data: AMQP, wire-level protocol
authorFrantišek Kučera <>
Tue, 13 Aug 2013 16:37:38 +0200 (2013-08-13)
changeset 53e0ab25b052a7
parent 52 fb321689b3ef
child 54 042820dc6289
data: AMQP, wire-level protocol
     1.1 --- a/data/dictionary.xml	Tue Aug 13 15:48:02 2013 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/data/dictionary.xml	Tue Aug 13 16:37:38 2013 +0200
     1.3 @@ -1591,7 +1591,7 @@
     1.4  		<tag>computer</tag>
     1.5  	</concept>
     1.6  	<concept>
     1.7 -		<term abbreviation="VLAN" completeForm="virtual local area network " language="en"/>
     1.8 +		<term abbreviation="VLAN" completeForm="virtual local area network" language="en"/>
     1.9  		<explanation language="en"><text></text></explanation>
    1.10  		<tag>computer</tag>
    1.11  		<tag>security</tag>
    1.12 @@ -1670,9 +1670,10 @@
    1.13  		<term abbreviation="JMS" completeForm="Java message service" language="en"/>
    1.14  		<explanation language="en">
    1.15  			<text>
    1.16 -				a Java Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) API;
    1.17 +				a Java API for message-oriented middleware (MOM);
    1.18  				allows JEE components to create, send, receive and read messages;
    1.19  				supports both point-to-point and publish-subscribe messaging models;
    1.20 +				can be adapted/translated to many other protocols like SMTP, AMQP, XMPP or SOAP;
    1.21  				is defined in  JSR 914;
    1.22  				examples of JMS implementations: Apache ActiveMQ, OpenJMS, HornetQ
    1.23  			</text>
    1.24 @@ -1694,6 +1695,30 @@
    1.25  		<tag>messaging</tag>
    1.26  	</concept>
    1.27  	<concept>
    1.28 +		<term abbreviation="AMQP" completeForm="advanced message queuing protocol" language="en"/>
    1.29 +		<explanation language="en">
    1.30 +			<text>
    1.31 +				an open and standard binary protocol for message-oriented middleware (MOM);
    1.32 +				is vendor and platform independent;
    1.33 +				whereas JMS defines programming API and is Java specific, the AMQP defines the wire-level protocol;
    1.34 +				so JMS (or other language/platform specific API) can be used inside the system and AMQP can be used for interconnection of systems in heterogenous environment;
    1.35 +				example of implementation: Apache ActiveMQ
    1.36 +			</text>
    1.37 +		</explanation>
    1.38 +		<tag>computer</tag>
    1.39 +		<tag>messaging</tag>
    1.40 +	</concept>
    1.41 +	<concept>
    1.42 +		<term abbreviation="" completeForm="wire-level protocol" language="en"/>
    1.43 +		<explanation language="en">
    1.44 +			<text>
    1.45 +				the format of data sent over the network as stream of bytes;
    1.46 +				an application layer protocol
    1.47 +			</text>
    1.48 +		</explanation>
    1.49 +		<tag>computer</tag>
    1.50 +	</concept>
    1.51 +	<concept>
    1.52  		<term abbreviation="JCA" completeForm="Java connector architecture" language="en"/>
    1.53  		<explanation language="en"><text></text></explanation>
    1.54  		<tag>computer</tag>