2014-01-04 František Kučera XHTML formatter: CSS and other improvements v_0
2014-01-04 František Kučera Basic XHTML formatter v_0
2014-01-04 František Kučera Properties: setLastDefaults() v_0
2014-01-04 František Kučera XML formatter fix: line breaks at the end of the text will be eaten – if you need them, use indentText = false v_0
2014-01-04 František Kučera XML formatter: optional label attribute in column elements v_0
2014-01-04 František Kučera XML formatter: option for preserve whitespace or indent text with line breaks v_0
2014-01-04 František Kučera XML formatter: rows, columns, updates results v_0
2014-01-04 František Kučera XML formatter: abstract + part of basic XML formatter v_0
2014-01-04 František Kučera new function: foHex() v_0
2014-01-04 František Kučera Colors can be definitively turned off in constructor v_0
2014-01-04 František Kučera better notNull() function v_0
2014-01-03 František Kučera tabular – todo v_0
2014-01-03 František Kučera TabularWrappingFormatter – first version v_0
2014-01-02 František Kučera customizable classpath v_0
2014-01-02 František Kučera package and copy XSLT v_0
2014-01-02 František Kučera XML schemas licenses v_0
2014-01-02 František Kučera XSLT for viewing config files in a web browser (Firefox, rekonq etc.) v_0
2014-01-02 František Kučera example-config.xml moved to xml dir: symlink v_0
2014-01-02 František Kučera example-config.xml moved to xml dir v_0
2014-01-02 František Kučera Pack XSD and RNC into .deb v_0
2014-01-02 František Kučera basic XSD v_0
2014-01-02 František Kučera Starter script: create symlinks for XSD and Relax NG XML schemas v_0
2014-01-02 František Kučera Relax NG schema for XML configuration v_0
2014-01-02 František Kučera Debian package: interim build script for .deb packages v_0
2014-01-02 František Kučera Starter script: systemwide JAR location (user can override it in environment.sh by JAR variable) v_0
2014-01-02 František Kučera Bash completion: no 'have sql-dk' test v_0
2014-01-01 František Kučera version info: copyright and contact v_0
2014-01-01 František Kučera DB credentials can be CLI options + log warning: insecure v_0
2014-01-01 František Kučera database/formatter properties also as CLI options v_0
2014-01-01 František Kučera use database properties v_0
2013-12-31 František Kučera cloneable property and properties v_0
2013-12-31 František Kučera formatter/database properties v_0
2013-12-30 František Kučera TabularFormatter: values with line ends will not break our tables v_0
2013-12-30 František Kučera Load ~/.sql-dk/environment.sh if exists v_0
2013-12-29 František Kučera Formatter is now AutoCloseable – so have chance to do some clean up and close the stream, if some error occurs (e.g. lost connection during result set reading) v_0
2013-12-29 František Kučera typo in help generator v_0
2013-12-29 František Kučera Data types help: not all available types are currently supported (will be later by type converters) v_0
2013-12-29 František Kučera Value formatting: Object → String conversion is job for particular formatter v_0
2013-12-29 František Kučera SQL warnings are already printed to the log v_0
2013-12-29 František Kučera basic generated help v_0
2013-12-29 František Kučera more precise exit/error codes v_0
2013-12-28 František Kučera basic help v_0
2013-12-28 František Kučera Type names in --types option are case insensitive v_0
2013-12-28 František Kučera support all types from java.sql.Types.Types v_0
2013-12-28 František Kučera Formatter: one more level: writeStartBatch() + writeEndBatch() which allows multiple databases on output v_0
2013-12-28 František Kučera TabularFormatter: no nonbreakable spaces in table cell padding v_0
2013-12-28 František Kučera InfoLister (configuration listings) will use TabularPrefetchingFormatter as default v_0
2013-12-28 František Kučera TabularPrefetchingFormatter: prefetch whole result set to avoid value overflow the cell v_0
2013-12-27 František Kučera TabularFormatter: support for value trim (if longer than cell size) v_0
2013-12-27 František Kučera log SQLWarnings v_0
2013-12-27 František Kučera sql-dk startup shell script v_0
2013-12-27 František Kučera bash completion: DB name for --test-connection v_0
2013-12-27 František Kučera bash completion: license v_0
2013-12-27 František Kučera bash completion: use dynamic completion derived from configuration if available v_0
2013-12-27 František Kučera bash completion: perl + bash + ant for generating completion script v_0
2013-12-27 František Kučera bash completion: generate helper files with databases and formatters from configuration v_0
2013-12-27 František Kučera more bash completion tags v_0
2013-12-27 František Kučera Possibly missing parameter: ignore empty „parameter names“ (caused e.g. by „::text“ typecasts) v_0
2013-12-27 František Kučera tags for BASH completion v_0
2013-12-27 František Kučera support for ACSII-nostalgia tables v_0
2013-12-26 František Kučera throw ConfigurationException instead of returning null, if database or formatter of given name is not configured v_0
2013-12-26 František Kučera allow multiple databases connection test in --test-connection v_0
