding merges, store a bundle::

          hg in -vpM --bundle incoming.hg
          hg pull incoming.hg

      - briefly list changes inside a bundle::

          hg in changes.hg -T "{desc|firstline}\n"

    Returns 0 if there are incoming changes, 1 otherwise.


 == =================== ==============================================================
 -f --force             run even if remote repository is unrelated                    
 -n --newest-first      show newest record first                                      
    --bundle FILE       file to store the bundles into                                
 -r --rev REV [+]       a remote changeset intended to be added                       
 -B --bookmarks         compare bookmarks                                             
 -b --branch BRANCH [+] a specific branch you would like to pull                      
 -p --patch             show patch                                                    
 -g --git               use git extended diff format                                  
 -l --limit NUM         limit number of changes displayed                             
 -M --no-merges         do not show merges                                            
    --stat              output diffstat-style summary of changes                      
 -G --graph             show the revision DAG                                         
    --style STYLE       display using template map file (DEPRECATED)                  
 -T --template TEMPLATE display with template                                         
 -e --ssh CMD           specify ssh command to use                                    
    --remotecmd CMD     specify hg command to run on the remote side                  
    --insecure          do not verify server certificate (ignoring web.cacerts config)
 -S --subrepos          recurse into subrepositories                                  
 == =================== ==============================================================

[+] marked option can be specified multiple times

global options:

 == =================== ==================================================================
 -R --repository REPO   repository root directory or name of overlay bundle file          
    --cwd DIR           change working directory                                          
 -y --noninteractive    do not prompt, automatically pick the first choice for all prompts
 -q --quiet             suppress output                                                   
 -v --verbose           enable additional output                                          
    --config CONFIG [+] set/override config option (use 'section.name=value')             
    --debug             enable debugging output                                           
    --debugger          start debugger                                                    
    --encoding ENCODE   set the charset encoding (default: UTF-8)                         
    --encodingmode MODE set the charset encoding mode (default: strict)                   
    --traceback         always print a traceback on exception                             
    --time              time how long the command takes                                   
    --profile           print command execution profile                                   
    --version           output version information and exit                               
 -h --help              display help and exit                                             
    --hidden            consider hidden changesets                                        
 == =================== ==================================================================

[+] marked option can be specified multiple times