hg clone [OPTION]... SOURCE [DEST]

make a copy of an existing repository

    Create a copy of an existing repository in a new directory.

    If no destination directory name is specified, it defaults to the
    basename of the source.

    The location of the source is added to the new repository's
    ``.hg/hgrc`` file, as the default to be used for future pulls.

    Only local paths and ``ssh://`` URLs are supported as
    destinations. For ``ssh://`` destinations, no working directory or
    ``.hg/hgrc`` will be created on the remote side.

    To pull only a subset of changesets, specify one or more revisions
    identifiers with -r/--rev or branches with -b/--branch. The
    resulting clone will contain only the specified changesets and
    their ancestors. These options (or 'clone src#rev dest') imply
    --pull, even for local source repositories. Note that specifying a
    tag will include the tagged changeset but not the changeset
    containing the tag.

    If the source repository has a bookmark called '@' set, that
    revision will be checked out in the new repository by default.

    To check out a particular version, use -u/--update, or
    -U/--noupdate to create a clone with no working directory.

    .. container:: verbose

      For efficiency, hardlinks are used for cloning whenever the
      source and destination are on the same filesystem (note this
      applies only to the repository data, not to the working
      directory). Some filesystems, such as AFS, implement hardlinking
      incorrectly, but do not report errors. In these cases, use the
      --pull option to avoid hardlinking.

      In some cases, you can clone repositories and the working
      directory using full hardlinks with ::

        $ cp -al REPO REPOCLONE

      This is the fastest way to clone, but it is not always safe. The
      operation is not atomic (making sure REPO is not modified during
      the operation is up to you) and you have to make sure your
      editor breaks hardlinks (Emacs and most Linux Kernel tools do
      so). Also, this is not compatible with certain extensions that
      place their metadata under the .hg directory, such as mq.

      Mercurial will update the working directory to the first applicable
      revision from this list:

      a) null if -U or the source repository has no changesets
      b) if -u . and the source repository is local, the first parent of
         the source repository's working directory
      c) the changeset specified with -u (if a branch name, this means the
         latest head of that branch)
      d) the changeset specified with -r
      e) the tipmost head specified with -b
      f) the tipmost head specified with the url#branch source syntax
      g) the revision marked with the '@' bookmark, if present
      h) the tipmost head of the default branch
      i) tip


      - clone a remote repository to a new directory named hg/::

          hg clone http://selenic.com/hg

      - create a lightweight local clone::

          hg clone project/ project-feature/

      - clone from an absolute path on an ssh server (note double-slash)::

          hg clone ssh://user@server//home/projects/alpha/

      - do a high-speed clone over a LAN while checking out a
        specified version::

          hg clone --uncompressed http://server/repo -u 1.5

      - create a repository without changesets after a particular revision::

          hg clone -r 04e544 experimental/ good/

      - clone (and track) a particular named branch::

          hg clone http://selenic.com/hg#stable

    See :hg:`help urls` for details on specifying URLs.

    Returns 0 on success.


 == =================== ================================================================
 -U --noupdate          the clone will include an empty working copy (only a repository)
 -u --updaterev REV     revision, tag or branch to check out                            
 -r --rev REV [+]       include the specified changeset                                 
 -b --branch BRANCH [+] clone only the specified branch                                 
    --pull              use pull protocol to copy metadata                              
    --uncompressed      use uncompressed transfer (fast over LAN)                       
 -e --ssh CMD           specify ssh command to use                                      
    --remotecmd CMD     specify hg command to run on the remote side                    
    --insecure          do not verify server certificate (ignoring web.cacerts config)  
 == =================== ================================================================

[+] marked option can be specified multiple times

global options:

 == =================== ==================================================================
 -R --repository REPO   repository root directory or name of overlay bundle file          
    --cwd DIR           change working directory                                          
 -y --noninteractive    do not prompt, automatically pick the first choice for all prompts
 -q --quiet             suppress output                                                   
 -v --verbose           enable additional output                                          
    --config CONFIG [+] set/override config option (use 'section.name=value')             
    --debug             enable debugging output                                           
    --debugger          start debugger                                                    
    --encoding ENCODE   set the charset encoding (default: UTF-8)                         
    --encodingmode MODE set the charset encoding mode (default: strict)                   
    --traceback         always print a traceback on exception                             
    --time              time how long the command takes                                   
    --profile           print command execution profile                                   
    --version           output version information and exit                               
 -h --help              display help and exit                                             
    --hidden            consider hidden changesets                                        
 == =================== ==================================================================

[+] marked option can be specified multiple times