still working on insert/remove of rows
Mon, 23 Mar 2009 09:06:51 +0000 (2009-03-23)
changeset 7452d4cc445a86a
parent 744 94ed4372ef08
child 746 ee6b0f3a4c2f
still working on insert/remove of rows
     1.1 --- a/branchobj.cpp	Thu Mar 19 11:45:28 2009 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/branchobj.cpp	Mon Mar 23 09:06:51 2009 +0000
     1.3 @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
     1.4  		model->stopAnimation (this);
     1.5  	}
     1.7 -	//cout << "Destr BranchObj of "<<this<<endl;
     1.8 +	cout << "Destr BranchObj of "<<this<<endl;
     1.9  	// Check, if this branch was the last child to be deleted
    1.10  	// If so, unset the scrolled flags
     2.1 --- a/treeitem.cpp	Thu Mar 19 11:45:28 2009 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/treeitem.cpp	Mon Mar 23 09:06:51 2009 +0000
     2.3 @@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
     2.4  void TreeItem::appendChild(TreeItem *item)
     2.5  {
     2.6      childItems.append(item);
     2.7 -	
     2.9  	if (item->type == Branch || item->type ==MapCenter)
    2.10  	{
    2.11 @@ -33,14 +32,17 @@
    2.12  	}
    2.13  }
    2.15 +#include <iostream>
    2.16 +using namespace std;
    2.17  void TreeItem::removeChild(int row)
    2.18  {
    2.19 -    if (row>=0)
    2.20 +    if (row<0 || row > childItems.size()-1)
    2.21 +		qWarning ("TreeItem::removeChild tried to remove non existing item?!\n");
    2.22 +	else
    2.23  	{
    2.24 -		delete ( );
    2.25 -		childItems.removeAt (row);
    2.26 -	} else
    2.27 -		qWarning ("TreeItem::removeChild tried to remove non existing item?!\n");
    2.28 +		cout << "TI::removeChild this="<<this<<"  row="<<row<<endl;
    2.29 +		delete childItems.takeAt (row);
    2.30 +	}
    2.31  }
    2.33  TreeItem *TreeItem::child(int row)
    2.34 @@ -53,6 +55,14 @@
    2.35      return childItems.count();
    2.36  }
    2.38 +int TreeItem::childNumber() const
    2.39 +{
    2.40 +    if (parentItem)
    2.41 +        return parentItem->childItems.indexOf(const_cast<TreeItem*>(this));
    2.42 +
    2.43 +    return 0;
    2.44 +}
    2.45 +
    2.46  int TreeItem::columnCount() const
    2.47  {
    2.48      return itemData.count();
     3.1 --- a/treeitem.h	Thu Mar 19 11:45:28 2009 +0000
     3.2 +++ b/treeitem.h	Mon Mar 23 09:06:51 2009 +0000
     3.3 @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
     3.5      TreeItem *child(int row);
     3.6      int childCount() const;
     3.7 +    int childNumber() const;
     3.8      int columnCount() const;
     3.9  	int branchCount() const;
     4.1 --- a/treemodel.cpp	Thu Mar 19 11:45:28 2009 +0000
     4.2 +++ b/treemodel.cpp	Mon Mar 23 09:06:51 2009 +0000
     4.3 @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
     4.4      if (role != Qt::DisplayRole)
     4.5          return QVariant();
     4.7 -    TreeItem *item = static_cast<TreeItem*>(index.internalPointer());
     4.8 +    TreeItem *item = getItem (index);
    4.10      return item->data(index.column());
    4.11  }
    4.12 @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
    4.13      if (!parent.isValid())
    4.14          parentItem = rootItem;
    4.15      else
    4.16 -        parentItem = static_cast<TreeItem*>(parent.internalPointer());
    4.17 +        parentItem = getItem (parent);
    4.19      TreeItem *childItem = parentItem->child(row);
    4.20      if (childItem)
    4.21 @@ -71,13 +71,20 @@
    4.22      if (!index.isValid())
    4.23          return QModelIndex();
    4.25 -    TreeItem *childItem = static_cast<TreeItem*>(index.internalPointer());
    4.26 -    TreeItem *parentItem = childItem->parent();
    4.27 +    TreeItem *ti= getItem (index);
    4.28 +    TreeItem *parentItem = ti->parent();
    4.30 +	//cout << "TreeModel::parent  ti="<<ti<<" "<<ti->getHeading().toStdString()<<"  pi="<<parentItem<<"  "<<endl;
    4.31      if (parentItem == rootItem)
    4.32          return QModelIndex();
    4.34 -    return createIndex(parentItem->row(), 0, parentItem);
    4.35 +	if (!parentItem)
    4.36 +	{
    4.37 +		cout <<"TreeModel::parent      ti=="<<ti<<"  "<<ti->getHeading().toStdString()<<endl;
    4.38 +        return QModelIndex();	// FIXME do this to avoid segfault, but why?
