ported File Menu to QT4 qt4-port
Tue, 13 Jun 2006 13:54:53 +0000 (2006-06-13)
changeset 4ec3d2962893d
parent 3 6a0342b3c519
child 5 5cfbba1dc2f8
ported File Menu to QT4
     1.1 --- a/file.cpp	Tue Jun 13 08:49:12 2006 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/file.cpp	Tue Jun 13 13:54:53 2006 +0000
     1.3 @@ -303,3 +303,38 @@
     1.4  	}	
     1.5  }
     1.7 +ImageIO::ImageIO ()
     1.8 +{
     1.9 +	// Create list with supported image types
    1.10 +	// foreach (QByteArray format, QImageWriter::supportedImageFormats()) 
    1.11 +	// imageTypes.append( tr("%1...").arg(QString(format).toUpper()));
    1.12 +	imageFilters.append ("Images (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.bmp *.ppm *.xpm *.xbm)");
    1.13 +	imageTypes.append ("PNG");
    1.14 +	imageFilters.append ("Portable Network Graphics (*.png)");
    1.15 +	imageTypes.append ("PNG");
    1.16 +	imageFilters.append ("Joint Photographic Experts Group (*.jpg)");
    1.17 +	imageTypes.append ("JPG");
    1.18 +	imageFilters.append ("Joint Photographic Experts Group (*.jpeg)");
    1.19 +	imageTypes.append ("JPG");
    1.20 +	imageFilters.append ("Windows Bitmap (*.bmp)");
    1.21 +	imageTypes.append ("BMP");
    1.22 +	imageFilters.append ("Portable Pixmap (*.ppm)");
    1.23 +	imageTypes.append ("PPM");
    1.24 +	imageFilters.append ("X11 Bitmap (*.xpm)");
    1.25 +	imageTypes.append ("XPM");
    1.26 +	imageFilters.append ("X11 Bitmap (*.xbm)");
    1.27 +	imageTypes.append ("XBM");
    1.28 +}
    1.29 +
    1.30 +QStringList ImageIO::getFilters()
    1.31 +{
    1.32 +	return imageFilters;
    1.33 +}
    1.34 +
    1.35 +QString ImageIO::getType(QString filter)
    1.36 +{
    1.37 +	for (int i=0;i<imageFilters.count()+1;i++)
    1.38 +		if (imageFilters.at(i)==filter) return imageTypes.at(i);
    1.39 +}
    1.40 +
    1.41 +
     2.1 --- a/file.h	Tue Jun 13 08:49:12 2006 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/file.h	Tue Jun 13 13:54:53 2006 +0000
     2.3 @@ -33,4 +33,18 @@
     2.4  	Q3FileDialog *fdia;
     2.5  };
     2.7 +
     2.8 +
     2.9 +class ImageIO
    2.10 +{
    2.11 +public:
    2.12 +	ImageIO ();
    2.13 +	QStringList getFilters();
    2.14 +	QString getType ( QString );
    2.15 +
    2.16 +private:	
    2.17 +	QStringList imageFilters;
    2.18 +	QStringList imageTypes;
    2.19 +};
