switching to KDE icons
Mon, 10 Apr 2006 11:00:23 +0000 (2006-04-10)
changeset 2694c3e9fa0093b
parent 268 2a6157d381fe
child 270 e7adc7586136
switching to KDE icons
     1.1 Binary file demos/time-management.vym has changed
     2.1 Binary file demos/todo.vym has changed
     3.1 --- a/main.cpp	Mon Apr 10 11:00:19 2006 +0000
     3.2 +++ b/main.cpp	Mon Apr 10 11:00:23 2006 +0000
     3.3 @@ -11,10 +11,6 @@
     3.4  #include "options.h"
     3.5  #include "mainwindow.h"
     3.7 -#include "icons/vym-48x48.xpm"
     3.8 -#include "icons/vym-128x128.xpm"
     3.9 -#include "icons/vym-editor.xpm"
    3.10 -
    3.11  #include "flagrowobj.h"
    3.13  // Global variables
    3.14 @@ -25,6 +21,8 @@
    3.15  QString tmpVymDir;				// All temp files go there, created in mainwindow
    3.16  QString clipboardDir;			// Clipboard used in all mapEditors
    3.17  QDir vymBaseDir;				// Containing all styles, scripts, images, ...
    3.18 +QString iconPath;				// Pointing to icons used for toolbars
    3.19 +QString flagsPath;				// Pointing to flags
    3.20  bool clipboardEmpty;			
    3.21  FlagRowObj *systemFlagsDefault;	// used to copy from in LinkableMapObj
    3.22  FlagRowObj *standardFlagsDefault;
    3.23 @@ -160,10 +158,18 @@
    3.25  	// Use /usr/share/vym or /usr/local/share/vym or . ?
    3.26  	QDir vymBaseDir;
    3.27 +
    3.28 +	// First try options
    3.29  	if (options.isOn ("local"))
    3.30  	{
    3.31  		vymBaseDir.setPath (vymBaseDir.currentDirPath());
    3.32 -	}else
    3.33 +	} else
    3.34 +	// then look for environment variable
    3.35 +	if (getenv("VYMHOME")!=0)
    3.36 +	{
    3.37 +		vymBaseDir.setPath (getenv("VYMHOME"));
    3.38 +	} else
    3.39 +	// ok, let's find my way on my own
    3.40  	{
    3.41  		vymBaseDir.setPath ("/usr/share/vym");
    3.42  		if (!vymBaseDir.exists())
    3.43 @@ -172,6 +178,9 @@
    3.44  			vymBaseDir.setPath(vymBaseDir.currentDirPath() );
    3.45  	}
    3.47 +	iconPath=vymBaseDir.path()+"/icons/";
    3.48 +	flagsPath=vymBaseDir.path()+"/flags/";
    3.49 +
    3.50  	if (options.isOn ("help"))
    3.51  	{
    3.52  		cout << options.getHelpText()<<endl;
    3.53 @@ -186,7 +195,7 @@
    3.56      QMimeSourceFactory *factory = QMimeSourceFactory::defaultFactory();
    3.57 -    factory->setPixmap("vym_128x128", QPixmap(vym_128x128_xpm));
    3.58 +    factory->setPixmap("vym-128x128", QPixmap(iconPath+"vym-128x128.png"));
    3.59      qInitNetworkProtocols();
    3.62 @@ -203,13 +212,13 @@
    3.64  	// Initialize window of TextEditor
    3.65  	textEditor = new TextEditor();
    3.66 -	textEditor->setIcon (QPixmap (vym_editor_xpm));
    3.67 +	textEditor->setIcon (QPixmap (iconPath+"vym-editor.png"));
    3.68  	if (textEditor->showWithMain()) textEditor->show();
    3.70  	// Initialize mainwindow 
    3.71      Main m;
    3.72  	//m.resize(m.sizeHint());
    3.73 -	m.setIcon (QPixmap (vym_48x48_xpm));
    3.74 +	m.setIcon (QPixmap (iconPath+"vym-48x48.png"));
    3.75  	m.show();
    3.76  	m.fileNew();
    3.77  	m.loadCmdLine();
     4.1 --- a/mainwindow.cpp	Mon Apr 10 11:00:19 2006 +0000
     4.2 +++ b/mainwindow.cpp	Mon Apr 10 11:00:23 2006 +0000
     4.3 @@ -19,51 +19,7 @@
     4.4  #include <cstdlib>
     4.5  #include <typeinfo>
     4.7 -#include "icons/filenew.xpm"
     4.8 -#include "icons/fileopen.xpm"
     4.9 -#include "icons/filesave.xpm"
    4.10 -#include "icons/fileprint.xpm"
    4.11 -#include "icons/editundo.xpm"
    4.12 -#include "icons/editredo.xpm"	
    4.13 -#include "icons/editcopy.xpm"
    4.14 -#include "icons/editcut.xpm"
    4.15 -#include "icons/editpaste.xpm"
    4.16 -#include "icons/editmoveup.xpm"
    4.17 -#include "icons/editmovedown.xpm"
    4.18 -#include "icons/formatcoloritem.xpm"
    4.19 -#include "icons/formatcolorbranch.xpm"
    4.20 -#include "icons/formatcolorpicker.xpm"
    4.21 -#include "icons/viewzoomreset.xpm"
    4.22 -#include "icons/viewzoomin.xpm"
    4.23 -#include "icons/viewzoomout.xpm"
    4.24 -#include "icons/modecolor.xpm"
    4.25 -#include "icons/modelink.xpm"
    4.26 -#include "icons/modecopy.xpm"
    4.27 -#include "icons/flag-questionmark.xpm"
    4.28 -#include "icons/flag-exclamationmark.xpm"
    4.29 -#include "icons/flag-hook-green.xpm"
    4.30 -#include "icons/flag-cross-red.xpm"
    4.31 -#include "icons/flag-stopsign.xpm"
    4.32 -#include "icons/flag-smiley-good.xpm"
    4.33 -#include "icons/flag-smiley-sad.xpm"
    4.34 -#include "icons/flag-clock.xpm"
    4.35 -#include "icons/flag-lamp.xpm"
    4.36 -#include "icons/flag-arrow-up.xpm"
    4.37 -#include "icons/flag-arrow-down.xpm"
    4.38 -#include "icons/flag-thumb-up.xpm"
    4.39 -#include "icons/flag-thumb-down.xpm"
    4.40 -#include "icons/flag-heart.xpm"
    4.41 -#include "icons/flag-flash.xpm"
    4.42 -#include "icons/flag-lifebelt.xpm"
    4.43 -#include "icons/flag-note.xpm"
    4.44 -#include "icons/flag-url.xpm"
    4.45 -#include "icons/flag-vymlink.xpm"	
    4.46 -#include "icons/flag-hideexport.xpm"	
    4.47 -#include "icons/flag-scrolled-right.xpm"
    4.48 -#include "icons/flag-tmpUnscrolled-right.xpm"
    4.49 -
    4.50  #include "aboutdialog.h"
    4.51 -#include "exporthtmldialog.h"
    4.52  #include "exportoofiledialog.h"
    4.53  #include "exports.h"
    4.54  #include "exportxhtmldialog.h"
    4.55 @@ -179,6 +135,9 @@
    4.57  extern Settings settings;
    4.58  extern Options options;
    4.59 +extern QDir vymBaseDir;
    4.60 +extern QString iconPath;
    4.61 +extern QString flagsPath;
    4.63  #if defined(Q_OS_LINUX)
    4.64  extern void qt_wait_for_window_manager( QWidget* w );
    4.65 @@ -363,12 +322,12 @@
    4.66  	// Keycodes:  /usr/lib64/qt3/include/qnamespace.h