    4.39 +	}	
    4.40 +
    4.41 +    return createIndex(parentItem->childNumber(), 0, parentItem);
    4.42  }
    4.44  int TreeModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
    4.45 @@ -87,7 +94,7 @@
    4.46      if (!parent.isValid())
    4.47          parentItem = rootItem;
    4.48      else
    4.49 -        parentItem = static_cast<TreeItem*>(parent.internalPointer());
    4.50 +        parentItem = getItem (parent);
    4.52      return parentItem->childCount();
    4.53  }
    4.54 @@ -95,7 +102,7 @@
    4.55  int TreeModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
    4.56  {
    4.57      if (parent.isValid())
    4.58 -        return static_cast<TreeItem*>(parent.internalPointer())->columnCount();
    4.59 +        return getItem (parent)->columnCount();
    4.60      else
    4.61          return rootItem->columnCount();
    4.62  }
    4.63 @@ -158,20 +165,47 @@
    4.64  	return current;
    4.65  }
    4.67 +bool TreeModel::insertRows ( int row, int count, const QModelIndex & parent)
    4.68 +{
    4.69 +	std::cout << "TreeModel insertRows()\n";
    4.70 +	int last=row+count-1;
    4.71 +	beginInsertRows (parent,row,last);
    4.72 +
    4.73 +	for (int i=row; i<=last; i++)
    4.74 +	{
    4.75 +		std::cout << "TreeModel::insertRows inserting i="<<i<<std::endl;
    4.76 +	}
    4.77 +	endInsertRows ();
    4.78 +	return true;
    4.79 +}
    4.80 +
    4.81  bool TreeModel::removeRows ( int row, int count, const QModelIndex & parent)
    4.82  {
    4.83  	int last=row+count-1;
    4.84 +	cout << "TreeModel::removeRows row="<<row<<"  count="<<count<<"  last="<<last<<endl;
    4.85 +    TreeItem *pi= getItem (parent);
    4.86 +	cout << "  pi="<<pi<<"  "<<pi->getHeading().toStdString()<<endl;
    4.87 +	cout << "  ok0\n";
    4.88  	beginRemoveRows (parent,row,last);
    4.89 +	cout << "  ok1\n";
    4.91 -    TreeItem *pi= static_cast<TreeItem*>(parent.internalPointer());
    4.92  	for (int i=row; i<=last; i++)
    4.93  	{
    4.94 -		std::cout << "TreeModel::removeRows removing i="<<i<<std::endl;
    4.95 +		cout << "TreeModel::removeRows removing i="<<i<<std::endl;
    4.96  		pi->removeChild (row);
    4.97  	}
    4.98 +	endRemoveRows ();
    4.99 +	return true;
   4.100 +}
   4.102 -	endRemoveRows ();
   4.103 -	
   4.104 +TreeItem *TreeModel::getItem(const QModelIndex &index) const
   4.105 +{
   4.106 +    if (index.isValid()) {
   4.107 +		TreeItem *item = static_cast<TreeItem*>(index.internalPointer());
   4.108 +
   4.109 +        if (item) return item;
   4.110 +    }
   4.111 +    return rootItem;
   4.112  }
   4.114  QModelIndex TreeModel::index (TreeItem* ti)
     5.1 --- a/treemodel.h	Thu Mar 19 11:45:28 2009 +0000
     5.2 +++ b/treemodel.h	Mon Mar 23 09:06:51 2009 +0000
     5.3 @@ -29,9 +29,12 @@
     5.5  	TreeItem* next(TreeItem* &current, TreeItem* &previous, int &d0);
     5.7 +	bool insertRows ( int row, int count, 
     5.8 +				const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex() ); 
     5.9  	bool removeRows ( int row, int count, 
    5.10  				const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex() ); 
    5.12 +	TreeItem* getItem (const QModelIndex &index) const;
    5.13  	QModelIndex index (TreeItem* ti);
    5.15  protected:
     6.1 --- a/vymmodel.cpp	Thu Mar 19 11:45:28 2009 +0000
     6.2 +++ b/vymmodel.cpp	Mon Mar 23 09:06:51 2009 +0000
     6.3 @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
     6.4  		delete mapCenters.takeFirst();
     6.6  	QModelIndex ri=index(rootItem);
     6.7 -	removeRows (0, rowCount(ri),ri);	
     6.8 +	//removeRows (0, rowCount(ri),ri);		// FIXME here should be at least a beginRemoveRows...
