InfoLister, InfoType: switch → enum v_0
authorFrantišek Kučera <>
Thu, 26 Dec 2013 21:18:54 +0100 (2013-12-26)
changeset 690befec5034c2
parent 68 574cd7fbb5b2
child 70 02c8eaa425e8
InfoLister, InfoType: switch → enum
     1.1 --- a/java/sql-dk/src/info/globalcode/sql/dk/	Thu Dec 26 11:58:14 2013 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/java/sql-dk/src/info/globalcode/sql/dk/	Thu Dec 26 21:18:54 2013 +0100
     1.3 @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
     1.4  import static;
     1.5  import static;
     1.6  import static;
     1.7 +import;
     1.8  import;
     1.9  import java.util.ArrayList;
    1.10  import java.util.Collection;
    1.11 @@ -51,20 +52,9 @@
    1.12  		EXECUTE_BATCH,
    1.13  		JUST_SHOW_INFO
    1.14  	}
    1.15 -
    1.16 -	public enum INFO_TYPE {
    1.17 -
    1.18 -		HELP,
    1.19 -		VERSION,
    1.20 -		LICENSE,
    1.21 -		FORMATTERS,
    1.22 -		TYPES,
    1.23 -		DATABASES,
    1.24 -		CONNECTION
    1.25 -	}
    1.26  	private final List<NamedParameter> namedParameters = new ArrayList<>();
    1.27  	private final List<Parameter> numberedParameters = new ArrayList<>();
    1.28 -	private final EnumSet<INFO_TYPE> showInfo = EnumSet.noneOf(INFO_TYPE.class);
    1.29 +	private final EnumSet<InfoType> showInfo = EnumSet.noneOf(InfoType.class);
    1.31  	public void validate() throws InvalidOptionsException {
    1.32  		InvalidOptionsException e = new InvalidOptionsException();
    1.33 @@ -97,7 +87,7 @@
    1.34  			if (!equalz(nameSuffix, DEFAULT_NAME_SUFFIX)) {
    1.35  				e.addProblem(new InvalidOptionsException.OptionProblem("Do not specify name suffix if just showing info."));
    1.36  			}
    1.37 -			if (showInfo.contains(INFO_TYPE.CONNECTION) && isEmpty(databaseNameToTest, false)) {
    1.38 +			if (showInfo.contains(InfoType.CONNECTION) && isEmpty(databaseNameToTest, false)) {
    1.39  				e.addProblem(new InvalidOptionsException.OptionProblem("Please specify which database should be tested."));
    1.40  			}
    1.41  		}
    1.42 @@ -215,11 +205,11 @@
    1.43  		this.formatterName = formatterName;
    1.44  	}
    1.46 -	public void addShowInfo(INFO_TYPE info) {
    1.47 +	public void addShowInfo(InfoType info) {
    1.48  		showInfo.add(info);
    1.49  	}
    1.51 -	public EnumSet<INFO_TYPE> getShowInfo() {
    1.52 +	public EnumSet<InfoType> getShowInfo() {
    1.53  		return showInfo;
    1.54  	}
     2.1 --- a/java/sql-dk/src/info/globalcode/sql/dk/	Thu Dec 26 11:58:14 2013 +0100
     2.2 +++ b/java/sql-dk/src/info/globalcode/sql/dk/	Thu Dec 26 21:18:54 2013 +0100
     2.3 @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
     2.4   */
     2.5  package;
     2.7 +import;
     2.8  import java.util.ArrayList;
     2.9  import java.util.HashMap;
    2.10  import java.util.List;
    2.11 @@ -100,25 +101,25 @@
    2.12  					options.setFormatterName(fetchNext(args, ++i));
    2.13  					break;
    2.14  				case Tokens.INFO_HELP:
    2.15 -					options.addShowInfo(CLIOptions.INFO_TYPE.HELP);
    2.16 +					options.addShowInfo(InfoType.HELP);
    2.17  					break;
    2.18  				case Tokens.INFO_FORMATTERS:
    2.19 -					options.addShowInfo(CLIOptions.INFO_TYPE.FORMATTERS);
    2.20 +					options.addShowInfo(InfoType.FORMATTERS);
    2.21  					break;
    2.22  				case Tokens.INFO_LICENSE:
    2.23 -					options.addShowInfo(CLIOptions.INFO_TYPE.LICENSE);
    2.24 +					options.addShowInfo(InfoType.LICENSE);
    2.25  					break;
    2.26  				case Tokens.INFO_TYPES:
    2.27 -					options.addShowInfo(CLIOptions.INFO_TYPE.TYPES);
    2.28 +					options.addShowInfo(InfoType.TYPES);
    2.29  					break;
    2.30  				case Tokens.INFO_VERSION:
    2.31 -					options.addShowInfo(CLIOptions.INFO_TYPE.VERSION);
    2.32 +					options.addShowInfo(InfoType.VERSION);
    2.33  					break;
    2.34  				case Tokens.INFO_DATABASES:
    2.35 -					options.addShowInfo(CLIOptions.INFO_TYPE.DATABASES);