    4.68      QAction *a;
    4.69 -    a = new QAction( tr( "New map","File menu" ), QPixmap( filenew_xpm ), tr( "&New..." ), CTRL + Key_N, this, "fileNew" );
    4.70 +    a = new QAction( tr( "New map","File menu" ), QPixmap( iconPath+"filenew.png"), tr( "&New..." ), CTRL + Key_N, this, "fileNew" );
    4.71      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileNew() ) );
    4.72      a->addTo( tb );
    4.73      a->addTo( menu );
    4.75 -    a = new QAction( tr( "Open","File menu" ), QPixmap( fileopen_xpm), tr( "&Open..." ), CTRL + Key_O, this, "fileOpen" );
    4.76 +    a = new QAction( tr( "Open","File menu" ), QPixmap( iconPath+"fileopen.png"), tr( "&Open..." ), CTRL + Key_O, this, "fileOpen" );
    4.77      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileLoad() ) );
    4.78      a->addTo( tb );
    4.79      a->addTo( menu );
    4.80 @@ -378,13 +337,13 @@
    4.81      menu->insertItem (tr("Open Recent"),lastMapsMenu );
    4.82      menu->insertSeparator();
    4.84 -    a = new QAction( tr( "Save" ), QPixmap( filesave_xpm ), tr( "&Save..." ), CTRL + Key_S, this, "fileSave" );
    4.85 +    a = new QAction( tr( "Save" ), QPixmap( iconPath+"filesave.png"), tr( "&Save..." ), CTRL + Key_S, this, "fileSave" );
    4.86      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileSave() ) );
    4.87      a->addTo( tb );
    4.88      a->addTo( menu );
    4.89  	actionFileSave=a;
    4.91 -    a = new QAction( tr( "Save &As" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Save &As..." ), 0, this, "fileSaveAs" );
    4.92 +    a = new QAction( tr( "Save &As" ), QPixmap(iconPath+"filesaveas.png"), tr( "Save &As..." ), 0, this, "fileSaveAs" );
    4.93      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileSaveAs() ) );
    4.94      a->addTo( menu );
    4.96 @@ -411,17 +370,17 @@
    4.97      menu->insertSeparator();
   4.100 -    a = new QAction( tr( "Print" ), QPixmap( fileprint_xpm ), tr( "&Print")+QString("..."), CTRL + Key_P, this, "filePrint" );
   4.101 +    a = new QAction( tr( "Print" ), QPixmap( iconPath+"fileprint.png"), tr( "&Print")+QString("..."), CTRL + Key_P, this, "filePrint" );
   4.102      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( filePrint() ) );
   4.103      a->addTo( tb );
   4.104      a->addTo( menu );
   4.105  	actionFilePrint=a;
   4.107 -    a = new QAction( tr( "Close Map" ), QPixmap(), tr( "&Close Map" ), ALT + Key_C, this, "fileCloseMap" );
   4.108 +    a = new QAction( tr( "Close Map" ), QPixmap(iconPath+"fileclose.png"), tr( "&Close Map" ), ALT + Key_C, this, "fileCloseMap" );
   4.109      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileCloseMap() ) );
   4.110      a->addTo( menu );
   4.112 -    a = new QAction( tr( "Exit")+" "+__VYM, QPixmap(), tr( "E&xit")+" "+__VYM, CTRL + Key_Q, this, "fileExitVYM" );
   4.113 +    a = new QAction( tr( "Exit")+" "+__VYM, QPixmap(iconPath+"exit.png"), tr( "E&xit")+" "+__VYM, CTRL + Key_Q, this, "fileExitVYM" );
   4.114      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileExitVYM() ) );
   4.115      a->addTo( menu );
   4.116  }
   4.117 @@ -437,7 +396,7 @@
   4.119      QAction *a;
   4.120  	QAction *alt;
   4.121 -    a = new QAction( tr( "Undo" ), QPixmap( editundo_xpm ), tr( "&Undo" ), CTRL + Key_Z, this, "editUndo" );
   4.122 +    a = new QAction( tr( "Undo" ), QPixmap( iconPath+"undo.png"), tr( "&Undo" ), CTRL + Key_Z, this, "editUndo" );
   4.123      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editUndo() ) );
   4.124  	a->setEnabled (false);
   4.125      a->addTo( tb );
   4.126 @@ -446,33 +405,33 @@
   4.128      if (settings.readBoolEntry( "/vym/mainwindow/showTestMenu",false)) 
   4.129  	{
   4.130 -		a = new QAction( tr( "Redo" ), QPixmap( editredo_xpm ), tr( "&Redo" ), CTRL + Key_Y, this, "editRedo" ); 
   4.131 +		a = new QAction( tr( "Redo" ), QPixmap( iconPath+"redo.png"), tr( "&Redo" ), CTRL + Key_Y, this, "editRedo" ); 
   4.132  		connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editRedo() ) );
   4.133  		a->addTo( tb );
   4.134  		a->addTo( menu );
   4.135  	}
   4.137      menu->insertSeparator();
   4.138 -    a = new QAction( tr( "Copy" ), QPixmap( editcopy_xpm ), tr( "&Copy" ), CTRL + Key_C, this, "editCopy" );
   4.139 +    a = new QAction( tr( "Copy" ), QPixmap( iconPath+"editcopy.png"), tr( "&Copy" ), CTRL + Key_C, this, "editCopy" );
   4.140      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editCopy() ) );
   4.141  	a->setEnabled (false);
   4.142      a->addTo( tb );
   4.143      a->addTo( menu );
   4.144  	actionEditCopy=a;
   4.145 -    a = new QAction( tr( "Cut" ), QPixmap( editcut_xpm ), tr( "Cu&t" ), CTRL + Key_X, this, "editCut" );
   4.146 +    a = new QAction( tr( "Cut" ), QPixmap( iconPath+"editcut.png" ), tr( "Cu&t" ), CTRL + Key_X, this, "editCut" );
   4.147      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editCut() ) );
   4.148  	a->setEnabled (false);
   4.149      a->addTo( tb );
   4.150      a->addTo( menu );
   4.151  	actionEditCut=a;
   4.152 -    a = new QAction( tr( "Paste" ), QPixmap( editpaste_xpm ), tr( "&Paste" ), CTRL + Key_V, this, "editPaste" );
   4.153 +    a = new QAction( tr( "Paste" ), QPixmap( iconPath+"editpaste.png"), tr( "&Paste" ), CTRL + Key_V, this, "editPaste" );
   4.154      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editPaste() ) );
   4.155  	a->setEnabled (false);
   4.156      a->addTo( tb );
   4.157      a->addTo( menu );
   4.158  	actionEditPaste=a;
   4.160 -    a = new QAction( tr( "Move branch up" ), QPixmap( editmoveup_xpm ), tr( "Move up" ), Key_PageUp, this, "editMoveUp" );