    2.20 +
    2.21  #endif
     3.1 --- a/main.cpp	Tue Jun 13 08:49:12 2006 +0000
     3.2 +++ b/main.cpp	Tue Jun 13 13:54:53 2006 +0000
     3.3 @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
     3.4  QString tmpVymDir;				// All temp files go there, created in mainwindow
     3.5  QString clipboardDir;			// Clipboard used in all mapEditors
     3.6  QDir vymBaseDir;				// Containing all styles, scripts, images, ...
     3.7 +QDir lastImageDir;
     3.8  QString iconPath;				// Pointing to icons used for toolbars
     3.9  QString flagsPath;				// Pointing to flags
    3.10  bool clipboardEmpty;			
    3.11 @@ -108,22 +109,23 @@
    3.12  QAction *actionSettingsUseFlagGroups;
    3.13  QAction *actionSettingsUseHideExport;
    3.15 -Q3PopupMenu *branchContextMenu;
    3.16 -Q3PopupMenu *branchAddContextMenu;
    3.17 -Q3PopupMenu *branchRemoveContextMenu;
    3.18 -Q3PopupMenu *branchLinksContextMenu;
    3.19 -Q3PopupMenu *branchLinksContextMenuDup;
    3.20 -Q3PopupMenu *floatimageContextMenu;
    3.21 -Q3PopupMenu *saveImageFormatMenu;
    3.22 -Q3PopupMenu *canvasContextMenu;
    3.23 -Q3PopupMenu *lastMapsMenu;
    3.24 -Q3PopupMenu *importMenu;
    3.25 -Q3PopupMenu *exportMenu;
    3.26 -Q3PopupMenu *exportImageFormatMenu;
    3.27 +
    3.28 +QMenu* branchContextMenu;
    3.29 +QMenu* branchAddContextMenu;
    3.30 +QMenu* branchRemoveContextMenu;
    3.31 +QMenu* branchLinksContextMenu;
    3.32 +QMenu* branchLinksContextMenuDup;
    3.33 +QMenu* floatimageContextMenu;
    3.34 +QMenu* saveImageFormatMenu;
    3.35 +QMenu* canvasContextMenu;
    3.36 +QMenu* fileLastMapsMenu;
    3.37 +QMenu* fileImportMenu;
    3.38 +QMenu* fileExportMenu;
    3.41  Settings settings ("vym","vym"); // Organization, Application name
    3.42  Options options;
    3.43 +ImageIO imageIO;
    3.45  int statusbarTime=3500;
    3.47 @@ -185,16 +187,19 @@
    3.48  	iconPath=vymBaseDir.path()+"/icons/";
    3.49  	flagsPath=vymBaseDir.path()+"/flags/";
    3.51 +	// Some directories
    3.52 +	lastImageDir=QDir().home();
    3.53 +
    3.54  	if (options.isOn ("help"))
    3.55  	{
    3.56 -//FIXME QT3 		cout << options.getHelpText()<<endl;
    3.57 +		cout << options.getHelpText().ascii()<<endl;
    3.58  		return 0;	
    3.59  	}	
    3.61  	if (options.isOn ("test"))
    3.62  	{
    3.63  		// FIXME testing string option only
    3.64 -//FIXME QT3		cout << "Testing: "<<options.getArg("test")<< endl;
    3.65 +		cout << "Testing: "<<options.getArg("test").ascii()<< endl;
    3.66  	}	
     4.1 --- a/mainwindow.cpp	Tue Jun 13 08:49:12 2006 +0000
     4.2 +++ b/mainwindow.cpp	Tue Jun 13 13:54:53 2006 +0000
     4.3 @@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
     4.4  #include <Q3PtrList>
     4.5  //#include <qdatetime.h>			// for random seed
     4.7 -
     4.8  #include <iostream>
     4.9  #include <cstdlib>
    4.10  #include <typeinfo>
    4.11 @@ -131,23 +130,25 @@
    4.12  extern QAction* actionSettingsUseFlagGroups;
    4.13  extern QAction* actionSettingsUseHideExport;
    4.15 -extern Q3PopupMenu* branchContextMenu;
    4.16 -extern Q3PopupMenu* branchAddContextMenu;
    4.17 -extern Q3PopupMenu* branchRemoveContextMenu;
    4.18 -extern Q3PopupMenu* branchLinksContextMenu;
    4.19 -extern Q3PopupMenu* branchLinksContextMenuDup;
    4.20 -extern Q3PopupMenu* floatimageContextMenu;
    4.21 -extern Q3PopupMenu* saveImageFormatMenu;
    4.22 -extern Q3PopupMenu* canvasContextMenu;
    4.23 -extern Q3PopupMenu* lastMapsMenu;
    4.24 -extern Q3PopupMenu* importMenu;
    4.25 -extern Q3PopupMenu* exportMenu;
    4.26 -extern Q3PopupMenu* exportImageFormatMenu;
    4.27 +extern QMenu* branchContextMenu;
    4.28 +extern QMenu* branchAddContextMenu;
    4.29 +extern QMenu* branchRemoveContextMenu;
    4.30 +extern QMenu* branchLinksContextMenu;
