franta-hg@112: #!/bin/bash franta-hg@112: franta-hg@112: # SQL-DK franta-hg@112: # Copyright © 2013 František Kučera ( franta-hg@112: # franta-hg@112: # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify franta-hg@112: # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by franta-hg@112: # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or franta-hg@112: # (at your option) any later version. franta-hg@112: # franta-hg@112: # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, franta-hg@112: # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of franta-hg@112: # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the franta-hg@112: # GNU General Public License for more details. franta-hg@112: # franta-hg@112: # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License franta-hg@112: # along with this program. If not, see . franta-hg@112: franta-hg@112: franta-hg@112: # TODO: build .deb package properly; without equivs franta-hg@112: franta-hg@112: mkdir -p TMP/usr/bin/ && franta-hg@112: mkdir -p TMP/usr/share/sql-dk/ && franta-hg@112: mkdir -p TMP/etc/bash_completion.d/ && franta-hg@112: franta-hg@112: pushd TMP && franta-hg@112: franta-hg@112: cp ../../../scripts/ sql-dk && franta-hg@112: cp ../../../java/sql-dk/dist/sql-dk.jar sql-dk.jar && franta-hg@112: cp ../../../java/sql-dk/dist/ SQL-DK && # TODO: should be sql-dk – name conflict with sql-dk in /usr/bin/ (equivs bug) franta-hg@112: franta-hg@112: chmod 755 sql-dk && franta-hg@112: chmod 755 SQL-DK && franta-hg@112: franta-hg@112: EMAIL=`echo c3FsLWRrLmRlYmlhbkBwdWIuZnJhbnRvdm8uY3oK | base64 -d` && franta-hg@112: NAME="Ing. František Kučera <$EMAIL>" && franta-hg@112: CONTROL_FILE="equivs-control" && franta-hg@112: COPYRIGHT_FILE="copyright" && franta-hg@112: URL="" && franta-hg@112: VERSION="0.8" && franta-hg@112: franta-hg@112: echo "Section: database franta-hg@112: Priority: optional franta-hg@112: Homepage: $URL franta-hg@112: Standards-Version: 3.9.2 franta-hg@112: franta-hg@112: Package: sql-dk franta-hg@112: Version: $VERSION franta-hg@112: Maintainer: $NAME franta-hg@112: Depends: java7-runtime-headless | java7-runtime franta-hg@112: Suggests: libpostgresql-jdbc-java,libmysql-java franta-hg@112: Copyright: $COPYRIGHT_FILE franta-hg@112: # TODO: Extra-Files: config.xsd, config.rnc franta-hg@112: Files: sql-dk /usr/bin/ franta-hg@112: sql-dk.jar /usr/share/sql-dk/ franta-hg@112: SQL-DK /etc/bash_completion.d/ franta-hg@112: Description: SQL batch client franta-hg@112: SQL-DK is and command-line client for relational databases." > $CONTROL_FILE && franta-hg@112: franta-hg@112: echo "Format: franta-hg@112: Upstream-Name: SQL-DK franta-hg@112: Source: franta-hg@112: franta-hg@112: Files: * franta-hg@112: Copyright: Copyright 2014 $NAME franta-hg@112: License: GPL-3+ franta-hg@112: This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify franta-hg@112: it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by franta-hg@112: the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or franta-hg@112: (at your option) any later version. franta-hg@112: . franta-hg@112: This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, franta-hg@112: but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of franta-hg@112: MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the franta-hg@112: GNU General Public License for more details. franta-hg@112: . franta-hg@112: You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License franta-hg@112: along with this program. If not, see . franta-hg@112: . franta-hg@112: On Debian systems, the full text of the GNU General Public franta-hg@112: License version 3 can be found in the file franta-hg@112: \`/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3'." > $COPYRIGHT_FILE && franta-hg@112: franta-hg@112: equivs-build $CONTROL_FILE && franta-hg@112: franta-hg@112: lintian sql-dk_*.deb && franta-hg@112: franta-hg@112: popd && franta-hg@112: franta-hg@112: mv TMP/sql-dk_*.deb . && franta-hg@112: rm -rf TMP/