   4.161 +    a = new QAction( tr( "Move branch up" ), QPixmap(iconPath+"up.png" ), tr( "Move up" ), Key_PageUp, this, "editMoveUp" );
   4.162      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editMoveUp() ) );
   4.163  	a->setEnabled (false);
   4.164      a->addTo( tb );
   4.165 @@ -480,7 +439,7 @@
   4.166  	actionListBranches.append(a);
   4.167  	actionEditMoveUp=a;
   4.169 -    a = new QAction( tr( "Move branch down" ), QPixmap( editmovedown_xpm ), tr( "Move down" ), Key_PageDown, this, "editMoveDown" );
   4.170 +    a = new QAction( tr( "Move branch down" ), QPixmap( iconPath+"down.png"), tr( "Move down" ), Key_PageDown, this, "editMoveDown" );
   4.171      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editMoveDown() ) );
   4.172  	a->setEnabled (false);
   4.173      a->addTo( tb );
   4.174 @@ -489,9 +448,9 @@
   4.175  	actionEditMoveDown=a;
   4.178 -	a = new QAction( tr( "Scroll branch" ), QPixmap(flag_scrolled_right_xpm), tr( "Scroll branch" ), Key_ScrollLock, this, "scroll" );
   4.179 +	a = new QAction( tr( "Scroll branch" ), QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-scrolled-right.png"), tr( "Scroll branch" ), Key_ScrollLock, this, "scroll" );
   4.180      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editToggleScroll() ) );
   4.181 -	alt = new QAction( tr( "Scroll branch" ), QPixmap(flag_scrolled_right_xpm), tr( "Scroll branch" ), Key_S, this, "scroll" );
   4.182 +	alt = new QAction( tr( "Scroll branch" ), QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-scrolled-right.png"), tr( "Scroll branch" ), Key_S, this, "scroll" );
   4.183      connect( alt, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editToggleScroll() ) );
   4.184  	#if defined(Q_OS_MACX)
   4.185  		actionEditToggleScroll=alt;
   4.186 @@ -510,13 +469,13 @@
   4.188      menu->insertSeparator();
   4.190 -	a = new QAction( tr( "Find" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Find"+QString("...") ), CTRL + Key_F, this, "find" );
   4.191 +	a = new QAction( tr( "Find" ), QPixmap(iconPath+"find.png"), tr( "Find"+QString("...") ), CTRL + Key_F, this, "find" );
   4.192      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editOpenFindWindow() ) );
   4.193      a->addTo( menu );
   4.195  	menu->insertSeparator();
   4.197 -	a = new QAction( tr( "Open URL" ), QPixmap(flag_url_xpm), tr( "Open URL" ), CTRL + Key_U, this, "url" );
   4.198 +	a = new QAction( tr( "Open URL" ), QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-url.png"), tr( "Open URL" ), CTRL + Key_U, this, "url" );
   4.199      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editOpenURL() ) );
   4.200      a->addTo( tb );
   4.201  	a->setEnabled (false);
   4.202 @@ -551,7 +510,7 @@
   4.203  	actionListBranches.append(a);
   4.204  	actionEditFATE2URL=a;
   4.206 -    a = new QAction( tr( "Jump to another vym map, if needed load it first" ), QPixmap(flag_vymlink_xpm), tr( "Jump to map" ), 0, this, "jumpMap" );
   4.207 +    a = new QAction( tr( "Jump to another vym map, if needed load it first" ), QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-vymlink.png"), tr( "Jump to map" ), 0, this, "jumpMap" );
   4.208      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editOpenVymLink() ) );
   4.209      a->addTo( tb );
   4.210  	a->setEnabled (false);
   4.211 @@ -568,7 +527,7 @@
   4.212  	a->setEnabled (false);
   4.213  	actionEditDeleteVymLink=a;
   4.215 -    a = new QAction( tr( "Hide object in exports" ), QPixmap(flag_hideexport_xpm), tr( "Hide in exports" ), 0, this, "hideExport" );
   4.216 +    a = new QAction( tr( "Hide object in exports" ), QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-hideexport.png"), tr( "Hide in exports" ), Key_H, this, "hideExport" );
   4.217      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editToggleHideExport() ) );
   4.218  	a->setToggleAction(true);
   4.219      a->addTo( tb );
   4.220 @@ -723,21 +682,21 @@
   4.221      connect( actionFormatColor, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( formatSelectColor() ) );
   4.222      actionFormatColor->addTo( tb );
   4.223      actionFormatColor->addTo( menu );
   4.224 -    a= new QAction( tr( "Pick color\nHint: You can pick a color from another branch and color using CTRL+Left Button" ), QPixmap(formatcolorpicker_xpm), tr( "Pic&k color" ), CTRL + Key_K, this, "pickColor" );
   4.225 +    a= new QAction( tr( "Pick color\nHint: You can pick a color from another branch and color using CTRL+Left Button" ), QPixmap(iconPath+"formatcolorpicker.png"), tr( "Pic&k color" ), CTRL + Key_K, this, "pickColor" );
   4.226      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( formatPickColor() ) );
   4.227  	a->setEnabled (false);
   4.228      a->addTo( tb );
   4.229      a->addTo( menu );
   4.230  	actionListBranches.append(a);
   4.231  	actionFormatPickColor=a;
   4.232 -    a= new QAction( tr( "Color branch" ), QPixmap(formatcoloritem_xpm), tr( "Color &branch" ), CTRL + Key_I, this, "colorItem" );
   4.233 +    a= new QAction( tr( "Color branch" ), QPixmap(iconPath+"formatcoloritem.png"), tr( "Color &branch" ), CTRL + Key_I, this, "colorItem" );
   4.234      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( formatColorItem() ) );
   4.235  	a->setEnabled (false);
   4.236      a->addTo( tb );
   4.237      a->addTo( menu );
   4.238  	actionListBranches.append(a);
   4.239  	actionFormatColorBranch=a;
   4.240 -    a= new QAction( tr( "Color Subtree" ), QPixmap(formatcolorbranch_xpm), tr( "Color sub&tree" ), CTRL + Key_T, this, "colorBranch" );
   4.241 +    a= new QAction( tr( "Color Subtree" ), QPixmap(iconPath+"formatcolorbranch.png"), tr( "Color sub&tree" ), CTRL + Key_T, this, "colorBranch" );