    4.31 +extern QMenu* branchLinksContextMenuDup;
    4.32 +extern QMenu* floatimageContextMenu;
    4.33 +extern QMenu* saveImageFormatMenu;
    4.34 +extern QMenu* canvasContextMenu;
    4.35 +extern QMenu* fileLastMapsMenu;
    4.36 +extern QMenu* fileImportMenu;
    4.37 +extern QMenu* fileExportMenu;
    4.40  extern Settings settings;
    4.41  extern Options options;
    4.42 +extern ImageIO imageIO;
    4.43 +
    4.44  extern QDir vymBaseDir;
    4.45 +extern QDir lastImageDir;
    4.46  extern QString iconPath;
    4.47  extern QString flagsPath;
    4.49 @@ -234,7 +235,7 @@
    4.50      setupHelpActions();
    4.52  	// After menu is created, we can enable some actions
    4.53 -	actionFilePrint->setEnabled (true);
    4.54 +//FIXME testing	actionFilePrint->setEnabled (true);
    4.56      statusBar();
    4.58 @@ -321,97 +322,130 @@
    4.59  // File Actions
    4.60  void Main::setupFileActions()
    4.61  {
    4.62 +	QMenu *fileMenu = menuBar()->addMenu ( tr ("&File") );
    4.63      QToolBar *tb = addToolBar( tr ("&File") );
    4.64 -    Q3PopupMenu *menu = new Q3PopupMenu( this );
    4.65 -    menuBar()->insertItem( tr( "&File" ), menu );
    4.66 -
    4.67 -	// Keycodes:  /usr/lib64/qt3/include/qnamespace.h
    4.69      QAction *a;
    4.70      a = new QAction(QPixmap( iconPath+"filenew.png"), tr( "&New..." ),this);
    4.71  	a->setStatusTip ( tr( "New map","File menu" ) );
    4.72  	a->setShortcut ( Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_N );
    4.73      a->addTo( tb );
    4.74 -    a->addTo( menu );
    4.75 +	fileMenu->addAction (a);
    4.76      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileNew() ) );
    4.78      a = new QAction( QPixmap( iconPath+"fileopen.png"), tr( "&Open..." ),this);
    4.79  	a->setStatusTip (tr( "Open","File menu" ) );
    4.80  	a->setShortcut ( Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_O );
    4.81      a->addTo( tb );
    4.82 -    a->addTo( menu );
    4.83 +	fileMenu->addAction (a);
    4.84      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileLoad() ) );
    4.86 -	lastMapsMenu = new Q3PopupMenu (this);
    4.87 -
    4.88 -    menu->insertItem (tr("Open Recent"),lastMapsMenu );
    4.89 -    menu->insertSeparator();
    4.90 +	fileLastMapsMenu = fileMenu->addMenu (tr("Open Recent"));
    4.91 +	fileMenu->addSeparator();
    4.93      a = new QAction( QPixmap( iconPath+"filesave.png"), tr( "&Save..." ), this);
    4.94  	a->setStatusTip ( tr( "Save" ));
    4.95  	a->setShortcut (Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_S );
    4.96      a->addTo( tb );
    4.97 -    a->addTo( menu );
    4.98 +	fileMenu->addAction (a);
    4.99      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileSave() ) );
   4.100  	actionFileSave=a;
   4.102      a = new QAction( QPixmap(iconPath+"filesaveas.png"), tr( "Save &As..." ), this);
   4.103  	a->setStatusTip (tr( "Save &As" ) );
   4.104 -    a->addTo( menu );
   4.105 +	fileMenu->addAction (a);
   4.106      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileSaveAs() ) );
   4.108 -    menu->insertSeparator();
   4.109 -
   4.110 -	importMenu = new Q3PopupMenu (this);
   4.111 -    menu->insertItem (tr("Import"),importMenu );
   4.112 +	fileMenu->addSeparator();
   4.113 +
   4.114 +	fileImportMenu = fileMenu->addMenu (tr("Import"));
   4.116  	a = new QAction(tr("KDE Bookmarks"), this);
   4.117  	a->setStatusTip ( tr( "Import")+" "+tr("KDE Bookmarks" ));
   4.118 -	a->addTo (importMenu);
   4.119 +	a->addTo (fileImportMenu);
   4.120  	connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileImportKDEBookmarks() ) );
   4.122      if (settings.readBoolEntry( "/vym/mainwindow/showTestMenu",false)) 
   4.123  	{
   4.124  		a = new QAction( QPixmap(), tr("Firefox Bookmarks"),this);
   4.125  		a->setStatusTip (tr( "Import")+" "+tr("Firefox Bookmarks" ) );
