1.8.70 Fixes in property window
Sat, 31 Mar 2007 09:28:27 +0000 (2007-03-31)
changeset 440c6a8651e6bbc
parent 439 717b20c56358
child 441 658ad3bc0c8a
1.8.70 Fixes in property window
     1.1 --- a/branchobj.cpp	Wed Mar 21 11:51:38 2007 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/branchobj.cpp	Sat Mar 31 09:28:27 2007 +0000
     1.3 @@ -572,7 +572,6 @@
     1.4  	QPointF ap=getAbsPos();
     1.5  	bbox.moveTopLeft (ap);
     1.6  	positionContents();
     1.7 -	setSelBox();
     1.9  	// set the frame
    1.10  	frame->setRect(QRectF(bbox.x(),bbox.y(),bbox.width(),bbox.height() ) );
    1.11 @@ -661,12 +660,20 @@
    1.12  	// Sets childpos and parpos depending on orientation
    1.13  	if (getOrientation()==OrientLeftOfCenter )
    1.14      {
    1.15 -		childPos=QPointF (ornamentsBBox.bottomLeft().x(), ornamentsBBox.bottomLeft().y() );
    1.16 -		parPos=QPointF (ornamentsBBox.bottomRight().x(),ornamentsBBox.bottomRight().y() );
    1.17 +		childPos=QPointF (
    1.18 +			ornamentsBBox.bottomLeft().x(), 
    1.19 +			bottomlineY);
    1.20 +		parPos=QPointF (
    1.21 +			ornamentsBBox.bottomRight().x(),
    1.22 +			bottomlineY);
    1.23      } else
    1.24      {
    1.25 -		childPos=QPointF (ornamentsBBox.bottomRight().x(), ornamentsBBox.bottomRight().y() );
    1.26 -		parPos=QPointF (ornamentsBBox.bottomLeft().x(),ornamentsBBox.bottomLeft().y() );
    1.27 +		childPos=QPointF (
    1.28 +			ornamentsBBox.bottomRight().x(), 
    1.29 +			bottomlineY);
    1.30 +		parPos=QPointF (
    1.31 +			ornamentsBBox.bottomLeft().x(),
    1.32 +			bottomlineY);
    1.33      }
    1.34  }
    1.36 @@ -1451,7 +1458,7 @@
    1.38  void BranchObj::select()
    1.39  {
    1.40 -	// set Text in Editor	
    1.41 +	// update NoteEditor
    1.42  	textEditor->setText(note.getNote() );
    1.43  	QString fnh=note.getFilenameHint();
    1.44  	if (fnh!="")
    1.45 @@ -1461,7 +1468,9 @@
    1.46  	textEditor->setFontHint (note.getFontHint() );
    1.47  	isNoteInEditor=true;
    1.49 +	// set selected and visible
    1.50      LinkableMapObj::select();
    1.51 +
    1.52  	// Tell parent that I am selected now:
    1.53  	BranchObj* po=(BranchObj*)(parObj);
    1.54      if (po)	// TODO	    Try to get rid of this cast...