2013-12-26 František Kučera formatted output for: --test-connection v_0
2013-12-26 František Kučera formatted output for: --list-formatters --list-databases v_0
2013-12-26 František Kučera allow custom formatters also for JUST_SHOW_INFO commands v_0
2013-12-26 František Kučera use formatter also for printing info! --list-types v_0
2013-12-26 František Kučera InfoLister, InfoType: switch → enum v_0
2013-12-26 František Kučera SQLType enum wrapper for java.sql.Types v_0
2013-12-26 František Kučera option --list-formatters – list configured and built-in formatters v_0
2013-12-26 František Kučera option --list-databases list configured databases v_0
2013-12-26 František Kučera option --test-connection – tests connection to given database v_0
2013-12-26 František Kučera use System.out if mode is JUST_SHOW_INFO (thus user can easily read license or help using … | less) v_0
2013-12-25 František Kučera validation: test if prefix/suffix are valid regular expressions v_0
2013-12-25 František Kučera types update v_0
2013-12-25 František Kučera expect invalid regexp in prefix/suffix and throw wrapped exception → better exit code v_0
2013-12-25 František Kučera SingleValueFormatter v_0
2013-12-25 František Kučera logging: print stacktraces if level is less than INFO v_0
2013-12-25 František Kučera logging: configurable level v_0
2013-12-25 František Kučera Log level: FINE → INFO v_0
2013-12-25 František Kučera exit codes: 0 = success; 4 = SQL error; 3 = other expected error; 1 = unexpected error (implicit 1) v_0
2013-12-24 František Kučera colorful logging v_0
2013-12-24 František Kučera named parameters: prefix/suffix are now regular expressions v_0
2013-12-24 František Kučera more functions unit tests v_0
2013-12-24 František Kučera new option --data-named (then follows name/value pairs without prefix/suffix) v_0
2013-12-24 František Kučera log warning: Possibly missing parameters v_0
2013-12-24 František Kučera named parameters: better exceptions v_0
2013-12-24 František Kučera support named parameters v_0
2013-12-24 František Kučera print CLI options problems if any v_0
2013-12-23 František Kučera fix default suffix v_0
2013-12-23 František Kučera function escapeRegEx() v_0
2013-12-23 František Kučera fix test v_0
2013-12-23 František Kučera named parameters: suffix (default is empty) v_0
2013-12-23 František Kučera TabularFormatter: also booleans will be aligned to the right v_0
2013-12-23 František Kučera DatabaseConnection implements AutoCloseable v_0
2013-12-23 František Kučera No special formatting for generated keys. Use 'INSERT … RETURNING id' or 'INSERT … RETURNING *' to get generated keys. v_0
2013-12-23 František Kučera TabularFormatter: print colorful tables\! v_0
2013-12-23 František Kučera TabularFormatter: basic column padding v_0
2013-12-23 František Kučera String padding functions: lpad(), rpad() v_0
2013-12-23 František Kučera support SQL commands returning more ResultSets + remove COMMAND_TYPE (type is now derived from result returned from SQL – it is not needed to specify the type on CLI) v_0
2013-12-22 František Kučera fix error message v_0
2013-12-22 František Kučera accept SQL commands returning more ResultSets v_0
2013-12-22 František Kučera first working version v_0
2013-12-22 František Kučera configuration loading from XML v_0
2013-12-22 František Kučera TabularFormatter: basics v_0
2013-12-22 František Kučera ColorfulPrintWriter: colorz, wow v_0
2013-12-22 František Kučera class for xmlns constants v_0
2013-12-22 František Kučera more configuration, more JAXB, more formatters v_0
2013-12-21 František Kučera DatabaseConnection: connect JDBC v_0
2013-12-21 František Kučera DatabaseConnection: just change package v_0
2013-12-21 František Kučera configuration basics v_0
2013-12-20 František Kučera formatter: currentRowCount v_0
2013-12-20 František Kučera formatter: FormatterContext v_0
2013-12-20 František Kučera formatter: ColumnDescriptor v_0
2013-12-20 František Kučera formatter: interface and abstract class v_0
2013-12-20 František Kučera CLI: --help is default option v_0
2013-12-16 František Kučera refactor, configuration v_0
2013-12-16 František Kučera help option: --help – basics v_0
2013-12-16 František Kučera version info: option --version v_0
2013-12-16 František Kučera license option: --license v_0
2013-12-16 František Kučera license: GNU GPLv3+ v_0
2013-12-16 František Kučera show info basics: list databases + test connection v_0
2013-12-16 František Kučera show info basics v_0
2013-12-16 František Kučera fix: try/catch v_0
2013-12-15 František Kučera unit-test: names, types, prefix v_0
2013-12-15 František Kučera just indent v_0
2013-12-15 František Kučera unit-test: types v_0
2013-12-15 František Kučera better exceptions v_0
2013-12-15 František Kučera more exceptions v_0
2013-12-15 František Kučera more unit-tests v_0
2013-12-15 František Kučera first unit-test v_0
2013-12-15 František Kučera more OOP v_0
2013-12-15 František Kučera data/types CLI options parsing v_0
2013-12-15 František Kučera name prefix v_0
2013-12-15 František Kučera more code v_0
2013-12-15 František Kučera WOW some classes LOL; TODO: refactor v_0
2013-12-12 František Kučera empty netbeans project v_0