   4.126 -		a->addTo (importMenu);
   4.127 +		a->addTo (fileImportMenu);
   4.128  		connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileImportFirefoxBookmarks() ) );
   4.129  	}	
   4.131  	a = new QAction("Mind Manager...",this);
   4.132  	a->setStatusTip ( tr( "Import")+" Mind Manager"  );
   4.133 -	a->addTo (importMenu);
   4.134 +	fileImportMenu->addAction (a);
   4.135  	connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileImportMM() ) );
   4.137      a = new QAction( tr( "Import Dir"+QString("...") ), this);
   4.138  	a->setStatusTip (tr( "Import directory structure (experimental)" ) );
   4.139 -    a->addTo( importMenu);
   4.140 +	fileImportMenu->addAction (a);
   4.141      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileImportDir() ) );
   4.143 -	exportMenu = new Q3PopupMenu (this);
   4.144 -    menu->insertItem (tr("Export"),exportMenu );
   4.145 -
   4.146 -    menu->insertSeparator();
   4.147 -
   4.148 +	fileExportMenu = fileMenu->addMenu (tr("Export"));
   4.149 +
   4.150 +	a = new QAction( tr("Image")+QString("..."), this);
   4.151 +	a->setStatusTip( tr( "Export map as image" ));
   4.152 +	connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileExportImage() ) );
   4.153 +	fileExportMenu->addAction (a);
   4.154 +
   4.155 +	a = new QAction( "Open Office"+QString("..."), this);
   4.156 +	a->setStatusTip( tr( "Export in Open Document Format used e.g. in Open Office " ));
   4.157 +	connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileExportOOPresentation() ) );
   4.158 +	fileExportMenu->addAction (a);
   4.159 +
   4.160 +	a = new QAction(  "Webpage (XHTML)...",this );
   4.161 +	a->setShortcut (Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_X);
   4.162 +	a->setStatusTip ( tr( "Export as")+" webpage (XHTML)");
   4.163 +    connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileExportXHTML() ) );
   4.164 +	fileExportMenu->addAction (a);
   4.165 +
   4.166 +    a = new QAction( "Text (ASCII)...", this);
   4.167 +	a->setStatusTip ( tr( "Export as")+" ASCII"+" "+tr("(still experimental)" ));
   4.168 +    connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileExportASCII() ) );
   4.169 +	fileExportMenu->addAction (a);
   4.170 +
   4.171 +	a = new QAction( tr("KDE Bookmarks"), this);
   4.172 +	a->setStatusTip( tr( "Export as")+" "+tr("KDE Bookmarks" ));
   4.173 +	connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileExportKDEBookmarks() ) );
   4.174 +	fileExportMenu->addAction (a);
   4.175 +
   4.176 +    a = new QAction( "Taskjuggler...", this );
   4.177 +    a->setStatusTip( tr( "Export as")+" Taskjuggler"+" "+tr("(still experimental)" ));
   4.178 +    connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileExportTaskjuggler() ) );
   4.179 +	fileExportMenu->addAction (a);
   4.180 +
   4.181 +    a = new QAction( "LaTeX...", this);
   4.182 +    a->setStatusTip( tr( "Export as")+" LaTeX"+" "+tr("(still experimental)" ));
   4.183 +    connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileExportLaTeX() ) );
   4.184 +	fileExportMenu->addAction (a);
   4.185 +
   4.186 +	a = new QAction( "XML..." , this );
   4.187 +	a->setStatusTip (tr( "Export as")+" XML");
   4.188 +    connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileExportXML() ) );
   4.189 +	fileExportMenu->addAction (a);
   4.190 +
   4.191 +	fileMenu->addSeparator();
   4.193      a = new QAction(QPixmap( iconPath+"fileprint.png"), tr( "&Print")+QString("..."), this);
   4.194  	a->setStatusTip ( tr( "Print" ) );
   4.195  	a->setShortcut (Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_P );
   4.196      a->addTo( tb );
   4.197 -    a->addTo( menu );
   4.198 +	fileMenu->addAction (a);
   4.199      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( filePrint() ) );
   4.200  	actionFilePrint=a;