     6.9  }
    6.11  void VymModel::init () 
    6.12 @@ -233,17 +233,17 @@
    6.13  	s+=xml.beginElement("vymmap",mapAttr);
    6.14  	xml.incIndent();
    6.16 -	// Find the used flags while traversing the tree
    6.17 +	// Find the used flags while traversing the tree	// FIXME this can be done local to vymmodel maybe...
    6.18  	standardFlagsDefault->resetUsedCounter();
    6.20  	// Reset the counters before saving
    6.21  	// TODO constr. of FIO creates lots of objects, better do this in some other way...
    6.22 -	FloatImageObj (mapScene).resetSaveCounter();
    6.23 +	FloatImageObj (mapScene).resetSaveCounter();// FIXME this can be done local to vymmodel maybe...
    6.25  	// Build xml recursivly
    6.26  	if (!saveSel || typeid (*saveSel) == typeid (MapCenterObj))
    6.27 -		// Save complete map, if saveSel not set
    6.28 -		s+=saveToDir(tmpdir,prefix,writeflags,offset);
    6.29 +		// Save all mapcenters as complete map, if saveSel not set
    6.30 +		s+=saveTreeToDir(tmpdir,prefix,writeflags,offset);
    6.31  	else
    6.32  	{
    6.33  		if ( typeid(*saveSel) == typeid(BranchObj) )
    6.34 @@ -269,6 +269,15 @@
    6.35  	return s;
    6.36  }
    6.38 +QString VymModel::saveTreeToDir (const QString &tmpdir,const QString &prefix, int verbose, const QPointF &offset)
    6.39 +{
    6.40 +    QString s;
    6.41 +
    6.42 +	for (int i=0; i<mapCenters.count(); i++)
    6.43 +>saveToDir (tmpdir,prefix,verbose,offset);
    6.44 +    return s;
    6.45 +}
    6.46 +
    6.47  void VymModel::setFilePath(QString fpath, QString destname)
    6.48  {
    6.49  	if (fpath.isEmpty() || fpath=="")
    6.50 @@ -1409,15 +1418,6 @@
    6.51  	return NULL;
    6.52  }
    6.54 -QString VymModel::saveToDir (const QString &tmpdir,const QString &prefix, int verbose, const QPointF &offset)
    6.55 -{
    6.56 -    QString s;
    6.57 -
    6.58 -	for (int i=0; i<mapCenters.count(); i++)
    6.59 ->saveToDir (tmpdir,prefix,verbose,offset);
    6.60 -    return s;
    6.61 -}
    6.62 -
    6.63  //////////////////////////////////////////////
    6.64  // Interface 
    6.65  //////////////////////////////////////////////
    6.66 @@ -2032,6 +2032,14 @@
    6.67  	mapCenters.append(mapCenter);
    6.69  	// Create TreeItem
    6.70 +	QModelIndex parix=index(rootItem);
    6.71 +
    6.72 +	int n=rootItem->branchCount();
    6.73 +	cout << "VM::addMapCenter n="<<n<<endl;
    6.74 +
    6.75 +	emit (layoutAboutToBeChanged() );
    6.76 +	beginInsertRows (parix,n,n+1);
    6.77 +
    6.78  	QList<QVariant> cData;
    6.79  	cData << "VM:addMapCenter" << "undef"<<"undef";
    6.80  	TreeItem *ti=new TreeItem (cData,rootItem);
    6.81 @@ -2040,6 +2048,20 @@
    6.82  	mapCenter->setTreeItem (ti);
    6.83  	rootItem->appendChild (ti);
    6.85 +	endInsertRows();
    6.86 +	emit (newChildObject (parix));
    6.87 +	emit (layoutChanged() );
    6.88 +
