1.1 --- a/mapeditor.cpp Thu May 07 08:48:53 2009 +0000
1.2 +++ b/mapeditor.cpp Wed May 13 08:26:27 2009 +0000
1.3 @@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
1.4 extern QString clipboardFile;
1.5 extern bool clipboardEmpty;
1.6 extern bool debug;
1.7 -extern FlagRowObj *standardFlagsDefault;
1.9 extern QMenu* branchContextMenu;
1.10 extern QMenu* branchAddContextMenu;
1.11 @@ -41,6 +40,8 @@
1.12 mapScene= new QGraphicsScene(NULL);
1.13 mapScene->setBackgroundBrush (QBrush(Qt::white, Qt::SolidPattern));
1.15 + zoomFactor=zoomFactorTarget=1;
1.16 +
1.17 model=vm;
1.18 model->setScene (mapScene);
1.19 model->registerEditor(this);
1.20 @@ -147,6 +148,105 @@
1.21 return mapScene;
1.22 }
1.24 +void MapEditor::setScrollBarPosTarget (const QRectF &rect)
1.25 +{
1.26 + // Code copied from Qt sources
1.27 + int xmargin=50;
1.28 + int ymargin=50;
1.29 +
1.30 + qreal width = viewport()->width();
1.31 + qreal height = viewport()->height();
1.32 + QRectF viewRect = matrix().mapRect(rect);
1.33 +
1.34 + qreal left = horizontalScrollBar()->value();
1.35 + qreal right = left + width;
1.36 + qreal top = verticalScrollBar()->value();
1.37 + qreal bottom = top + height;
1.38 +
1.39 + if (viewRect.left() <= left + xmargin) {
1.40 + // need to scroll from the left
1.41 + // if (!d->leftIndent)
1.42 + scrollBarPosTarget.setX(int(viewRect.left() - xmargin - 0.5));
1.43 + }
1.44 + if (viewRect.right() >= right - xmargin) {
1.45 + // need to scroll from the right
1.46 +// if (!d->leftIndent)
1.47 + scrollBarPosTarget.setX(int(viewRect.right() - width + xmargin + 0.5));
1.48 + }
1.49 + if (viewRect.top() <= top + ymargin) {
1.50 + // need to scroll from the top
1.51 + // if (!d->topIndent)
1.52 + scrollBarPosTarget.setY(int(viewRect.top() - ymargin - 0.5));
1.53 + }
1.54 + if (viewRect.bottom() >= bottom - ymargin) {
1.55 + // need to scroll from the bottom
1.56 +// if (!d->topIndent)
1.57 + scrollBarPosTarget.setY(int(viewRect.bottom() - height + ymargin + 0.5));
1.58 + }
1.59 +
1.60 + if (scrollBarPosAnimation.state()==QtAbstractAnimation::Running)
1.61 + scrollBarPosAnimation.stop();
1.62 + scrollBarPosAnimation.setTargetObject (this);
1.63 + scrollBarPosAnimation.setPropertyName ("scrollBarPos");
1.64 + scrollBarPosAnimation.setDuration(1000);
1.65 + scrollBarPosAnimation.setEasingCurve ( QtEasingCurve::OutQuint);
1.66 + scrollBarPosAnimation.setStartValue(
1.67 + QPointF (horizontalScrollBar()->value() ,
1.68 + verticalScrollBar()->value() ) );
1.69 + scrollBarPosAnimation.setEndValue(scrollBarPosTarget);
1.70 + scrollBarPosAnimation.start();
1.71 +}
1.72 +
1.73 +QPointF MapEditor::getScrollBarPosTarget()
1.74 +{
1.75 + return scrollBarPosTarget;
1.76 +}
1.77 +
1.78 +
1.79 +void MapEditor::setScrollBarPos(const QPointF &p)
1.80 +{
1.81 + scrollBarPos=p;
1.82 + horizontalScrollBar()->setValue(int(p.x()));
1.83 + verticalScrollBar()->setValue(int(p.y()));
1.84 +}
1.85 +
1.86 +QPointF MapEditor::getScrollBarPos()
1.87 +{
1.88 + return scrollBarPos;
1.89 +}
1.90 +
1.91 +void MapEditor::setZoomFactorTarget (const qreal &zft)
1.92 +{
1.93 + zoomFactorTarget=zft;
1.94 + if (zoomAnimation.state()==QtAbstractAnimation::Running)
1.95 + zoomAnimation.stop();
1.96 + //zoomAnimation=QtPropertyAnimation(this, "zoomFactor");
1.97 + zoomAnimation.setTargetObject (this);
1.98 + zoomAnimation.setPropertyName ("zoomFactor");
1.99 + zoomAnimation.setDuration(1000);
1.100 + zoomAnimation.setEasingCurve ( QtEasingCurve::OutQuint);
1.101 + zoomAnimation.setStartValue(zoomFactor);
