show info basics v_0
authorFrantišek Kučera <>
Mon, 16 Dec 2013 15:15:32 +0100 (2013-12-16)
changeset 14189b1260b942
parent 13 599aad77e986
child 15 bbd335b5410c
show info basics
     1.1 --- a/java/sql-dk/src/info/globalcode/sql/dk/	Mon Dec 16 12:10:45 2013 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/java/sql-dk/src/info/globalcode/sql/dk/	Mon Dec 16 15:15:32 2013 +0100
     1.3 @@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
     1.4  package;
     1.6  import static;
     1.7 +import static;
     1.8  import java.util.ArrayList;
     1.9  import java.util.Collection;
    1.10 +import java.util.EnumSet;
    1.11  import java.util.List;
    1.13  /**
    1.14 @@ -15,13 +17,24 @@
    1.15  	private String sql;
    1.16  	private String databaseName;
    1.17  	private String namePrefix = DEFAULT_NAME_PREFIX;
    1.18 +	private String formatterName;
    1.19  	private boolean batch;
    1.21  	public enum MODE {
    1.23  		QUERY_NOW,
    1.24  		PREPARE_BATCH,
    1.25 -		EXECUTE_BATCH
    1.26 +		EXECUTE_BATCH,
    1.27 +		JUST_SHOW_INFO
    1.28 +	}
    1.29 +
    1.30 +	public enum INFO_TYPE {
    1.31 +
    1.32 +		HELP,
    1.33 +		VERSION,
    1.34 +		LICENSE,
    1.35 +		FORMATTERS,
    1.36 +		TYPES
    1.37  	}
    1.39  	public enum COMMAND_TYPE {
    1.40 @@ -34,12 +47,36 @@
    1.41  	private COMMAND_TYPE commandType;
    1.42  	private final Collection<NamedParameter> namedParameters = new ArrayList<>();
    1.43  	private final List<Parameter> numberedParameters = new ArrayList<>();
    1.44 +	private final EnumSet<INFO_TYPE> showInfo = EnumSet.noneOf(INFO_TYPE.class);
    1.46  	public void validate() throws InvalidOptionsException {
    1.47  		InvalidOptionsException e = new InvalidOptionsException();
    1.49 -		if (getMode() == null) {
    1.50 +		MODE mode = getMode();
    1.51 +		if (mode == null) {
    1.52  			e.addProblem(new InvalidOptionsException.OptionProblem("Invalid combination of DB, SQL and BATCH – please specify just 2 of this 3 options"));
    1.53 +		} else if (mode == MODE.JUST_SHOW_INFO) {
    1.54 +			if (!namedParameters.isEmpty()) {
    1.55 +				e.addProblem(new InvalidOptionsException.OptionProblem("Do not use named parameters if just showing info."));
    1.56 +			}
    1.57 +			if (!numberedParameters.isEmpty()) {
    1.58 +				e.addProblem(new InvalidOptionsException.OptionProblem("Do not use numbered parameters if just showing info."));
    1.59 +			}
    1.60 +			if (isNotEmpty(sql, false)) {
    1.61 +				e.addProblem(new InvalidOptionsException.OptionProblem("Do not specify SQL if just showing info."));
    1.62 +			}
    1.63 +			if (isNotEmpty(databaseName, false)) {
    1.64 +				e.addProblem(new InvalidOptionsException.OptionProblem("Do not specify database if just showing info."));
    1.65 +			}
    1.66 +			if (batch) {
    1.67 +				e.addProblem(new InvalidOptionsException.OptionProblem("Do not specify batch if just showing info."));
    1.68 +			}
    1.69 +			if (isNotEmpty(formatterName, false)) {
    1.70 +				e.addProblem(new InvalidOptionsException.OptionProblem("Do not specify formatter if just showing info."));
    1.71 +			}
    1.72 +			if (!equalz(namePrefix, DEFAULT_NAME_PREFIX)) {