    6.89 +	// Testing
    6.90 +/*
    6.91 +	qWarning ("MW::insertRow a");
    6.92 +    if (!insertRow(0, parix))
    6.93 +	{
    6.94 +		std::cout << "  war nix...\n";
    6.95 +	}	
    6.96 +	qWarning ("MW::insertRow b");
    6.97 +*/
    6.98 +
    6.99  	return mapCenter;
   6.100  }
   6.102 @@ -2084,12 +2106,22 @@
   6.104  			// Create TreeItem
   6.105  			QList<QVariant> cData;
   6.106 -			cData << "VM:createBranch" << "undef"<<"undef";
   6.107 +			cData << "new" << "undef"<<"undef";
   6.108 +
   6.109  			TreeItem *parti=bo->getTreeItem();
   6.110 +			QModelIndex parix=index(parti);
   6.111 +			int n=parti->branchCount();
   6.112 +
   6.113 +			emit (layoutAboutToBeChanged() );
   6.114 +			beginInsertRows (parix,n,n+1);
   6.115  			TreeItem *ti=new TreeItem (cData,parti);
   6.116  			ti->setLMO (newbo);
   6.117  			ti->setType (TreeItem::Branch);
   6.118 +
   6.119  			parti->appendChild (ti);
   6.120 +			endInsertRows ();
   6.121 +			emit (newChildObject (parix));
   6.122 +			emit (layoutChanged() );
   6.124  			if (newbo)
   6.125  			{
   6.126 @@ -2101,12 +2133,12 @@
   6.127  		{
   6.128  			num=bo->getNum()+1;
   6.129  			bo=(BranchObj*)bo->getParObj();
   6.130 -			if (bo) newbo=bo->insertBranch(num);
   6.131 +			if (bo) newbo=bo->insertBranch(num);	//FIXME VM still missing 
   6.132  		}else if (num==-3)
   6.133  		{
   6.134  			num=bo->getNum();
   6.135  			bo=(BranchObj*)bo->getParObj();
   6.136 -			if (bo) newbo=bo->insertBranch(num);
   6.137 +			if (bo) newbo=bo->insertBranch(num);	//FIXME VM still missing
   6.138  		}
   6.139  	}	
   6.140  	return newbo;
   6.141 @@ -2165,7 +2197,8 @@
   6.142  		BranchObj *parbo=(BranchObj*)(bo->getParObj());
   6.144  		// add below selection
   6.145 -		newbo=parbo->insertBranch(bo->getNum()+1);
   6.146 +		newbo=parbo->insertBranch(bo->getNum()+1);		//FIXME VM still missing
   6.147 +
   6.148  		if (newbo)
   6.149  		{
   6.150  			newbo->move2RelPos (p);
   6.151 @@ -2186,15 +2219,24 @@
   6.153  void VymModel::deleteSelection()
   6.154  {
   6.155 -	BranchObj *bo = getSelectedBranch();
   6.156 +	BranchObj *bo = getSelectedBranch();	// FIXME VM should not be necessary
   6.157 +	if (!bo) return;
   6.158 +
   6.159 +	QModelIndex ix=getSelectedIndex();
   6.160 +	if (!ix.isValid() ) return;
   6.161 +
   6.162 +	QModelIndex parentIndex=parent(ix);
   6.163 +	if (!parentIndex.isValid()) return;
   6.164 +	TreeItem *ti=bo->getTreeItem();
   6.166 -	if (bo && selectionType()==TreeItem::MapCenter)
   6.167 +	if (selectionType()==TreeItem::MapCenter)		//FIXME VM still missing
   6.168  	{
   6.169  	//	BranchObj* par=(BranchObj*)(bo->getParObj());
   6.170 -		selection.unselect();
   6.171 -	/* FIXME VM Note:  does saveStateRemovingPart work for MCO? (No parent!)
   6.172 +		//selection.unselect();
   6.173 +		/* FIXME VM Note:  does saveStateRemovingPart work for MCO? (No parent!)