   4.242      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( formatColorBranch() ) );
   4.243  	a->setEnabled (false);
   4.244      a->addTo( menu );
   4.245 @@ -816,19 +775,19 @@
   4.246      menuBar()->insertItem( tr( "&View" ), menu );
   4.248      QAction *a;
   4.249 -    a = new QAction( tr( "Zoom reset" ), QPixmap(viewzoomreset_xpm), tr( "reset Zoom" ), CTRL + Key_0, this, "zoomReset" );
   4.250 +    a = new QAction( tr( "Zoom reset" ), QPixmap(iconPath+"viewmag-reset.png"), tr( "reset Zoom" ), CTRL + Key_0, this, "zoomReset" );
   4.251      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT(viewZoomReset() ) );
   4.252      a->addTo( tb );
   4.253      a->addTo( menu );
   4.254 -    a = new QAction( tr( "Zoom in" ), QPixmap(viewzoomin_xpm), tr( "Zoom in" ), CTRL + Key_Plus, this, "zoomIn" );
   4.255 +    a = new QAction( tr( "Zoom in" ), QPixmap(iconPath+"viewmag+.png"), tr( "Zoom in" ), CTRL + Key_Plus, this, "zoomIn" );
   4.256      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT(viewZoomIn() ) );
   4.257      a->addTo( tb );
   4.258      a->addTo( menu );
   4.259 -    a = new QAction( tr( "Zoom out" ), QPixmap(viewzoomout_xpm), tr( "Zoom out" ), CTRL + Key_Minus, this, "zoomOut" );
   4.260 +    a = new QAction( tr( "Zoom out" ), QPixmap(iconPath+"viewmag-.png"), tr( "Zoom out" ), CTRL + Key_Minus, this, "zoomOut" );
   4.261      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( viewZoomOut() ) );
   4.262      a->addTo( tb );
   4.263      a->addTo( menu );
   4.264 -    a = new QAction( tr( "Toggle Note Editor" ), QPixmap(flag_note_xpm), tr( "Toggle Note Editor" ), CTRL + Key_E , this, "noteEditor" );
   4.265 +    a = new QAction( tr( "Toggle Note Editor" ), QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-note.png"), tr( "Toggle Note Editor" ), CTRL + Key_E , this, "noteEditor" );
   4.266      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT(windowToggleNoteEditor() ) );
   4.267  	a->setToggleAction(true);
   4.268  	if (textEditor->showWithMain())
   4.269 @@ -857,18 +816,18 @@
   4.270      QAction *a;
   4.271  	actionGroupModModes=new QActionGroup ( this, "formatLinkStyles");
   4.272  	actionGroupModModes->setExclusive (true);
   4.273 -    a= new QAction( tr( "Use modifier to color branches" ), QPixmap(modecolor_xpm), 0, Key_J, actionGroupModModes, "modModeColor" );
   4.274 +    a= new QAction( tr( "Use modifier to color branches" ), QPixmap(iconPath+"modecolor.png"), 0, Key_J, actionGroupModModes, "modModeColor" );
   4.275  	a->setToggleAction(true);
   4.276  	a->addTo (tb);
   4.277  	a->setOn(true);
   4.278  	actionModModeColor=a;
   4.280 -    a= new QAction( tr( "Use modifier to copy" ), QPixmap(modecopy_xpm), 0, Key_K, actionGroupModModes, "modModeCopy" );
   4.281 +    a= new QAction( tr( "Use modifier to copy" ), QPixmap(iconPath+"modecopy.png"), 0, Key_K, actionGroupModModes, "modModeCopy" );
   4.282  	a->setToggleAction(true);
   4.283  	a->addTo (tb);
   4.284  	actionModModeCopy=a;
   4.286 -    a= new QAction( tr( "Use modifier to draw xLinks" ), QPixmap(modelink_xpm), 0, Key_L, actionGroupModModes, "modModeLink" );
   4.287 +    a= new QAction( tr( "Use modifier to draw xLinks" ), QPixmap(iconPath+"modelink.png"), 0, Key_L, actionGroupModModes, "modModeLink" );
   4.288  	a->setToggleAction(true);
   4.289  	a->addTo (tb);
   4.290  	actionModModeLink=a;
   4.291 @@ -883,32 +842,32 @@
   4.292  	systemFlagsDefault->setName ("systemFlagsDef");
   4.294  	FlagObj *fo = new FlagObj ();
   4.295 -	fo->load(QPixmap(flag_note_xpm));
   4.296 +	fo->load(QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-note.png"));
   4.297  	fo->setName("note");
   4.298  	fo->setToolTip(tr("Note","Systemflag"));
   4.299  	systemFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	// makes deep copy
   4.301 -	fo->load(QPixmap(flag_url_xpm));
   4.302 +	fo->load(QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-url.png"));
   4.303  	fo->setName("url");
   4.304  	fo->setToolTip(tr("WWW Document (external)","Systemflag"));
   4.305  	systemFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);
   4.307 -	fo->load(QPixmap(flag_vymlink_xpm));
   4.308 +	fo->load(QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-vymlink.png"));
   4.309  	fo->setName("vymLink");
   4.310  	fo->setToolTip(tr("Link to another vym map","Systemflag"));
   4.311  	systemFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
   4.313 -	fo->load(QPixmap(flag_scrolled_right_xpm));
   4.314 +	fo->load(QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-scrolled-right.png"));
   4.315  	fo->setName("scrolledright");
   4.316  	fo->setToolTip(tr("subtree is scrolled","Systemflag"));
   4.317  	systemFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);
   4.319 -	fo->load(QPixmap(flag_tmpUnscrolled_right_xpm));
   4.320 +	fo->load(QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-tmpUnscrolled-right.png"));
   4.321  	fo->setName("tmpUnscrolledright");
   4.322  	fo->setToolTip(tr("subtree is temporary scrolled","Systemflag"));
   4.323  	systemFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);
   4.325 -	fo->load(QPixmap("icons/flag-hideexport.png"));
   4.326 +	fo->load(QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-hideexport.png"));
   4.327  	fo->setName("hideInExport");
   4.328  	fo->setToolTip(tr("Hide object in exported maps","Systemflag"));
   4.329  	systemFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);
   4.330 @@ -918,93 +877,134 @@
   4.331  	standardFlagsDefault->setVisibility (false);
   4.332  	standardFlagsDefault->setName ("standardFlagsDef");
   4.334 -	fo->load(QPixmap(flag_exclamationmark_xpm));