     2.1 --- a/branchpropwindow.cpp	Wed Mar 21 11:51:38 2007 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/branchpropwindow.cpp	Sat Mar 31 09:28:27 2007 +0000
     2.3 @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
     2.4  #include "branchpropwindow.h"
     2.6 +#include <QColorDialog>
     2.7 +
     2.8  #include "frameobj.h"
    2.11 @@ -10,39 +12,87 @@
    2.12  	branch=NULL;
    2.13  	mapEditor=NULL;
    2.15 -	connect ( ui.frameTypeCombo, SIGNAL (currentIndexChanged( int)), this, SLOT (frameTypeChanged (int)));
    2.16 -	connect ( ui.hideLinkIfUnselected, SIGNAL (stateChanged( int)), this, SLOT (linkHideUnselectedChanged (int)));
    2.17 +	ui.tabWidget->setEnabled(false);
    2.18 +
    2.19 +	penColor=QColor (Qt::black);
    2.20 +	brushColor=QColor (Qt::black);
    2.21 +    QPixmap pix( 16,16);
    2.22 +    pix.fill (penColor);
    2.23 +	ui.framePenColorButton->setPixmap (pix);
    2.24 +	ui.frameBrushColorButton->setPixmap (pix);
    2.25 +
    2.26 +	connect ( 
    2.27 +		ui.framePenColorButton, SIGNAL (clicked()), 
    2.28 +		this, SLOT (framePenColorClicked()));
    2.29 +	connect ( 
    2.30 +		ui.frameBrushColorButton, SIGNAL (clicked()), 
    2.31 +		this, SLOT (frameBrushColorClicked()));
    2.32 +	connect ( 
    2.33 +		ui.frameTypeCombo, SIGNAL (currentIndexChanged( int)), 
    2.34 +		this, SLOT (frameTypeChanged (int)));
    2.35 +	connect ( 
    2.36 +		ui.hideLinkIfUnselected, SIGNAL (stateChanged( int)), 
    2.37 +		this, SLOT (linkHideUnselectedChanged (int)));
    2.38  }
    2.40  void BranchPropertyWindow::setBranch (BranchObj *bo)
    2.41  {
    2.42 -	if (!bo) return;
    2.43  	branch=bo;
    2.44 +	if (bo) 
    2.45 +	{
    2.46 +		ui.tabWidget->setEnabled (true);
    2.48 -	// Frame
    2.49 -	switch (branch->getFrameType())
    2.50 +		// Frame
    2.51 +		FrameType t=branch->getFrameType();
    2.52 +		if (t==NoFrame)
    2.53 +		{
    2.54 +			ui.frameTypeCombo->setCurrentIndex (0);
    2.55 +			penColor=Qt::white;
    2.56 +			brushColor=Qt::white;
    2.57 +			ui.colorGroupBox->setEnabled (false);
    2.58 +		} else	
    2.59 +		{
    2.60 +			penColor=bo->getFramePenColor();
    2.61 +			brushColor=bo->getFrameBrushColor();
    2.62 +			QPixmap pix( 16,16);
    2.63 +			pix.fill (penColor);
    2.64 +			ui.frameBrushColorButton->setPixmap (pix);
    2.65 +			pix.fill (brushColor);
    2.66 +			ui.frameBrushColorButton->setPixmap (pix);
    2.67 +			ui.colorGroupBox->setEnabled (true);
    2.68 +
    2.69 +			switch (t)
    2.70 +			{
    2.71 +				case Rectangle: 
    2.72 +					ui.frameTypeCombo->setCurrentIndex (1);
    2.73 +					break;
    2.74 +				case Ellipse: 
    2.75 +					ui.frameTypeCombo->setCurrentIndex (2);
    2.76 +					break;
    2.77 +				default: 
    2.78 +					break;
    2.79 +			}
    2.80 +		}	
    2.81 +		
    2.82 +		// Link
    2.83 +		if (branch->getHideLinkUnselected())
    2.84 +			ui.hideLinkIfUnselected->setCheckState (Qt::Checked);
    2.85 +		else	
    2.86 +			ui.hideLinkIfUnselected->setCheckState (Qt::Unchecked);
    2.87 +	} else
    2.88  	{
    2.89 -		case NoFrame: 
    2.90 -			ui.frameTypeCombo->setCurrentIndex (0);
    2.91 -			break;
    2.92 -		case Rectangle: 
    2.93 -			ui.frameTypeCombo->setCurrentIndex (1);
    2.94 -			break;
    2.95 -		case Ellipse: 
    2.96 -			ui.frameTypeCombo->setCurrentIndex (2);
    2.97 -			break;
    2.98 +		ui.tabWidget->setEnabled (false);
    2.99  	}
   2.100 -	
   2.101 -	// Link
   2.102 -	if (branch->getHideLinkUnselected())
   2.103 -		ui.hideLinkIfUnselected->setCheckState (Qt::Checked);
   2.104 -	else	
   2.105 -		ui.hideLinkIfUnselected->setCheckState (Qt::Unchecked);
   2.106  }