   6.174  		saveStateRemovingPart (bo, QString ("Delete %1").arg(getObjectName(bo)));
   6.175  		*/
   6.176 +		/*
   6.177  		bo=removeMapCenter ((MapCenterObj*)bo);
   6.178  		if (bo) 
   6.179  		{
   6.180 @@ -2204,22 +2246,34 @@
   6.181  		}	
   6.182  		reposition();
   6.183  		return;
   6.184 +		*/
   6.185  	}
   6.186 -	if (bo && selectionType()==TreeItem::Branch)
   6.187 +	if (selectionType()==TreeItem::Branch)
   6.188  	{
   6.189 -		QModelIndex ix=getSelectedIndex();
   6.190 +		int n=ti->branchCount();
   6.192  		BranchObj* par=(BranchObj*)bo->getParObj();
   6.193  		unselect();
   6.194  		saveStateRemovingPart (bo, QString ("Delete %1").arg(getObjectName(bo)));
   6.195 +
   6.196 +		emit (layoutAboutToBeChanged() );
   6.197 +
   6.198 +		cout << "VM::delete  ti="<<ti<<"  row="<<ix.row()<<endl;
   6.199 +		parentIndex=parent(index(ti));
   6.200 +		cout << "            valid parentIndex="<<parentIndex.isValid()<<endl;
   6.201 +		beginRemoveRows (parentIndex,n,n);
   6.202 +		removeRows (ix.row(),1,parentIndex);
   6.203 +		endRemoveRows();
   6.204  		par->removeBranch(bo);
   6.205  		select (par);
   6.206  		ensureSelectionVisible();
   6.207  		reposition();
   6.208 -		selection.update();
   6.209 +
   6.210 +		emit (layoutChanged() );
   6.211  		return;
   6.212  	}
   6.213 -	FloatImageObj *fio=selection.getFloatImage();
   6.214 +	FloatImageObj *fio=selection.getFloatImage(); 	//FIXME VM still missing
   6.215 +
   6.216  	if (fio)
   6.217  	{
   6.218  		BranchObj* par=(BranchObj*)fio->getParObj();
   6.219 @@ -2233,13 +2287,13 @@
   6.220  		par->removeFloatImage(fio);
   6.221  		select (par);
   6.222  		reposition();
   6.223 -		selection.update();
   6.224  		ensureSelectionVisible();
   6.225  		return;
   6.226  	}
   6.227  }
   6.229 -void VymModel::deleteKeepChildren()
   6.230 +void VymModel::deleteKeepChildren()		//FIXME VM still missing
   6.231 +
   6.232  {
   6.233  	BranchObj *bo=getSelectedBranch();
   6.234  	BranchObj *par;
   6.235 @@ -2275,7 +2329,8 @@
   6.236  	}	
   6.237  }
   6.239 -void VymModel::deleteChildren()
   6.240 +void VymModel::deleteChildren()		//FIXME VM still missing
   6.241 +
   6.242  {
   6.243  	BranchObj *bo=getSelectedBranch();
   6.244  	if (bo)
   6.245 @@ -4439,7 +4494,7 @@
   6.246  {
   6.247  	QModelIndex index=selModel->selectedIndexes().first();	// TODO no multiselections yet
   6.249 -	TreeItem *item = static_cast<TreeItem*>(index.internalPointer());
   6.250 +	TreeItem *item = getItem (index);
   6.251  	return select (item->getLMO() );
   6.252  }
   6.254 @@ -4848,7 +4903,7 @@
   6.255  {
   6.256  	QModelIndexList list=selModel->selectedIndexes();
   6.257  	if (list.isEmpty()) return TreeItem::Undefined;	
   6.258 -	TreeItem *ti = static_cast<TreeItem*>(list.first().internalPointer());
   6.259 +	TreeItem *ti = getItem (list.first() );
   6.260  	return ti->getType();
   6.262  }
   6.263 @@ -4858,7 +4913,7 @@
   6.264  	QModelIndexList list=selModel->selectedIndexes();
   6.265  	if (!list.isEmpty() )
   6.266  	{
   6.267 -		TreeItem *ti = static_cast<TreeItem*>(list.first().internalPointer());
   6.268 +		TreeItem *ti = getItem (list.first() );
   6.269  		TreeItem::Type type=ti->getType();
   6.270  		if (type ==TreeItem::Branch || type==TreeItem::MapCenter || type==TreeItem::Image)
   6.271  		{
   6.272 @@ -4882,7 +4937,7 @@
   6.273  	QModelIndexList list=selModel->selectedIndexes();
   6.274  	if (!list.isEmpty() )
   6.275  	{
   6.276 -		TreeItem *ti = static_cast<TreeItem*>(list.first().internalPointer());