    1.73 +				e.addProblem(new InvalidOptionsException.OptionProblem("Do not specify name prefix if just showing info."));
    1.74 +			}
    1.75  		}
    1.77  		if (!namedParameters.isEmpty() && !numberedParameters.isEmpty()) {
    1.78 @@ -74,7 +111,7 @@
    1.79  		} else if (hasDb() && batch && !hasSql()) {
    1.80  			return MODE.EXECUTE_BATCH;
    1.81  		} else {
    1.82 -			return null;
    1.83 +			return showInfo.isEmpty() ? null : MODE.JUST_SHOW_INFO;
    1.84  		}
    1.85  	}
    1.87 @@ -129,4 +166,20 @@
    1.88  	public void setNamePrefix(String namePrefix) {
    1.89  		this.namePrefix = namePrefix;
    1.90  	}
    1.91 +
    1.92 +	public String getFormatterName() {
    1.93 +		return formatterName;
    1.94 +	}
    1.95 +
    1.96 +	public void setFormatterName(String formatterName) {
    1.97 +		this.formatterName = formatterName;
    1.98 +	}
    1.99 +
   1.100 +	public void addShowInfo(INFO_TYPE info) {
   1.101 +		showInfo.add(info);
   1.102 +	}
   1.103 +
   1.104 +	public EnumSet<INFO_TYPE> getShowInfo() {
   1.105 +		return showInfo;
   1.106 +	}
   1.107  }
     2.1 --- a/java/sql-dk/src/info/globalcode/sql/dk/	Mon Dec 16 12:10:45 2013 +0100
     2.2 +++ b/java/sql-dk/src/info/globalcode/sql/dk/	Mon Dec 16 15:15:32 2013 +0100
     2.3 @@ -96,6 +96,24 @@
     2.4  						}
     2.5  					}
     2.6  					break;
     2.7 +				case Tokens.FORMATTER:
     2.8 +					options.setFormatterName(fetchNext(args, ++i));
     2.9 +					break;
    2.10 +				case Tokens.INFO_HELP:
    2.11 +					options.addShowInfo(CLIOptions.INFO_TYPE.HELP);
    2.12 +					break;
    2.13 +				case Tokens.INFO_FORMATTERS:
    2.14 +					options.addShowInfo(CLIOptions.INFO_TYPE.FORMATTERS);
    2.15 +					break;
    2.16 +				case Tokens.INFO_LICENSE:
    2.17 +					options.addShowInfo(CLIOptions.INFO_TYPE.LICENSE);
    2.18 +					break;
    2.19 +				case Tokens.INFO_TYPES:
    2.20 +					options.addShowInfo(CLIOptions.INFO_TYPE.TYPES);
    2.21 +					break;
    2.22 +				case Tokens.INFO_VERSION:
    2.23 +					options.addShowInfo(CLIOptions.INFO_TYPE.VERSION);
    2.24 +					break;
    2.25  				default:
    2.26  					throw new CLIParserException("Unknown option: " + arg);
    2.27  			}
    2.28 @@ -121,6 +139,12 @@
    2.29  		public static final String DATA = "--data";
    2.30  		public static final String NAME_PREFIX = "--name-prefix";
    2.31  		public static final String TYPES = "--types";
    2.32 +		public static final String FORMATTER = "--formatter";
    2.33 +		public static final String INFO_HELP = "--help";
    2.34 +		public static final String INFO_VERSION = "--version";
    2.35 +		public static final String INFO_LICENSE = "--license";
    2.36 +		public static final String INFO_FORMATTERS = "--list-formatters";
    2.37 +		public static final String INFO_TYPES = "--list-types";
    2.39  		private Tokens() {
    2.40  		}
     3.1 --- a/java/sql-dk/src/info/globalcode/sql/dk/	Mon Dec 16 12:10:45 2013 +0100
     3.2 +++ b/java/sql-dk/src/info/globalcode/sql/dk/	Mon Dec 16 15:15:32 2013 +0100
     3.3 @@ -13,10 +13,23 @@
     3.5  	public static void main(String[] args) {
     3.6  		try {