   4.202      a = new QAction( QPixmap(iconPath+"fileclose.png"), tr( "&Close Map" ), this);
   4.203  	a->setStatusTip (tr( "Close Map" ) );
   4.204  	a->setShortcut (Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_C );
   4.205 -    a->addTo( menu );
   4.206 +	fileMenu->addAction (a);
   4.207      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileCloseMap() ) );
   4.209      a = new QAction(QPixmap(iconPath+"exit.png"), tr( "E&xit")+" "+__VYM, this);
   4.210  	a->setStatusTip ( tr( "Exit")+" "+__VYM );
   4.211  	a->setShortcut (Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_Q );
   4.212 -    a->addTo( menu );
   4.213 +	fileMenu->addAction (a);
   4.214      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileExitVYM() ) );
   4.215  }
   4.217 @@ -1435,34 +1469,34 @@
   4.218  	QAction*a;
   4.220  	// Context Menu for branch or mapcenter
   4.221 -	branchContextMenu =new Q3PopupMenu (this);
   4.222 +	branchContextMenu =new QMenu (this);
   4.224  		// Submenu "Add"
   4.225 -		branchAddContextMenu =new Q3PopupMenu (this);
   4.226 -		actionEditPaste->addTo ( branchAddContextMenu );
   4.227 -		actionEditAddBranch->addTo ( branchAddContextMenu );
   4.228 -		actionEditAddBranchHere->addTo ( branchAddContextMenu );
   4.229 -		actionEditAddBranchAbove->addTo ( branchAddContextMenu );
   4.230 -		actionEditAddBranchBelow->addTo ( branchAddContextMenu );
   4.231 -		branchAddContextMenu->insertSeparator();	
   4.232 -		actionEditLoadImage->addTo( branchAddContextMenu );
   4.233 -		branchAddContextMenu->insertSeparator();	
   4.234 -		actionEditImportAdd->addTo ( branchAddContextMenu );
   4.235 -		actionEditImportReplace->addTo ( branchAddContextMenu );
   4.236 +		branchAddContextMenu =branchContextMenu->addMenu (tr("Add"));
   4.237 +		branchAddContextMenu->addAction (actionEditPaste );
   4.238 +		branchAddContextMenu->addAction ( actionEditAddBranch );
   4.239 +		branchAddContextMenu->addAction ( actionEditAddBranchHere );
   4.240 +		branchAddContextMenu->addAction ( actionEditAddBranchAbove);
   4.241 +		branchAddContextMenu->addAction ( actionEditAddBranchBelow );
   4.242 +		branchAddContextMenu->addSeparator();	
   4.243 +		branchAddContextMenu->addAction ( actionEditLoadImage);
   4.244 +		branchAddContextMenu->addSeparator();	
   4.245 +		branchAddContextMenu->addAction ( actionEditLoadImage);
   4.246 +		branchAddContextMenu->addAction ( actionEditImportAdd );
   4.247 +		branchAddContextMenu->addAction ( actionEditImportReplace );
   4.249  		// Submenu "Remove"
   4.250 -		branchRemoveContextMenu =new Q3PopupMenu (this);
   4.251 -		actionEditCut->addTo ( branchRemoveContextMenu );
   4.252 -		actionEditDelete->addTo ( branchRemoveContextMenu );
   4.253 -		actionEditRemoveBranchKeepChilds->addTo( branchRemoveContextMenu );
   4.254 -		actionEditRemoveChilds->addTo( branchRemoveContextMenu );
   4.255 +		branchRemoveContextMenu =branchContextMenu->addMenu (tr ("Remove"));
   4.256 +		branchRemoveContextMenu->addAction (actionEditCut);
   4.257 +		branchRemoveContextMenu->addAction ( actionEditDelete );
   4.258 +		branchRemoveContextMenu->addAction ( actionEditRemoveBranchKeepChilds );
   4.259 +		branchRemoveContextMenu->addAction ( actionEditRemoveChilds );
   4.261 -	branchContextMenu->insertItem (tr("Add"),branchAddContextMenu);	
   4.262 -	branchContextMenu->insertItem (tr("Remove"),branchRemoveContextMenu);	
   4.264  	actionEditSaveBranch->addTo( branchContextMenu );
   4.266 -	branchContextMenu->insertSeparator();	
   4.267 +/*
   4.268 +	branchContextMenu->addSeparator();	
   4.269  	actionEditOpenURL->addTo ( branchContextMenu );
   4.270  	actionEditOpenURLTab->addTo ( branchContextMenu );
   4.271  	actionEditURL->addTo ( branchContextMenu );
   4.272 @@ -1496,19 +1530,17 @@