   2.108  void BranchPropertyWindow::setMapEditor (MapEditor *me)
   2.109  {
   2.110 -	if (me) mapEditor=me;
   2.111 +	mapEditor=me;
   2.112 +	if (mapEditor) 
   2.113 +		setBranch (mapEditor->getSelectedBranch() );
   2.114 +	else
   2.115 +		ui.tabWidget->setEnabled (false);
   2.116 +		
   2.117  }
   2.119  void BranchPropertyWindow::frameTypeChanged (int i)
   2.120 @@ -50,12 +100,38 @@
   2.121  	if (mapEditor)
   2.122  		switch (i)
   2.123  		{
   2.124 -			case 0: mapEditor->setFrame (NoFrame); break;
   2.125 -			case 1: mapEditor->setFrame (Rectangle); break;
   2.126 -			case 2: mapEditor->setFrame (Ellipse); break;
   2.127 +			case 0: mapEditor->setFrameType (NoFrame); break;
   2.128 +			case 1: mapEditor->setFrameType (Rectangle); break;
   2.129 +			case 2: mapEditor->setFrameType (Ellipse); break;
   2.130  		}
   2.131  }
   2.133 +void BranchPropertyWindow::framePenColorClicked()
   2.134 +{
   2.135 +	if (mapEditor) 
   2.136 +	{	
   2.137 +		QColor col = QColorDialog::getColor( penColor, this );
   2.138 +		if ( col.isValid() ) 
   2.139 +		{
   2.140 +			penColor=col;
   2.141 +			mapEditor->setFramePenColor (penColor);
   2.142 +		}	
   2.143 +	}
   2.144 +}
   2.145 +
   2.146 +void BranchPropertyWindow::frameBrushColorClicked()
   2.147 +{
   2.148 +	if (mapEditor) 
   2.149 +	{
   2.150 +		QColor col = QColorDialog::getColor( brushColor, this );
   2.151 +		if ( col.isValid() ) 
   2.152 +		{
   2.153 +			brushColor=col;
   2.154 +			mapEditor->setFrameBrushColor (brushColor);
   2.155 +		}	
   2.156 +	}	
   2.157 +}
   2.158 +
   2.159  void BranchPropertyWindow::linkHideUnselectedChanged (int i)
   2.160  {
   2.161  	if (!branch) return;
     3.1 --- a/branchpropwindow.h	Wed Mar 21 11:51:38 2007 +0000
     3.2 +++ b/branchpropwindow.h	Sat Mar 31 09:28:27 2007 +0000
     3.3 @@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
     3.5  private slots:
     3.6  	void frameTypeChanged (int);
     3.7 +	void framePenColorClicked ();
     3.8 +	void frameBrushColorClicked ();
     3.9  	void linkHideUnselectedChanged (int);
    3.11  private:
    3.12 @@ -23,6 +25,9 @@
    3.14  	BranchObj *branch;
    3.15  	MapEditor *mapEditor;
    3.16 +
    3.17 +	QColor penColor;	// FIXME replace this with Palette
    3.18 +	QColor brushColor;
    3.19  };
    3.21  #endif // 
     4.1 --- a/branchpropwindow.ui	Wed Mar 21 11:51:38 2007 +0000
     4.2 +++ b/branchpropwindow.ui	Sat Mar 31 09:28:27 2007 +0000
     4.3 @@ -5,12 +5,12 @@
     4.4     <rect>
     4.5      <x>0</x>
     4.6      <y>0</y>
     4.7 -    <width>343</width>
     4.8 -    <height>208</height>
     4.9 +    <width>395</width>
    4.10 +    <height>282</height>
    4.11     </rect>
    4.12    </property>
    4.13    <property name="windowTitle" >
    4.14 -   <string>Form</string>
    4.15 +   <string>Branch Property Editor</string>
    4.16    </property>
    4.17    <layout class="QVBoxLayout" >
    4.18     <property name="margin" >
    4.19 @@ -28,31 +28,133 @@
    4.20        <attribute name="title" >
    4.21         <string>Frame</string>
    4.22        </attribute>
    4.23 -      <widget class="QComboBox" name="frameTypeCombo" >
    4.24 -       <property name="geometry" >
    4.25 -        <rect>
    4.26 -         <x>10</x>
    4.27 -         <y>10</y>
    4.28 -         <width>301</width>
    4.29 -         <height>22</height>
    4.30 -        </rect>
    4.31 +      <layout class="QVBoxLayout" >
    4.32 +       <property name="margin" >
    4.33 +        <number>9</number>
    4.34 +       </property>
    4.35 +       <property name="spacing" >
    4.36 +        <number>6</number>
    4.37         </property>
    4.38         <item>
    4.39 -        <property name="text" >
