author František Kučera <>
Sat, 28 Feb 2009 21:36:28 +0100
changeset 2 68cc9b54a153
parent 1 639991d0808a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Mavení problémy
     1 Cewolf uses Apache Maven 2 as the build system as of version 0.12.0. Maven 2 can be downloaded from
     3 To build cewolf using M2 you must first load a couple of jars into your local repository. In the cewolf/repository folder, run "mvn install." This will load gnujaxp into your M2 local repository. This only needs to be done once. All the other dependant jars are automatically downloaded by M2 from ibiblio.
     5 To build cewolf, run "mvn install" from the cewolf folder. This will build the jar and javadocs place them in /target. 
     7 To build the zip file deployed on sourceforge, run "mvn assembly:assembly" from the cewolf folder. The zip will be placed in /target. This jar will contain all the dependant jars and the source.