   4.273  	branchContextMenu->insertItem (tr("Goto XLink"),branchLinksContextMenu);
   4.274  	connect( branchLinksContextMenu, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( editFollowXLink(int ) ) );
   4.276 +*/	
   4.277  	// Context menu for floatimage
   4.278 -	floatimageContextMenu =new Q3PopupMenu (this);
   4.279 -	saveImageFormatMenu=new Q3PopupMenu (this);
   4.280 -	exportImageFormatMenu=new Q3PopupMenu (this);
   4.281 -
   4.282 -/* FIXME strange error
   4.283 +	floatimageContextMenu =new QMenu (this);
   4.284 +	saveImageFormatMenu=floatimageContextMenu->addMenu (tr("Save image"));
   4.285 +
   4.286      foreach (QByteArray format, QImageWriter::supportedImageFormats()) 
   4.287  	{
   4.288          QString text = tr("%1...").arg(QString(format).toUpper());
   4.289 -		saveImageFormatMenu->insertItem( text );
   4.290 -		exportImageFormatMenu->insertItem( text );
   4.291 +		a= new QAction (text,this);
   4.292 +		saveImageFormatMenu->addAction ( a );
   4.293      }
   4.294 -*/
   4.296  /* FIXME  not needed any longer
   4.297  	Q3StrList fmt = QImageWriter::supportedImageFormats();
   4.298 @@ -1518,57 +1550,19 @@
   4.299  		exportImageFormatMenu->insertItem( f );
   4.300  	}	
   4.301  */	
   4.302 -	connect( saveImageFormatMenu, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( editSaveImage(int ) ) );
   4.303 -	connect( exportImageFormatMenu, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( fileExportImage(int ) ) );
   4.304 -	floatimageContextMenu->insertItem( tr("Save image"),saveImageFormatMenu );
   4.305 +//	connect( saveImageFormatMenu, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( editSaveImage(int ) ) );
   4.306 +//	connect( exportImageFormatMenu, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( fileExportImage(int ) ) );
   4.308 -	floatimageContextMenu->insertSeparator();	
   4.309 +	floatimageContextMenu->addSeparator();	
   4.310  	actionEditCopy->addTo( floatimageContextMenu );
   4.311  	actionEditCut->addTo( floatimageContextMenu );
   4.313 -	floatimageContextMenu->insertSeparator();	
   4.314 -	actionFormatHideLinkUnselected->addTo( floatimageContextMenu );
   4.315 -
   4.316 -	exportMenu->insertItem ( tr("Export as")+" Image",exportImageFormatMenu);
   4.317 -
   4.318 -	a = new QAction( "Open Office"+QString("..."), this);
   4.319 -	a->setStatusTip( tr( "Export in Open Document Format used e.g. in Open Office " ));
   4.320 -	connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileExportOOPresentation() ) );
   4.321 -	a->addTo (exportMenu);
   4.322 -
   4.323 -	a = new QAction(  "Webpage (XHTML)...",this );
   4.324 -	a->setShortcut (Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_X);
   4.325 -	a->setStatusTip ( tr( "Export as")+" webpage (XHTML)");
   4.326 -    connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileExportXHTML() ) );
   4.327 -    a->addTo( exportMenu );
   4.328 -
   4.329 -    a = new QAction( "Text (ASCII)...", this);
   4.330 -	a->setStatusTip ( tr( "Export as")+" ASCII"+" "+tr("(still experimental)" ));
   4.331 -    connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileExportASCII() ) );
   4.332 -	a->addTo( exportMenu );
   4.333 -
   4.334 -	a = new QAction( tr("KDE Bookmarks"), this);
   4.335 -	a->setStatusTip( tr( "Export as")+" "+tr("KDE Bookmarks" ));
   4.336 -	connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileExportKDEBookmarks() ) );
   4.337 -	a->addTo (exportMenu);
   4.338 -
   4.339 -    a = new QAction( "Taskjuggler...", this );
   4.340 -    a->setStatusTip( tr( "Export as")+" Taskjuggler"+" "+tr("(still experimental)" ));
   4.341 -    connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileExportTaskjuggler() ) );
   4.342 -	a->addTo( exportMenu );
   4.343 -
   4.344 -    a = new QAction( "LaTeX...", this);
   4.345 -    a->setStatusTip( tr( "Export as")+" LaTeX"+" "+tr("(still experimental)" ));