    4.40 -         <string>No Frame</string>
    4.41 -        </property>
    4.42 +        <layout class="QVBoxLayout" >
    4.43 +         <property name="margin" >
    4.44 +          <number>0</number>
    4.45 +         </property>
    4.46 +         <property name="spacing" >
    4.47 +          <number>6</number>
    4.48 +         </property>
    4.49 +         <item>
    4.50 +          <widget class="QComboBox" name="frameTypeCombo" >
    4.51 +           <item>
    4.52 +            <property name="text" >
    4.53 +             <string>No Frame</string>
    4.54 +            </property>
    4.55 +           </item>
    4.56 +           <item>
    4.57 +            <property name="text" >
    4.58 +             <string>Rectangle</string>
    4.59 +            </property>
    4.60 +           </item>
    4.61 +           <item>
    4.62 +            <property name="text" >
    4.63 +             <string>Ellipse</string>
    4.64 +            </property>
    4.65 +           </item>
    4.66 +          </widget>
    4.67 +         </item>
    4.68 +         <item>
    4.69 +          <widget class="QGroupBox" name="colorGroupBox" >
    4.70 +           <property name="sizePolicy" >
    4.71 +            <sizepolicy>
    4.72 +             <hsizetype>7</hsizetype>
    4.73 +             <vsizetype>5</vsizetype>
    4.74 +             <horstretch>0</horstretch>
    4.75 +             <verstretch>0</verstretch>
    4.76 +            </sizepolicy>
    4.77 +           </property>
    4.78 +           <property name="title" >
    4.79 +            <string>Colors</string>
    4.80 +           </property>
    4.81 +           <layout class="QGridLayout" >
    4.82 +            <property name="margin" >
    4.83 +             <number>7</number>
    4.84 +            </property>
    4.85 +            <property name="spacing" >
    4.86 +             <number>6</number>
    4.87 +            </property>
    4.88 +            <item row="0" column="0" >
    4.89 +             <widget class="QPushButton" name="framePenColorButton" >
    4.90 +              <property name="maximumSize" >
    4.91 +               <size>
    4.92 +                <width>20</width>
    4.93 +                <height>16777215</height>
    4.94 +               </size>
    4.95 +              </property>
    4.96 +              <property name="text" >
    4.97 +               <string/>
    4.98 +              </property>
    4.99 +             </widget>
   4.100 +            </item>
   4.101 +            <item row="0" column="1" >
   4.102 +             <widget class="QLabel" name="penColorLabelDesc" >
   4.103 +              <property name="sizePolicy" >
   4.104 +               <sizepolicy>
   4.105 +                <hsizetype>7</hsizetype>
   4.106 +                <vsizetype>5</vsizetype>
   4.107 +                <horstretch>0</horstretch>
   4.108 +                <verstretch>0</verstretch>
   4.109 +               </sizepolicy>
   4.110 +              </property>
   4.111 +              <property name="text" >
   4.112 +               <string>Borderline color</string>
   4.113 +              </property>
   4.114 +              <property name="buddy" >
   4.115 +               <cstring>framePenColorButton</cstring>
   4.116 +              </property>
   4.117 +             </widget>
   4.118 +            </item>
   4.119 +            <item row="1" column="0" >
   4.120 +             <widget class="QPushButton" name="frameBrushColorButton" >
   4.121 +              <property name="maximumSize" >
   4.122 +               <size>
   4.123 +                <width>20</width>
   4.124 +                <height>16777215</height>
   4.125 +               </size>
   4.126 +              </property>