1.102 + zoomAnimation.setEndValue(zft);
1.103 + zoomAnimation.start();
1.104 +}
1.105 +
1.106 +qreal MapEditor::getZoomFactorTarget()
1.107 +{
1.108 + return zoomFactorTarget;
1.109 +}
1.110 +
1.111 +
1.112 +void MapEditor::setZoomFactor(const qreal &zf)
1.113 +{
1.114 + zoomFactor=zf;
1.115 + setMatrix (QMatrix(zf, 0, 0, zf, 0, 0),false );
1.116 +}
1.117 +
1.118 +qreal MapEditor::getZoomFactor()
1.119 +{
1.120 + return zoomFactor;
1.121 +}
1.122 +
1.123 void MapEditor::print()
1.124 {
1.125 if ( !printer )
1.126 @@ -273,42 +373,70 @@
1.128 void MapEditor::testFunction1()
1.129 {
1.130 - BranchItem *cur=NULL;
1.131 - BranchItem *prev=NULL;
1.132 - int d;
1.133 - cout << "ME::testFunction1 starting to walk the map...\n";
1.134 - while (model->next (cur,prev,d) )
1.135 - cout << "*** " <<cur->getHeading().toStdString()<<endl;
1.136 +
1.137 + // Code copied from Qt sources
1.138 + QRectF rect=model->getSelectedBranchObj()->getBBox();
1.139 + int xmargin=50;
1.140 + int ymargin=50;
1.142 + qreal width = viewport()->width();
1.143 + qreal height = viewport()->height();
1.144 + QRectF viewRect = matrix().mapRect(rect);
1.146 - //BranchObj *bo=model->getSelectedBranchObj();
1.147 - //if (bo) model->moveAway (bo);
1.148 - //if (bo) bo->setLinkStyle (LinkableMapObj::Line);
1.149 -
1.150 + qreal left = horizontalScrollBar()->value();
1.151 + qreal right = left + width;
1.152 + qreal top = verticalScrollBar()->value();
1.153 + qreal bottom = top + height;
1.155 + if (viewRect.left() <= left + xmargin) {
1.156 + // need to scroll from the left
1.157 + // if (!d->leftIndent)
1.158 + horizontalScrollBar()->setValue(int(viewRect.left() - xmargin - 0.5));
1.159 + }
1.160 + if (viewRect.right() >= right - xmargin) {
1.161 + // need to scroll from the right
1.162 +// if (!d->leftIndent)
1.163 + horizontalScrollBar()->setValue(int(viewRect.right() - width + xmargin + 0.5));
1.164 + }
1.165 + if (viewRect.top() <= top + ymargin) {
1.166 + // need to scroll from the top
1.167 + // if (!d->topIndent)
1.168 + verticalScrollBar()->setValue(int(viewRect.top() - ymargin - 0.5));
1.169 + }
1.170 + if (viewRect.bottom() >= bottom - ymargin) {
1.171 + // need to scroll from the bottom
1.172 +// if (!d->topIndent)
1.173 + verticalScrollBar()->setValue(int(viewRect.bottom() - height + ymargin + 0.5));
1.174 + }
1.175 + cout << "test1: hor="<<horizontalScrollBar()->value()<<endl;
1.176 + cout << "test1: ver="<<verticalScrollBar()->value()<<endl;
1.177 +}
1.178 /*
1.179 - // Displacement and animation of all non-mainbranches
1.180 - QPointF p;
1.181 - QPointF q;
1.182 - BranchObj *bo;
1.183 - TreeItem *cur=NULL;
1.184 - TreeItem *prev=NULL;
1.185 - int d;
1.186 - while (cur)
1.187 - {
1.188 - bo=(BranchObj*)(cur->getLMO());
1.189 + QtPropertyAnimation *animation=new QtPropertyAnimation(this, "sceneRect");
1.190 + animation->setDuration(5000);
1.191 + //animation->setEasingCurve ( QtEasingCurve::OutElastic);
1.192 + animation->setEasingCurve ( QtEasingCurve::OutQuint);
1.193 + animation->setStartValue(sceneRect() );
1.194 + animation->setEndValue(QRectF(50, 50, 1000, 1000));
1.196 - if (cur->depth() >0 && !bo->hasScrolledParent(bo) )
1.197 - {
1.198 - p=QPointF (qrand() %600-300, qrand () %600-300);
1.199 - bo->setRelPos();
1.200 - q=bo->getRelPos();
1.201 - model->startAnimation (bo,p, q);
1.202 - }
1.203 - model->next(cur,prev,d);
1.204 - }
1.205 -*/
1.206 + animation->start();
1.207 +*/
1.208 +/*
1.209 + QDialog *dia= new QDialog (this);
1.210 + dia->setGeometry (50,50,10,10);
1.212 + dia->show();
1.213 + dia ->raise();