   4.346 -    connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileExportLaTeX() ) );
   4.347 -	a->addTo( exportMenu );
   4.348 -
   4.349 -	a = new QAction( "XML..." , this );
   4.350 -	a->setStatusTip (tr( "Export as")+" XML");
   4.351 -    connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileExportXML() ) );
   4.352 -    a->addTo( exportMenu );
   4.353 +	floatimageContextMenu->addSeparator();	
   4.354 +	floatimageContextMenu->addAction ( actionFormatHideLinkUnselected );
   4.355 +
   4.357  	// Context menu for canvas
   4.358 -	canvasContextMenu =new Q3PopupMenu (this);
   4.359 +	canvasContextMenu =new QMenu (this);
   4.360  	actionEditMapInfo->addTo( canvasContextMenu );
   4.361  	canvasContextMenu->insertSeparator();	
   4.362  	actionGroupFormatLinkStyles->addTo( canvasContextMenu );
   4.363 @@ -1588,7 +1582,7 @@
   4.364  			lastMaps.append(s);
   4.365  	}
   4.366  	setupLastMapsMenu();
   4.367 -	connect( lastMapsMenu, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( fileLoadLast(int ) ) );
   4.368 +//	connect( lastMapsMenu, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( fileLoadLast(int ) ) );
   4.369  }
   4.371  void Main::setupLastMapsMenu()
   4.372 @@ -1614,9 +1608,11 @@
   4.373  	while ((int)(lastMaps.count()) > maxLastMaps) lastMaps.pop_back();
   4.375  	// build Menu from lastMaps string list
   4.376 -	lastMapsMenu->clear();
   4.377 +	fileLastMapsMenu->clear();
   4.378 +	/* FIXME add actions instead of strings in QT4
   4.379  	for (it = lastMaps.begin(); it != lastMaps.end(); ++it ) 
   4.380 -		lastMapsMenu->insertItem (*it );
   4.381 +		fileLastMapsMenu->addAction (*it );
   4.382 +	*/	
   4.384  }
   4.386 @@ -1960,7 +1956,7 @@
   4.388  void Main::fileLoadLast(int i)
   4.389  {
   4.390 -	fileLoad(QString(*lastMaps.at(lastMapsMenu->indexOf (i)) ),NewMap);			   
   4.391 +	fileLoad(QString(*lastMaps.at(fileLastMapsMenu->indexOf (i)) ),NewMap);			   
   4.392  }
   4.394  void Main::fileSave(const SaveMode &savemode)
   4.395 @@ -2263,18 +2259,23 @@
   4.396  	}	
   4.397  }
   4.399 -void Main::fileExportImage(int item)
   4.400 +void Main::fileExportImage()
   4.401  {
   4.402  	MapEditor *me=currentMapEditor();
   4.403  	if (me)
   4.404  	{
   4.405 -		QString fn = Q3FileDialog::getSaveFileName( QString::null, "Image  (*.bmp *.jpg *.pbm *.pgm *.png *.ppm *xbm *.xpm)",
   4.406 -							   this );
   4.407 -		if ( !fn.isEmpty() ) 
   4.408 -			me->exportImage(fn,item);
   4.409 -		else 
   4.410 -			statusBar()->message( tr("Couldn't save %1").arg(fn), statusbarTime );
   4.411 -		
   4.412 +		QStringList fl;
   4.413 +		QFileDialog *fd=new QFileDialog (this);
   4.414 +		fd->setCaption (tr("Export map as image"));
   4.415 +		fd->setFileMode(QFileDialog::AnyFile);
   4.416 +		fd->setFilters  (imageIO.getFilters() );
   4.417 +		fd->setDirectory (lastImageDir);
   4.418 +		if (fd->exec())
   4.419 +		{
   4.420 +			fl=fd->selectedFiles();
   4.421 +			qWarning ("Selected "+fl.first()+"  filter: "+fd->selectedFilter());
   4.422 +			me->exportImage (fl.first(), imageIO.getType (fd->selectedFilter() ) );
   4.423 +		} 
   4.424  	}
   4.425  }
     5.1 --- a/mainwindow.h	Tue Jun 13 08:49:12 2006 +0000
     5.2 +++ b/mainwindow.h	Tue Jun 13 13:54:53 2006 +0000
     5.3 @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
     5.4      void fileImportDir();
     5.5      void fileExportXML();
     5.6      void fileExportXHTML();
     5.7 -    void fileExportImage(int);
     5.8 +    void fileExportImage();
     5.9      void fileExportASCII();
    5.10      void fileExportLaTeX();
    5.11      void fileExportKDEBookmarks();
    5.12 @@ -190,6 +190,8 @@
    5.13  	int maxLastMaps;
    5.14  	QString lastFileDir;
    5.15  	Q3Process *procBrowser;
    5.16 +
    5.17 +	QStringList imageTypes;