   4.335 +	fo->load(QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-exclamationmark.png"));
   4.336  	fo->setName ("exclamationmark");
   4.337  	fo->setGroup("standard-mark");
   4.338  	fo->setToolTip(tr("Take care!","Standardflag"));
   4.339  	standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	// makes deep copy
   4.341 -	fo->load(QPixmap(flag_questionmark_xpm));
   4.342 +	fo->load(QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-questionmark.png"));
   4.343  	fo->setName("questionmark");
   4.344  	fo->setGroup("standard-mark");
   4.345  	fo->setToolTip(tr("Really?","Standardflag"));
   4.346  	standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
   4.348 -	fo->load(QPixmap(flag_hook_green_xpm));
   4.349 +	fo->load(QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-hook-green.png"));
   4.350  	fo->setName("hook-green");
   4.351  	fo->setGroup("standard-hook");
   4.352  	fo->setToolTip(tr("ok!","Standardflag"));
   4.353  	standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
   4.355 -	fo->load(QPixmap(flag_cross_red_xpm));
   4.356 +	fo->load(QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-cross-red.png"));
   4.357  	fo->setName("cross-red");
   4.358  	fo->setGroup("standard-hook");
   4.359  	fo->setToolTip(tr("Not ok!","Standardflag"));
   4.360  	standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
   4.362 -	fo->load(QPixmap(flag_stopsign_xpm));
   4.363 +	fo->load(QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-stopsign.png"));
   4.364  	fo->setName("stopsign");
   4.365  	fo->setToolTip(tr("This won't work!","Standardflag"));
   4.366  	standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
   4.368 -	fo->load(QPixmap(flag_smiley_good_xpm));
   4.369 +	fo->load(QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-smiley-good.png"));
   4.370  	fo->setName("smiley-good");
   4.371  	fo->setGroup("standard-smiley");
   4.372  	fo->setToolTip(tr("Good","Standardflag"));
   4.373  	standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
   4.375 -	fo->load(QPixmap(flag_smiley_sad_xpm));
   4.376 +	fo->load(QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-smiley-sad.png"));
   4.377  	fo->setName("smiley-sad");
   4.378  	fo->setGroup("standard-smiley");
   4.379  	fo->setToolTip(tr("Bad","Standardflag"));
   4.380  	standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
   4.382 -	fo->load(QPixmap(flag_clock_xpm));
   4.383 +	fo->load(QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-smiley-omg.png"));
   4.384 +	// Original omg.png (in KDE emoticons)
   4.385 +	fo->setName("smiley-omg");
   4.386 +	fo->setGroup("standard-smiley");
   4.387 +	fo->setToolTip(tr("Oh no!","Standardflag"));
   4.388 +	standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
   4.389 +
   4.390 +	fo->load(QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-kalarm.png"));
   4.391  	fo->setName("clock");
   4.392  	fo->setToolTip(tr("Time critical","Standardflag"));
   4.393  	standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
   4.395 -	fo->load(QPixmap(flag_lamp_xpm));
   4.396 +	fo->load(QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-phone.png"));
   4.397 +	fo->setName("phone");
   4.398 +	fo->setToolTip(tr("Call...","Standardflag"));
   4.399 +	standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
   4.400 +
   4.401 +	fo->load(QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-lamp.png"));
   4.402  	fo->setName("lamp");
   4.403  	fo->setToolTip(tr("Idea!","Standardflag"));
   4.404  	standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
   4.406 -	fo->load(QPixmap(flag_arrow_up_xpm));
   4.407 +	fo->load(QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-arrow-up.png"));
   4.408  	fo->setName("arrow-up");
   4.409  	fo->setGroup("standard-arrow");
   4.410  	fo->setToolTip(tr("Important","Standardflag"));
   4.411  	standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
   4.413 -	fo->load(QPixmap(flag_arrow_down_xpm));
   4.414 +	fo->load(QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-arrow-down.png"));
   4.415  	fo->setName("arrow-down");
   4.416  	fo->setGroup("standard-arrow");
   4.417  	fo->setToolTip(tr("Unimportant","Standardflag"));
   4.418  	standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
   4.420 -	fo->load(QPixmap(flag_thumb_up_xpm));
   4.421 +	fo->load(QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-arrow-2up.png"));
   4.422 +	fo->setName("2arrow-up");
   4.423 +	fo->setGroup("standard-arrow");
   4.424 +	fo->setToolTip(tr("Very important!","Standardflag"));
   4.425 +	standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
   4.426 +
   4.427 +	fo->load(QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-arrow-2down.png"));
   4.428 +	fo->setName("2arrow-down");
   4.429 +	fo->setGroup("standard-arrow");
   4.430 +	fo->setToolTip(tr("Very unimportant!","Standardflag"));
   4.431 +	standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
   4.432 +
   4.433 +	fo->load(QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-thumb-up.png"));
   4.434  	fo->setName("thumb-up");
   4.435  	fo->setGroup("standard-thumb");
   4.436  	fo->setToolTip(tr("I like this","Standardflag"));
   4.437  	standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
   4.439 -	fo->load(QPixmap(flag_thumb_down_xpm));
   4.440 +	fo->load(QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-thumb-down.png"));
   4.441  	fo->setName("thumb-down");
   4.442  	fo->setGroup("standard-thumb");
   4.443  	fo->setToolTip(tr("I like this","Standardflag"));
   4.444  	fo->setToolTip(tr("I do not like this","Standardflag"));