   6.277 +		TreeItem *ti = getItem (list.first() );
   6.278  		TreeItem::Type type=ti->getType();
   6.279  		if (type ==TreeItem::Branch || type==TreeItem::MapCenter)
   6.280  			return ti;
     7.1 --- a/vymmodel.h	Thu Mar 19 11:45:28 2009 +0000
     7.2 +++ b/vymmodel.h	Mon Mar 23 09:06:51 2009 +0000
     7.3 @@ -68,6 +68,10 @@
     7.4  	*/	
     7.5      QString saveToDir (const QString &tmpdir, const QString &prefix, bool writeflags, const QPointF &offset, LinkableMapObj *saveSel);
     7.7 +	/*! Save all data in tree*/
     7.8 +	QString saveTreeToDir (const QString&,const QString&,int, const QPointF&);// Save data recursivly to tempdir
     7.9 +
    7.10 +
    7.11  	/*! \brief Sets filepath, filename and mapname
    7.13  	     If the filepath is "/home/tux/map.xml", then the filename will be set
    7.14 @@ -216,8 +220,6 @@
    7.15      LinkableMapObj* findObjBySelect (const QString &s);		// find MapObj by select string
    7.16      LinkableMapObj* findID (const QString &s);				// find MapObj by previously set ID
    7.18 -	QString saveToDir (const QString&,const QString&,int, const QPointF&);// Save data recursivly to tempdir
    7.19 -
    7.21  ////////////////////////////////////////////
    7.22  // Interface 
    7.23 @@ -415,6 +417,9 @@
    7.25  	//void ensureSelectionVisible();		//!< Show selection in all views
    7.27 +signals:
    7.28 +	void newChildObject(QModelIndex ix);
    7.29 +
    7.30  private:
    7.31  	MapEditor *mapEditor;
     8.1 --- a/vymview.cpp	Thu Mar 19 11:45:28 2009 +0000
     8.2 +++ b/vymview.cpp	Mon Mar 23 09:06:51 2009 +0000
     8.3 @@ -39,6 +39,9 @@
     8.4  	connect (
     8.5  		model, SIGNAL (selectionChanged(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &)), 
     8.6  		me,SLOT (updateSelection(const QItemSelection &,const QItemSelection &)));
     8.7 +	connect (
     8.8 +		model, SIGNAL (newChildObject(QModelIndex) ),
     8.9 +		this,SLOT (updateChilds (QModelIndex) ) );
    8.11  	//me->viewport()->setFocus();	//FIXME needed?
    8.12  	me->setAntiAlias (mainWindow->isAliased());
    8.13 @@ -64,13 +67,16 @@
    8.14  }
    8.17 +void VymView::updateChilds (QModelIndex ix)
    8.18 +{
    8.19 +	treeview->setExpanded (ix,true);
    8.20 +}
    8.21 +
    8.22  void VymView::changeSelection (const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &)
    8.23  {
    8.24  	cout << "VymView::changeSelection (newsel,delsel)\n";
    8.25  	//treeview->expandAll();	//FIXME only for testing
    8.27 -	//((VymModel*)treeview->model())->select ();
    8.28 -
    8.29  	// Show URL and link in statusbar
    8.30  	QString status;
    8.31  	QString s=model->getURL();
    8.32 @@ -79,12 +85,9 @@
    8.33  	if (!s.isEmpty() ) status+="Link: "+s;
    8.34  	if (!status.isEmpty() ) mainWindow->statusMessage (status);
    8.36 -/* FIXME, was so far in BranchObj
    8.37 -	// Update Toolbar
    8.38 +	// Update Toolbar // FIXME, was so far in BranchObj
    8.39  	//updateFlagsToolbar();
    8.41 -*/
    8.42 -
    8.43  	// Update actions
    8.44  	mainWindow->updateActions();
    8.45  }
     9.1 --- a/vymview.h	Thu Mar 19 11:45:28 2009 +0000
     9.2 +++ b/vymview.h	Mon Mar 23 09:06:51 2009 +0000
     9.3 @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
     9.4  	QItemSelectionModel* selectionModel();
     9.6  public slots:
     9.7 +	void updateChilds (QModelIndex ix);
     9.8  	void changeSelection (const QItemSelection &newSel, const QItemSelection &delSel);
    9.10  private: