franta-hg@15: /** franta-hg@15: * Free Telco Dictionary franta-hg@15: * Copyright © 2013 František Kučera ( franta-hg@15: * franta-hg@15: * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify franta-hg@15: * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by franta-hg@15: * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or franta-hg@15: * (at your option) any later version. franta-hg@15: * franta-hg@15: * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, franta-hg@15: * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of franta-hg@15: * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the franta-hg@15: * GNU General Public License for more details. franta-hg@15: * franta-hg@15: * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License franta-hg@15: * along with this program. If not, see . franta-hg@15: */ franta-hg@15: package cz.frantovo.telco.dictionary; franta-hg@15: franta-hg@15: import static cz.frantovo.telco.dictionary.Functions.*; franta-hg@15: import java.util.Iterator; franta-hg@15: import java.util.Map; franta-hg@15: import java.util.Map.Entry; franta-hg@15: import javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext; franta-hg@15: franta-hg@15: /** franta-hg@15: * franta-hg@15: * @author Ing. František Kučera ( franta-hg@15: */ franta-hg@15: public class MappedNamespaceContext implements NamespaceContext { franta-hg@15: franta-hg@15: /** franta-hg@15: * maps prexix to namespace URI franta-hg@15: */ franta-hg@15: private Map prefixMap; franta-hg@15: franta-hg@15: public MappedNamespaceContext(Map prefixMap) { franta-hg@15: this.prefixMap = prefixMap; franta-hg@15: } franta-hg@15: franta-hg@15: @Override franta-hg@15: public String getNamespaceURI(String prefix) { franta-hg@15: return prefixMap.get(prefix); franta-hg@15: } franta-hg@15: franta-hg@15: @Override franta-hg@15: public String getPrefix(String xmlns) { franta-hg@15: for (Entry e : prefixMap.entrySet()) { franta-hg@15: if (equalz(xmlns, e.getValue())) { franta-hg@15: return e.getKey(); franta-hg@15: } franta-hg@15: } franta-hg@15: return null; franta-hg@15: } franta-hg@15: franta-hg@15: /** franta-hg@15: * TODO: support multiple prefixes franta-hg@15: */ franta-hg@15: @Override franta-hg@15: public Iterator getPrefixes(String xmlns) { franta-hg@15: return new OneItemIterator(getPrefix(xmlns)); franta-hg@15: } franta-hg@15: }