   4.445  	standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
   4.447 -	fo->load(QPixmap(flag_heart_xpm));
   4.448 +	fo->load(QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-rose.png"));
   4.449 +	fo->setName("rose");
   4.450 +	fo->setToolTip(tr("Rose","Standardflag"));
   4.451 +	standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
   4.452 +
   4.453 +	fo->load(QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-heart.png"));
   4.454  	fo->setName("heart");
   4.455  	fo->setToolTip(tr("I just love... ","Standardflag"));
   4.456  	standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
   4.458 -	fo->load(QPixmap(flag_flash_xpm));
   4.459 +	fo->load(QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-present.png"));
   4.460 +	fo->setName("present");
   4.461 +	fo->setToolTip(tr("Surprise!","Standardflag"));
   4.462 +	standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
   4.463 +
   4.464 +	fo->load(QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-flash.png"));
   4.465  	fo->setName("flash");
   4.466  	fo->setToolTip(tr("Dangerous","Standardflag"));
   4.467  	standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
   4.469 -	fo->load(QPixmap(flag_lifebelt_xpm));
   4.470 +	fo->load(QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-info.png"));
   4.471 +	// Original: xsldbg_output.png
   4.472 +	fo->setName("info");
   4.473 +	fo->setToolTip(tr("Info","Standardflag"));
   4.474 +	standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
   4.475 +
   4.476 +	fo->load(QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-lifebelt.png"));
   4.477 +	// Original khelpcenter.png
   4.478  	fo->setName("lifebelt");
   4.479  	fo->setToolTip(tr("This will help","Standardflag"));
   4.480  	standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
   4.481 @@ -1235,14 +1235,6 @@
   4.482      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileExportXML() ) );
   4.483      a->addTo( exportMenu );
   4.485 -    if (settings.readBoolEntry( "/vym/mainwindow/showTestMenu",false)) 
   4.486 -	{
   4.487 -		a = new QAction( tr( "Export as")+" HTML" , QPixmap(), "HTML...", 0, this, "exportHTML");
   4.488 -		connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileExportHTML() ) );
   4.489 -		a->addTo( exportMenu );
   4.490 -	}
   4.491 -
   4.492 -	
   4.493  	// Context menu for canvas
   4.494  	canvasContextMenu =new QPopupMenu (this);
   4.495  	actionEditMapInfo->addTo( canvasContextMenu );
   4.496 @@ -1878,26 +1870,6 @@
   4.497  	}	
   4.498  }
   4.500 -void Main::fileExportHTML()
   4.501 -{
   4.502 -	MapEditor *me=currentMapEditor();
   4.503 -	if (me)
   4.504 -	{
   4.505 -		ExportHTMLDialog dia(this);
   4.506 -		
   4.507 -		if (dia.exec()==QDialog::Accepted)
   4.508 -		{
   4.509 -			QString dir=dia.getDir();
   4.510 -			if (reallyWriteDirectory(dir) )
   4.511 -			{
   4.512 -				me->setExportMode (true);
   4.513 -				me->exportXML (dia.getDir() );
   4.514 -				dia.doExport(me->getMapName() );
   4.515 -				me->setExportMode (false);
   4.516 -			}	
   4.517 -		}
   4.518 -	}	
   4.519 -}
   4.521  void Main::fileExportXHTML()
   4.522  {
     5.1 --- a/mainwindow.h	Mon Apr 10 11:00:19 2006 +0000
     5.2 +++ b/mainwindow.h	Mon Apr 10 11:00:23 2006 +0000
     5.3 @@ -69,7 +69,6 @@
     5.4      void fileImportMM();
     5.5      void fileImportDir();
     5.6      void fileExportXML();
     5.7 -    void fileExportHTML();
     5.8      void fileExportXHTML();
     5.9      void fileExportImage(int);
    5.10      void fileExportASCII();
     6.1 --- a/mapeditor.cpp	Mon Apr 10 11:00:19 2006 +0000
     6.2 +++ b/mapeditor.cpp	Mon Apr 10 11:00:23 2006 +0000
     6.3 @@ -125,6 +125,8 @@
     6.5  extern Settings settings;
     6.7 +extern QString iconPath;
     6.8 +
     6.9  int MapEditor::mapNum=0;	// make instance
    6.11  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    6.12 @@ -168,22 +170,13 @@
    6.14  	// Create bitmap cursors, patform dependant
    6.15  	#if defined(Q_OS_MACX)
    6.16 -		#include "icons/cursorhandopen16.xpm"
    6.17 -		#include "icons/cursorcolorpicker16.xpm"
    6.18 -		QBitmap cb( 16, 16, chandopen, TRUE );
    6.19 -		QBitmap cm( 16, 16, chandopenmask, TRUE );
    6.20 -		handOpenCursor=QCursor ( cb, cm );		
    6.21 +		handOpenCursor=QCursor ( QPixmap(iconPath+"cursorhandopen16.png") );		
    6.22  		// set hot spot to tip of picker			
    6.23 -		pickColorCursor=QCursor ( cursorcolorpicker_xpm, 1,15 ); 
    6.24 +		pickColorCursor=QCursor ( QPixmap (iconPath+"cursorcolorpicker16.png"), 1,15 ); 
    6.25  	#else
    6.26 -		#include "icons/cursorhandopen.xpm"
    6.27 -		#include "icons/cursorcolorpicker.xpm"
    6.28 -
    6.29 -		QBitmap cb( 32, 32, chandopen, TRUE );
    6.30 -		QBitmap cm( 32, 32, chandopenmask, TRUE );
    6.31 -		handOpenCursor=QCursor ( cb, cm );		
    6.32 +		handOpenCursor=QCursor (QPixmap(iconPath+"cursorhandopen16.png"));		
    6.33  		// set hot spot to tip of picker			
    6.34 -		pickColorCursor=QCursor ( cursorcolorpicker_xpm, 5,27 ); 
    6.35 +		pickColorCursor=QCursor ( QPixmap(iconPath+"cursorcolorpicker.png"), 5,27 ); 
    6.36  	#endif
    6.38  	pickingColor=false;
     7.1 --- a/texteditor.cpp	Mon Apr 10 11:00:19 2006 +0000
     7.2 +++ b/texteditor.cpp	Mon Apr 10 11:00:23 2006 +0000
     7.3 @@ -31,32 +31,14 @@
     7.4  #include "noteobj.h"
     7.5  #include "version.h"
     7.7 -#include "icons/fileopen.xpm"
     7.8 -#include "icons/filesave.xpm"
     7.9 -#include "icons/fileprint.xpm"
    7.10 -#include "icons/editundo.xpm"	
    7.11 -#include "icons/editredo.xpm"	
    7.12 -#include "icons/editcopy.xpm"
    7.13 -#include "icons/editcut.xpm"
    7.14 -#include "icons/editpaste.xpm"
    7.15 -#include "icons/edittrash.xpm"
    7.16 -#include "icons/formatfixedfont.xpm"
    7.17 -#include "icons/formattextbold.xpm"
    7.18 -#include "icons/formattextitalic.xpm"
    7.19 -#include "icons/formattextunder.xpm"
    7.20 -#include "icons/formattextleft.xpm"
    7.21 -#include "icons/formattextcenter.xpm"
    7.22 -#include "icons/formattextright.xpm"
    7.23 -#include "icons/formattextjustify.xpm"
    7.24 -#include "icons/formattextsub.xpm"
    7.25 -#include "icons/formattextsuper.xpm"
    7.26 -
    7.27  extern QCanvas* actCanvas;
    7.28  extern int statusbarTime;
    7.29  extern QSettings settings;
    7.31  extern QAction *actionViewToggleNoteEditor;
    7.33 +extern QString iconPath;
    7.34 +
    7.35  using namespace std;
    7.38 @@ -245,7 +227,7 @@
    7.39      menuBar()->insertItem( tr( "&File" ), menu );
    7.41      QAction *a;
    7.42 -    a = new QAction( tr( "Import" ), QPixmap( fileopen_xpm), tr( "&Import..." ), CTRL + Key_O, this, "fileImport" );
    7.43 +    a = new QAction( tr( "Import" ), QPixmap( iconPath+"fileopen.png"), tr( "&Import..." ), CTRL + Key_O, this, "fileImport" );
    7.44      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( textLoad() ) );
    7.45  	a->setEnabled(false);
    7.46      a->addTo( tb );
    7.47 @@ -253,7 +235,7 @@
    7.48  	actionFileLoad=a;
    7.50      menu->insertSeparator();
    7.51 -    a = new QAction( tr( "Export Note (HTML)" ), QPixmap( filesave_xpm ), tr( "&Export..." ), CTRL + Key_S, this, "fileSave" );
    7.52 +    a = new QAction( tr( "Export Note (HTML)" ), QPixmap(iconPath+"filesave.png" ), tr( "&Export..." ), CTRL + Key_S, this, "fileSave" );
    7.53      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( textSave() ) );
    7.54      a->addTo( tb );
    7.55      a->addTo( menu );
    7.56 @@ -270,7 +252,7 @@
    7.57  	actionFileSaveAs=a;
    7.59      menu->insertSeparator();
    7.60 -    a = new QAction( tr( "Print Note" ), QPixmap( fileprint_xpm ), tr( "&Print..." ), CTRL + Key_P, this, "filePrint" );
    7.61 +    a = new QAction( tr( "Print Note" ), QPixmap(iconPath+"fileprint.png" ), tr( "&Print..." ), CTRL + Key_P, this, "filePrint" );
    7.62      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( textPrint() ) );
    7.63      a->addTo( tb );
    7.64      a->addTo( menu );
    7.65 @@ -285,13 +267,13 @@
    7.66      menuBar()->insertItem( tr( "&Edit" ), menu );
    7.68      QAction *a;
    7.69 -    a = new QAction( tr( "Undo" ), QPixmap(editundo_xpm), tr( "&Undo" ), CTRL + Key_Z, this, "undoEvent" );
    7.70 +    a = new QAction( tr( "Undo" ), QPixmap(iconPath+"undo.png"), tr( "&Undo" ), CTRL + Key_Z, this, "undoEvent" );
    7.71      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), e, SLOT( undo() ) );
    7.72      a->addTo( menu );
    7.73      a->addTo( tb);
    7.74  	actionEditUndo=a;
    7.76 -    a = new QAction( tr( "Redo" ), QPixmap( editredo_xpm ), tr( "&Redo" ), CTRL + Key_Y, this, "editRedo" ); 
    7.77 +    a = new QAction( tr( "Redo" ), QPixmap(iconPath+"redo.png" ), tr( "&Redo" ), CTRL + Key_Y, this, "editRedo" ); 
    7.78      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), e, SLOT( redo() ) );
    7.79      a->addTo( tb );
    7.80      a->addTo( menu );
    7.81 @@ -303,25 +285,25 @@
    7.82      a->addTo( menu );
    7.84      menu->insertSeparator();
    7.85 -    a = new QAction( tr( "Copy" ), QPixmap( editcopy_xpm ), tr( "&Copy" ), CTRL + Key_C, this, "editCopy" );
    7.86 +    a = new QAction( tr( "Copy" ), QPixmap(iconPath+"editcopy.png" ), tr( "&Copy" ), CTRL + Key_C, this, "editCopy" );
    7.87      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), e, SLOT( copy() ) );
    7.88      a->addTo( tb );
    7.89      a->addTo( menu );
    7.90  	actionEditCopy=a;
    7.92 -    a = new QAction( tr( "Cut" ), QPixmap( editcut_xpm ), tr( "Cu&t" ), CTRL + Key_X, this, "editCut" );
    7.93 +    a = new QAction( tr( "Cut" ), QPixmap(iconPath+"editcut.png" ), tr( "Cu&t" ), CTRL + Key_X, this, "editCut" );
    7.94      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), e, SLOT( cut() ) );
    7.95      a->addTo( tb );
    7.96      a->addTo( menu );
    7.97  	actionEditCut=a;
    7.99 -    a = new QAction( tr( "Paste" ), QPixmap( editpaste_xpm ), tr( "&Paste" ), CTRL + Key_V, this, "editPaste" );
   7.100 +    a = new QAction( tr( "Paste" ), QPixmap(iconPath+"editpaste.png" ), tr( "&Paste" ), CTRL + Key_V, this, "editPaste" );
   7.101      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), e, SLOT( paste() ) );
   7.102      a->addTo( tb );
   7.103      a->addTo( menu );
   7.104  	actionEditPaste=a;
   7.106 -    a = new QAction( tr( "Delete all" ), QPixmap( edittrash_xpm ), tr( "&Delete All" ), 0, this, "editDeleteAll" );
   7.107 +    a = new QAction( tr( "Delete all" ), QPixmap( iconPath+"edittrash.png"), tr( "&Delete All" ), 0, this, "editDeleteAll" );
   7.108      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), e, SLOT( clear() ) );
   7.109      a->addTo( tb );
   7.110      a->addTo( menu );
   7.111 @@ -347,7 +329,7 @@
   7.113      QAction *a;
   7.115 -    a = new QAction( tr( "Toggle font hint for the whole text" ), QPixmap(formatfixedfont_xpm), tr( "&Font hint" ), ALT + Key_I, this, "fontHint" );
   7.116 +    a = new QAction( tr( "Toggle font hint for the whole text" ), QPixmap(iconPath+"formatfixedfont.png"), tr( "&Font hint" ), ALT + Key_I, this, "fontHint" );
   7.117  	a->setToggleAction (true);
   7.118  	a->setOn (settings.readBoolEntry ("/vym/noteeditor/fonts/useFixedByDefault",false) );
   7.119      connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( toggleFonthint() ) );
   7.120 @@ -382,17 +364,17 @@
   7.121      actionTextColor->addTo( tb );
   7.122      actionTextColor->addTo( menu );
   7.124 -    actionTextBold = new QAction( QPixmap (formattextbold_xpm), tr( "&Bold" ), CTRL + Key_B, this, "textBold" );
   7.125 +    actionTextBold = new QAction( QPixmap (iconPath+"text_bold.png"), tr( "&Bold" ), CTRL + Key_B, this, "textBold" );
   7.126      connect( actionTextBold, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( textBold() ) );
   7.127      actionTextBold->addTo( tb );
   7.128      actionTextBold->addTo( menu );
   7.129      actionTextBold->setToggleAction( true );
   7.130 -    actionTextItalic = new QAction( QPixmap(formattextitalic_xpm ), tr( "&Italic" ), CTRL + Key_I, this, "textItalic" );
   7.131 +    actionTextItalic = new QAction( QPixmap(iconPath+"text_italic.png"), tr( "&Italic" ), CTRL + Key_I, this, "textItalic" );
   7.132      connect( actionTextItalic, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( textItalic() ) );
   7.133      actionTextItalic->addTo( tb );
   7.134      actionTextItalic->addTo( menu );
   7.135      actionTextItalic->setToggleAction( true );
   7.136 -    actionTextUnderline = new QAction( QPixmap (formattextunder_xpm ), tr( "&Underline" ), CTRL + Key_U, this, "textUnderline" );
   7.137 +    actionTextUnderline = new QAction( QPixmap (iconPath+"text_italic.png"), tr( "&Underline" ), CTRL + Key_U, this, "textUnderline" );
   7.138      connect( actionTextUnderline, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( textUnderline() ) );
   7.139      actionTextUnderline->addTo( tb );
   7.140      actionTextUnderline->addTo( menu );
   7.141 @@ -402,13 +384,13 @@
   7.142      QActionGroup *grp = new QActionGroup( this );
   7.143      connect( grp, SIGNAL( selected( QAction* ) ), this, SLOT( textAlign( QAction* ) ) );
   7.145 -    actionAlignLeft = new QAction( QPixmap (formattextleft_xpm ), tr( "&Left" ), CTRL + Key_L, grp, "textLeft" );
   7.146 +    actionAlignLeft = new QAction( QPixmap (iconPath+"text_left.png"), tr( "&Left" ), CTRL + Key_L, grp, "textLeft" );
   7.147      actionAlignLeft->setToggleAction( true );
   7.148 -    actionAlignCenter = new QAction( QPixmap (formattextcenter_xpm ), tr( "C&enter" ), CTRL + Key_E, grp, "textCenter" );
   7.149 +    actionAlignCenter = new QAction( QPixmap (iconPath+"text_center.png"), tr( "C&enter" ), CTRL + Key_E, grp, "textCenter" );
   7.150      actionAlignCenter->setToggleAction( true );
   7.151 -    actionAlignRight = new QAction( QPixmap (formattextright_xpm ), tr( "&Right" ), CTRL + Key_R, grp, "textRight" );
   7.152 +    actionAlignRight = new QAction( QPixmap (iconPath+"text_right.png" ), tr( "&Right" ), CTRL + Key_R, grp, "textRight" );
   7.153      actionAlignRight->setToggleAction( true );
   7.154 -    actionAlignJustify = new QAction( QPixmap ( formattextjustify_xpm ), tr( "&Justify" ), CTRL + Key_J, grp, "textjustify" );
   7.155 +    actionAlignJustify = new QAction( QPixmap ( iconPath+"text_block.png"), tr( "&Justify" ), CTRL + Key_J, grp, "textjustify" );
   7.156      actionAlignJustify->setToggleAction( true );
   7.158      grp->addTo( tb );
   7.159 @@ -416,12 +398,12 @@
   7.161      QActionGroup *grp2 = new QActionGroup( this );
   7.162      grp2->setExclusive(false);
   7.163 -    actionAlignSubScript = new QAction( QPixmap (formattextsub_xpm ), tr( "Subs&cript" ), CTRL + SHIFT + Key_B, grp2, "textSubscript" );
   7.164 +    actionAlignSubScript = new QAction( QPixmap (iconPath+"text_sub.png"), tr( "Subs&cript" ), CTRL + SHIFT + Key_B, grp2, "textSubscript" );
   7.166      actionAlignSubScript->setToggleAction( true );
   7.167      connect(actionAlignSubScript, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(textVAlign()));
   7.169 -    actionAlignSuperScript = new QAction( QPixmap (formattextsuper_xpm ), tr( "Su&perscript" ), CTRL + SHIFT + Key_P, grp2, "textSuperscript" );
   7.170 +    actionAlignSuperScript = new QAction( QPixmap (iconPath+"text_super.png"), tr( "Su&perscript" ), CTRL + SHIFT + Key_P, grp2, "textSuperscript" );
   7.172      actionAlignSuperScript->setToggleAction( true );
   7.173      connect(actionAlignSuperScript, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(textVAlign()));
     8.1 --- a/version.h	Mon Apr 10 11:00:19 2006 +0000
     8.2 +++ b/version.h	Mon Apr 10 11:00:23 2006 +0000
     8.3 @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
     8.4  #define VERSION_H
     8.6  #define __VYM "VYM"
     8.7 -#define __VYM_VERSION "1.7.13"
     8.8 -#define __BUILD_DATE "March 28, 2006"
     8.9 +#define __VYM_VERSION "1.7.14"
    8.10 +#define __BUILD_DATE "April 3, 2006"
    8.12  #endif
     9.1 --- a/vym.pro	Mon Apr 10 11:00:19 2006 +0000
     9.2 +++ b/vym.pro	Mon Apr 10 11:00:23 2006 +0000
     9.3 @@ -69,8 +69,7 @@
     9.4  	settings.cpp \
     9.5  	options.cpp
     9.7 -FORMS	= exporthtmldialog.ui \
     9.8 -	exportxhtmldialog.ui \
     9.9 +FORMS	= exportxhtmldialog.ui \
    9.10  	showtextdialog.ui \
    9.11  	extrainfodialog.ui \
    9.12  	editxlinkdialog.ui
    9.13 @@ -88,15 +87,15 @@
    9.14  target.path = $${DESTROOT}/bin
    9.15  INSTALLS += target
    9.17 -support.files = styles/ scripts/ icons/ lang/
    9.18 +support.files = styles/ scripts/ icons/ flags/ lang/
    9.19  support.path = $${DESTROOT}/share/vym
    9.20  INSTALLS += support 
    9.22 -doc.files = doc/*
    9.23 +doc.files = tex/vym.pdf 
    9.24  doc.path = $${DESTROOT}/share/doc/packages/vym
    9.25  INSTALLS += doc
    9.27  demo.files = demos/
    9.28 -demo.path = $${DESTROOT}/share/vym
    9.29 +demo.path = $${DESTROOT}/share/doc/packages/vym
    9.30  INSTALLS += demo