1.214 +
1.215 + QtPropertyAnimation *animation=new QtPropertyAnimation(dia, "geometry");
1.216 + animation->setDuration(1000);
1.217 + //animation->setEasingCurve ( QtEasingCurve::OutElastic);
1.218 + animation->setEasingCurve ( QtEasingCurve::OutQuint);
1.219 + animation->setStartValue(QRect(50, 50, 10, 10));
1.220 + animation->setEndValue(QRect(250, 250, 100, 100));
1.221 +
1.222 + animation->start();
1.223 + */
1.225 /* TODO Hide hidden stuff temporary, maybe add this as regular function somewhere
1.226 if (hidemode==HideNone)
1.227 @@ -335,7 +463,6 @@
1.228 }
1.229 cout <<" hidemode="<<hidemode<<endl;
1.230 */
1.231 -}
1.233 void MapEditor::testFunction2()
1.234 {
1.235 @@ -885,40 +1012,43 @@
1.236 QString preParStr=model->getSelectString (bsel->getParObj());
1.237 QString preNum=QString::number (seli->num(),10);
1.238 QString preDstParStr;
1.239 + bool relinked;
1.241 if (e->state() & Qt::ShiftModifier && dst->getParObj())
1.242 { // Link above dst
1.243 preDstParStr=model->getSelectString (dst->getParObj());
1.244 - model->relinkBranch ((BranchItem*)seli,(BranchItem*)dsti->parent(),((BranchItem*)dsti)->num());
1.245 + relinked=model->relinkBranch ((BranchItem*)seli,(BranchItem*)dsti->parent(),((BranchItem*)dsti)->num());
1.246 } else
1.247 if (e->state() & Qt::ControlModifier && dst->getParObj())
1.248 {
1.249 // Link below dst
1.250 preDstParStr=model->getSelectString (dst->getParObj());
1.251 - model->relinkBranch ((BranchItem*)seli,(BranchItem*)dsti->parent(),((BranchItem*)seli)->num()+1);
1.252 + relinked=model->relinkBranch ((BranchItem*)seli,(BranchItem*)dsti->parent(),((BranchItem*)dsti)->num()+1);
1.253 } else
1.254 { // Append to dst
1.255 preDstParStr=model->getSelectString(dst);
1.256 - model->relinkBranch ((BranchItem*)seli,(BranchItem*)dsti);
1.257 + relinked=model->relinkBranch ((BranchItem*)seli,(BranchItem*)dsti);
1.258 if (dsti->depth()==0) bsel->move (savePos);
1.259 }
1.260 - QString postSelStr=model->getSelectString(lmosel);
1.261 - QString postNum=QString::number (seli->num(),10);
1.262 + if (relinked)
1.263 + {
1.264 + QString postSelStr=model->getSelectString(lmosel);
1.265 + QString postNum=QString::number (seli->num(),10);
1.267 - QString undoCom="linkTo (\""+
1.268 - preParStr+ "\"," + preNum +"," +
1.269 - QString ("%1,%2").arg(movingObj_orgPos.x()).arg(movingObj_orgPos.y())+ ")";
1.270 + QString undoCom="linkTo (\""+
1.271 + preParStr+ "\"," + preNum +"," +
1.272 + QString ("%1,%2").arg(movingObj_orgPos.x()).arg(movingObj_orgPos.y())+ ")";
1.274 - QString redoCom="linkTo (\""+
1.275 - preDstParStr + "\"," + postNum + "," +
1.276 - QString ("%1,%2").arg(savePos.x()).arg(savePos.y())+ ")";
1.277 + QString redoCom="linkTo (\""+
1.278 + preDstParStr + "\"," + postNum + "," +
1.279 + QString ("%1,%2").arg(savePos.x()).arg(savePos.y())+ ")";
1.281 - model->saveState (
1.282 - postSelStr,undoCom,
1.283 - preSelStr, redoCom,
1.284 - QString("Relink %1 to %2").arg(model->getObjectName(bsel)).arg(model->getObjectName(dst)) );
1.285 + model->saveState (
1.286 + postSelStr,undoCom,
1.287 + preSelStr, redoCom,
1.288 + QString("Relink %1 to %2").arg(model->getObjectName(bsel)).arg(model->getObjectName(dst)) );
1.290 - model->reposition(); // not necessary if we undo temporary move below
1.291 + }
1.292 } else
1.293 {
1.294 // No destination, undo temporary move
1.295 @@ -1135,7 +1265,7 @@
1.296 if (ti->isBranchLikeType())
1.297 {
1.298 BranchObj *bo=(BranchObj*)ti->getLMO();
1.299 - bo->updateHeading();
1.300 + bo->updateData();
1.301 }
1.303 }