    5.18  };
     6.1 --- a/mapeditor.cpp	Tue Jun 13 08:49:12 2006 +0000
     6.2 +++ b/mapeditor.cpp	Tue Jun 13 13:54:53 2006 +0000
     6.3 @@ -127,18 +127,25 @@
     6.4  extern QAction *actionSettingsPasteNewHeading;
     6.5  extern QAction *actionSettingsUseFlagGroups;
     6.7 -extern Q3PopupMenu *branchContextMenu;
     6.8 -extern Q3PopupMenu *branchLinksContextMenu;
     6.9 -extern Q3PopupMenu *branchLinksContextMenuDup;
    6.10 -extern Q3PopupMenu *floatimageContextMenu;
    6.11 -extern Q3PopupMenu *saveImageFormatMenu;
    6.12 -extern Q3PopupMenu *exportImageFormatMenu;
    6.13 -extern Q3PopupMenu *canvasContextMenu;
    6.14 +extern QMenu* branchContextMenu;
    6.15 +extern QMenu* branchAddContextMenu;
    6.16 +extern QMenu* branchRemoveContextMenu;
    6.17 +extern QMenu* branchLinksContextMenu;
    6.18 +extern QMenu* branchLinksContextMenuDup;
    6.19 +extern QMenu* floatimageContextMenu;
    6.20 +extern QMenu* saveImageFormatMenu;
    6.21 +extern QMenu* canvasContextMenu;
    6.22 +extern QMenu* lastMapsMenu;
    6.23 +extern QMenu* importMenu;
    6.24 +extern QMenu* exportMenu;
    6.25 +
    6.27  extern Settings settings;
    6.28 +extern ImageIO imageIO;
    6.30  extern QString iconPath;
    6.31  extern QDir vymBaseDir;
    6.32 +extern QDir lastImageDir;
    6.34  int MapEditor::mapNum=0;	// make instance
    6.36 @@ -1124,14 +1131,14 @@
    6.37  		setHideTmpMode (HideNone);
    6.38  }
    6.40 -void MapEditor::exportImage(QString fn, int item)
    6.41 +void MapEditor::exportImage(QString fn, QString format)
    6.42  {
    6.43  	// Finish open lineEdits
    6.44  	if (lineedit) finishedLineEdit();
    6.46  	setExportMode (true);
    6.47  	QPixmap pix (getPixmap());
    6.48 -	pix.save(fn, exportImageFormatMenu->text(item) );
    6.49 +	pix.save(fn, format);
    6.50  	setExportMode (false);
    6.51  }
    6.53 @@ -2506,6 +2513,7 @@
    6.55  void MapEditor::updateActions()
    6.56  {
    6.57 +return;  //FIXME testing
    6.58  	QAction *a;
    6.59  	if (getLinkColorHint()==HeadingColor) 
    6.60  		actionFormatLinkColorHint->setOn(true);
    6.61 @@ -2850,7 +2858,8 @@
    6.62  		if ( fd->exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
    6.63  		{
    6.64  			saveState(selection, QString("Add floatimage to %1").arg(getName(selection)));
    6.65 -			lastImageDir=fn.left(fn.findRev ("/"));
    6.66 +			// FIXME in QT4 use:	lastImageDir=fd->directory();
    6.67 +			lastImageDir=QDir (fd->dirPath());
    6.68  			QStringList flist = fd->selectedFiles();
    6.69  			QStringList::Iterator it = flist.begin();
    6.70  			while( it != flist.end() ) 
     7.1 --- a/mapeditor.h	Tue Jun 13 08:49:12 2006 +0000
     7.2 +++ b/mapeditor.h	Tue Jun 13 13:54:53 2006 +0000
     7.3 @@ -81,8 +81,8 @@
     7.4  	HideTmpMode getHideTmpMode();		// temporary hide stuff
     7.5  public:
     7.6  	void setExportMode (bool);			// temporary hide stuff during export
     7.7 -    void exportImage (QString fn);		// export as PNG	
     7.8 -    void exportImage (QString fn, int);	// export in given format
     7.9 +    void exportImage (QString fn);			// export as PNG	
    7.10 +    void exportImage (QString fn, QString);	// export in given format
    7.11      void exportOOPresentation(const QString &,const QString &);
    7.12      void exportXML(const QString&);		// export to directory
    7.13      void clear();		// clear map
    7.14 @@ -235,7 +235,6 @@
    7.15  	QString fileDir;			// dir where file is saved
    7.16  	QString destPath;			// path to .vym file (needed for vymlinks)
    7.17  	QString mapName;			// fileName without ".vym"
    7.18 -	QString lastImageDir;		// save dir for adding images
    7.20  	bool isInteractive;			// non interactive don't need tmpdirs
    7.21  	QString tmpMapDir;			// tmp directory with data for undo/redo