The StorageBackendException is catched two times so that the user see the "500 internal server error" only at the second catch (probably fixes #5).
7 # Create JAR files; this cannot be done with SCons,
8 # because Scons looses inner classes.
9 jar -cf sonews.jar -C classes/ org/
10 jar -ufe sonews.jar org.sonews.Main
11 jar -cf test.jar -C classes/ test/
12 jar -ufe test.jar test.TestBench
13 jar -cf sonews-helpers.jar helpers/
15 # Create faked root for packaging
16 sudo rm -r $PACKAGE_ROOT/
17 mkdir -p $PACKAGE_ROOT/usr/share/java
18 mkdir -p $PACKAGE_ROOT/usr/bin
19 mkdir -p $PACKAGE_ROOT/etc/sonews
20 mkdir -p $PACKAGE_ROOT/usr/share/doc/sonews/
22 cp helpers/sonews $PACKAGE_ROOT/usr/bin/sonews
23 cp helpers/sonews.conf.sample $PACKAGE_ROOT/etc/sonews/sonews.conf
24 cp helpers/copyright $PACKAGE_ROOT/usr/share/doc/sonews/
25 cp sonews*.jar $PACKAGE_ROOT/usr/share/java/
27 sudo chown root:root -R $PACKAGE_ROOT/
29 dpkg-deb --build $PACKAGE_ROOT
32 sudo rm -r $PACKAGE_ROOT