   4.127 +              <property name="text" >
   4.128 +               <string/>
   4.129 +              </property>
   4.130 +             </widget>
   4.131 +            </item>
   4.132 +            <item row="1" column="1" >
   4.133 +             <widget class="QLabel" name="brushColorLabelDesc" >
   4.134 +              <property name="text" >
   4.135 +               <string>Background color</string>
   4.136 +              </property>
   4.137 +              <property name="buddy" >
   4.138 +               <cstring>frameBrushColorButton</cstring>
   4.139 +              </property>
   4.140 +             </widget>
   4.141 +            </item>
   4.142 +            <item row="0" column="2" >
   4.143 +             <spacer>
   4.144 +              <property name="orientation" >
   4.145 +               <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
   4.146 +              </property>
   4.147 +              <property name="sizeHint" >
   4.148 +               <size>
   4.149 +                <width>40</width>
   4.150 +                <height>20</height>
   4.151 +               </size>
   4.152 +              </property>
   4.153 +             </spacer>
   4.154 +            </item>
   4.155 +           </layout>
   4.156 +          </widget>
   4.157 +         </item>
   4.158 +        </layout>
   4.159         </item>
   4.160 -       <item>
   4.161 -        <property name="text" >
   4.162 -         <string>Rectangle</string>
   4.163 -        </property>
   4.164 -       </item>
   4.165 -       <item>
   4.166 -        <property name="text" >
   4.167 -         <string>Ellipse</string>
   4.168 -        </property>
   4.169 -       </item>
   4.170 -      </widget>
   4.171 +      </layout>
   4.172       </widget>
   4.173       <widget class="QWidget" name="tab_2" >
   4.174        <attribute name="title" >
   4.175 @@ -75,6 +177,19 @@
   4.176      </widget>
   4.177     </item>
   4.178     <item>
   4.179 +    <spacer>
   4.180 +     <property name="orientation" >
   4.181 +      <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
   4.182 +     </property>
   4.183 +     <property name="sizeHint" >
   4.184 +      <size>
   4.185 +       <width>20</width>
   4.186 +       <height>71</height>
   4.187 +      </size>
   4.188 +     </property>
   4.189 +    </spacer>
   4.190 +   </item>
   4.191 +   <item>
   4.192      <layout class="QHBoxLayout" >
   4.193       <property name="margin" >
   4.194        <number>0</number>
   4.195 @@ -89,8 +204,8 @@
   4.196         </property>
   4.197         <property name="sizeHint" >
   4.198          <size>
   4.199 -         <width>251</width>
   4.200 -         <height>20</height>
   4.201 +         <width>41</width>
   4.202 +         <height>31</height>
   4.203          </size>
   4.204         </property>
   4.205        </spacer>
     5.1 --- a/exports.cpp	Wed Mar 21 11:51:38 2007 +0000
     5.2 +++ b/exports.cpp	Sat Mar 31 09:28:27 2007 +0000
     5.3 @@ -131,6 +131,7 @@
     5.4  	bo=mapCenter->first();
     5.5  	while (bo) 
     5.6  	{
     5.7 +		cout << "export bo="<<bo->getHeading().ascii()<<endl;
     5.8  		// Make indentstring
     5.9  		for (i=0;i<bo->getDepth();i++) actIndent+= indentPerDepth;
    5.11 @@ -142,6 +143,8 @@
    5.12  		} else 	if (bo->getDepth()==1)
    5.13  			ts << ("\n"+getSectionString(bo) + bo->getHeading()+ "\n");
    5.14  		else	if (bo->getDepth()==2)
    5.15 +			ts << (actIndent + " * " + bo->getHeading()+ "\n");
    5.16 +		else	if (bo->getDepth()==3)
    5.17  			ts << (actIndent + " o " + bo->getHeading()+ "\n");
    5.18  		else	
    5.19  			ts << (actIndent + " - " + bo->getHeading()+ "\n");
     6.1 --- a/selection.cpp	Wed Mar 21 11:51:38 2007 +0000
