hg verify

verify the integrity of the repository

    Verify the integrity of the current repository.

    This will perform an extensive check of the repository's
    integrity, validating the hashes and checksums of each entry in
    the changelog, manifest, and tracked files, as well as the
    integrity of their crosslinks and indices.

    Please see http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/RepositoryCorruption
    for more information about recovery from corruption of the

    Returns 0 on success, 1 if errors are encountered.

global options:

 == =================== ==================================================================
 -R --repository REPO   repository root directory or name of overlay bundle file          
    --cwd DIR           change working directory                                          
 -y --noninteractive    do not prompt, automatically pick the first choice for all prompts
 -q --quiet             suppress output                                                   
 -v --verbose           enable additional output                                          
    --config CONFIG [+] set/override config option (use 'section.name=value')             
    --debug             enable debugging output                                           
    --debugger          start debugger                                                    
    --encoding ENCODE   set the charset encoding (default: UTF-8)                         
    --encodingmode MODE set the charset encoding mode (default: strict)                   
    --traceback         always print a traceback on exception                             
    --time              time how long the command takes                                   
    --profile           print command execution profile                                   
    --version           output version information and exit                               
 -h --help              display help and exit                                             
    --hidden            consider hidden changesets                                        
 == =================== ==================================================================

[+] marked option can be specified multiple times