     3.7 +			/** Parse options */
     3.8  			CLIParser parser = new CLIParser();
     3.9  			CLIOptions options = parser.parseOptions(args);
    3.10 +
    3.11 +
    3.12 +			options.validate();
    3.13 +
    3.14 +			/** Show info */
    3.15 +			if (!options.getShowInfo().isEmpty()) {
    3.16 +				InfoLister infoLister = new InfoLister();
    3.17 +				infoLister.showInfo(options.getShowInfo(), System.err);
    3.18 +			}
    3.19 +
    3.20  		} catch (CLIParserException e) {
    3.21 -			log.log(Level.SEVERE, null, e);
    3.22 +			log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to parse CLI options", e);
    3.23 +		} catch (InvalidOptionsException e) {
    3.24 +			log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Invalid CLI options", e);
    3.25  		}
    3.26  	}
    3.27  }
     4.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     4.2 +++ b/java/sql-dk/src/info/globalcode/sql/dk/	Mon Dec 16 15:15:32 2013 +0100
     4.3 @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
     4.4 +package;
     4.5 +
     4.6 +import;
     4.7 +import java.util.EnumSet;
     4.8 +
     4.9 +/**
    4.10 + * Displays info like help, version etc.
    4.11 + *
    4.12 + * @author Ing. František Kučera (
    4.13 + */
    4.14 +public class InfoLister {
    4.15 +
    4.16 +	public void showInfo(EnumSet<CLIOptions.INFO_TYPE> infoTypes, PrintStream out) {
    4.17 +		for (CLIOptions.INFO_TYPE infoType : infoTypes) {
    4.18 +			switch (infoType) {
    4.19 +				/**
    4.20 +				 * TODO: implement show info
    4.21 +				 */
    4.22 +				case FORMATTERS:
    4.23 +					out.println("TODO: list available formatters");
    4.24 +					break;
    4.25 +				case HELP:
    4.26 +					out.println("TODO: show some help");
    4.27 +					break;
    4.28 +				case LICENSE:
    4.29 +					out.println("TODO: show license");
    4.30 +					break;
    4.31 +				case TYPES:
    4.32 +					out.println("TODO: list supported types");
    4.33 +					break;
    4.34 +				case VERSION:
    4.35 +					out.println("TODO: show version");
    4.36 +					break;
    4.37 +				default:
    4.38 +					throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported INFO_TYPE: " + infoType);
    4.39 +			}
    4.40 +		}
    4.41 +	}
    4.42 +}
     5.1 --- a/java/sql-dk/test/info/globalcode/sql/dk/	Mon Dec 16 12:10:45 2013 +0100
     5.2 +++ b/java/sql-dk/test/info/globalcode/sql/dk/	Mon Dec 16 15:15:32 2013 +0100
     5.3 @@ -159,4 +159,15 @@
     5.4  		assertEquals(options.getDatabaseName(), DATABASE_NAME_1);
     5.5  		assertEquals(options.getMode(), CLIOptions.MODE.EXECUTE_BATCH);
     5.6  	}
     5.7 +
     5.8 +	@Test
     5.9 +	public void testParseOptions_ShowInfo_Help() throws InvalidOptionsException, CLIParserException {
    5.10 +		String[] args = new String[]{Tokens.INFO_HELP};
    5.11 +		CLIOptions options = parser.parseOptions(args);
    5.12 +		options.validate();
    5.13 +
    5.14 +		assertEquals(options.getMode(), CLIOptions.MODE.JUST_SHOW_INFO);
    5.15 +		assertEquals(options.getShowInfo().size(), 1);
    5.16 +		assertTrue(options.getShowInfo().contains(CLIOptions.INFO_TYPE.HELP));
    5.17 +	}
    5.18  }
    5.19 \ No newline at end of file