     6.2 +++ b/selection.cpp	Sat Mar 31 09:28:27 2007 +0000
     6.3 @@ -1,17 +1,26 @@
     6.4  #include "selection.h"
     6.6 +#include "mainwindow.h"
     6.7 +#include "mapeditor.h"
     6.8 +
     6.9 +
    6.10 +
    6.11 +extern Main *mainWindow;
    6.13  Selection::Selection()
    6.14  {
    6.15 +	color= QColor(255,255,0);
    6.16  }
    6.18  Selection::~Selection()
    6.19  {
    6.20  }
    6.22 -void Selection::setMapCenter(MapCenterObj *mco)
    6.23 +void Selection::setMapEditor (MapEditor *me)
    6.24  {
    6.25 -	mapCenter=mco;
    6.26 +	mapEditor=me;
    6.27 +	mapCenter=me->getMapCenter();
    6.28 +	scene=mapCenter->getScene();
    6.29  }
    6.31  void Selection::copy(const Selection &other)
    6.32 @@ -27,11 +36,44 @@
    6.33  	lastSelectList.clear();
    6.34  }
    6.36 +void Selection::update()
    6.37 +{
    6.38 +	QRectF bbox;
    6.39 +	int w=0;
    6.40 +	for (int i=0; i< selectList.count(); ++i) 
    6.41 +	{
    6.42 +		bbox=selectList.at(i)->getBBox();
    6.43 +		selboxList.at(i)->setRect (
    6.44 +			bbox.x()-w,bbox.y()-w, 
    6.45 +			bbox.width()+2*w, bbox.height()+2*w);
    6.46 +		selboxList.at(i)->setPen (color);	
    6.47 +		selboxList.at(i)->setBrush (color);	
    6.48 +	}	
    6.49 +}
    6.50 +
    6.51 +void Selection::setColor (QColor col)
    6.52 +{
    6.53 +	color=col;
    6.54 +	update();
    6.55 +}
    6.56 +
    6.57 +QColor Selection::getColor ()
    6.58 +{
    6.59 +	return color;
    6.60 +}
    6.61 +
    6.62  bool Selection::select(LinkableMapObj *lmo)	// TODO no multiselections yet
    6.63  {
    6.64  	if (!selectList.isEmpty()) unselect();
    6.65  	selectList.append (lmo);
    6.66 +	QGraphicsRectItem *sb = scene->addRect(
    6.67 +		QRectF(0,0,0,0), 
    6.68 +		QPen(color),
    6.69 +		color);
    6.70 +	sb->setZValue(Z_SELBOX);
    6.71 +	selboxList.append (sb);
    6.72  	lmo->select();
    6.73 +	mainWindow->updateSatellites (mapEditor);	// update branchPropWindow...
    6.74  	return true;
    6.75  }
    6.77 @@ -69,6 +111,9 @@
    6.78  			selectList.at(i)->unselect();
    6.79  		lastSelectList=selectList;
    6.80  		selectList.clear();
    6.81 +		while (!selboxList.isEmpty() )
    6.82 +			delete selboxList.takeFirst();
    6.83 +
    6.84  	}	
    6.85  }
     7.1 --- a/selection.h	Wed Mar 21 11:51:38 2007 +0000
     7.2 +++ b/selection.h	Sat Mar 31 09:28:27 2007 +0000
     7.3 @@ -1,8 +1,18 @@
     7.4  #ifndef SELECTION_H
     7.5  #define SELECTION_H
     7.7 -#include "linkablemapobj.h"
     7.8 -#include "mapcenterobj.h"
     7.9 +#include <QString>
    7.10 +#include <QList>
    7.11 +#include <QGraphicsScene>
    7.12 +
    7.13 +
    7.14 +class MapEditor;
    7.15 +class BranchObj;
    7.16 +class FloatImageObj;
    7.17 +class MapCenterObj;
    7.18 +class LinkableMapObj;
    7.19 +
    7.20 +
    7.22  enum SelectionType {Undefined,Branch,MapCenter,FloatImage};
    7.24 @@ -13,8 +23,10 @@
    7.25  	~Selection();
    7.26  	void copy(const Selection&);
    7.27  	void clear();
    7.28 -	void setMapCenter (MapCenterObj *);
    7.29 -	
    7.30 +	void setMapEditor (MapEditor *);
    7.31 +	void update();
    7.32 +	void setColor (QColor c);
    7.33 +	QColor getColor ();
    7.34  	bool select (LinkableMapObj*);
    7.35  	bool select (const QString &);
    7.36  	bool reselect ();
    7.37 @@ -33,7 +45,12 @@
    7.38  	void init();
    7.39  	QList <LinkableMapObj*> selectList;
    7.40  	QList <LinkableMapObj*> lastSelectList;
    7.41 +	QList <QGraphicsRectItem*> selboxList;
    7.42 +	MapEditor *mapEditor;
    7.43  	MapCenterObj *mapCenter;
    7.44 +	QGraphicsScene *scene;
    7.45 +
    7.46 +	QColor color;
    7.47  };
    7.48  #endif