    2.36 +					options.addShowInfo(InfoType.DATABASES);
    2.37  					break;
    2.38  				case Tokens.INFO_CONNECTION:
    2.39 -					options.addShowInfo(CLIOptions.INFO_TYPE.CONNECTION);
    2.40 +					options.addShowInfo(InfoType.CONNECTION);
    2.41  					options.setDatabaseNameToTest(fetchNext(args, ++i));
    2.42  					break;
    2.43  				default:
     3.1 --- a/java/sql-dk/src/info/globalcode/sql/dk/	Thu Dec 26 11:58:14 2013 +0100
     3.2 +++ b/java/sql-dk/src/info/globalcode/sql/dk/	Thu Dec 26 21:18:54 2013 +0100
     3.3 @@ -97,8 +97,10 @@
     3.4  		/** Show info */
     3.5  		if (!options.getShowInfo().isEmpty()) {
     3.6  			PrintStream infoOut = mode == MODE.JUST_SHOW_INFO ? System.out : System.err;
     3.7 -			InfoLister infoLister = new InfoLister(infoOut, this);
     3.8 -			infoLister.showInfo(options);
     3.9 +			InfoLister infoLister = new InfoLister(infoOut, this, options);
    3.10 +			for (InfoLister.InfoType infoType : options.getShowInfo()) {
    3.11 +				infoType.showInfo(infoLister);
    3.12 +			}
    3.13  		}
    3.15  		switch (mode) {
     4.1 --- a/java/sql-dk/src/info/globalcode/sql/dk/	Thu Dec 26 11:58:14 2013 +0100
     4.2 +++ b/java/sql-dk/src/info/globalcode/sql/dk/	Thu Dec 26 21:18:54 2013 +0100
     4.3 @@ -23,14 +23,18 @@
     4.4  import;
     4.5  import;
     4.6  import static;
     4.7 +import;
     4.8 +import;
     4.9 +import;
    4.10 +import;
    4.11  import;
    4.12  import;
    4.13  import;
    4.14  import java.sql.SQLException;
    4.15 -import java.util.EnumSet;
    4.16  import java.util.List;
    4.17  import java.util.logging.Level;
    4.18  import java.util.logging.Logger;
    4.19 +import javax.sql.rowset.RowSetMetaDataImpl;
    4.21  /**
    4.22   * Displays info like help, version etc.
    4.23 @@ -42,86 +46,67 @@
    4.24  	private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(InfoLister.class.getName());
    4.25  	private PrintStream out;
    4.26  	private ConfigurationProvider configurationProvider;
    4.27 +	private CLIOptions options;
    4.29 -	public InfoLister(PrintStream out, ConfigurationProvider configurationProvider) {
    4.30 +	public InfoLister(PrintStream out, ConfigurationProvider configurationProvider, CLIOptions options) {
    4.31  		this.out = out;
    4.32  		this.configurationProvider = configurationProvider;
    4.33 +		this.options = options;
    4.34  	}
    4.36 -	public void showInfo(CLIOptions options) throws ConfigurationException {
    4.37 -		EnumSet<CLIOptions.INFO_TYPE> infoTypes = options.getShowInfo();
    4.38 -		for (CLIOptions.INFO_TYPE infoType : infoTypes) {
    4.39 -			switch (infoType) {
    4.40 -				/**
    4.41 -				 * TODO: implement show info
    4.42 -				 */
    4.43 -				case FORMATTERS:
    4.44 -					for (FormatterDefinition fd : configurationProvider.getConfiguration().getBuildInFormatters()) {
    4.45 -						log.log(Level.INFO, "Built-in formatter:   {0} implemented by class: {1}", new Object[]{rpad(fd.getName(), 16), fd.getClassName()});
    4.46 -					}
    4.47 +	public void listFormatters() throws ConfigurationException {
    4.48 +		for (FormatterDefinition fd : configurationProvider.getConfiguration().getBuildInFormatters()) {
    4.49 +			log.log(Level.INFO, "Built-in formatter:   {0} implemented by class: {1}", new Object[]{rpad(fd.getName(), 16), fd.getClassName()});
    4.50 +		}
    4.51 +		List<FormatterDefinition> configuredFormatters = configurationProvider.getConfiguration().getFormatters();
    4.52 +		for (FormatterDefinition fd : configuredFormatters) {
    4.53 +			log.log(Level.INFO, "Configured formatter: {0} implemented by class: {1}", new Object[]{rpad(fd.getName(), 16), fd.getClassName()});
    4.54 +		}
    4.55 +		if (configuredFormatters.isEmpty()) {
    4.56 +			log.log(Level.INFO, "No other formatters are configured");
    4.57 +		}
    4.58 +		String configuredDefaultFormatter = configurationProvider.getConfiguration().getDefaultFormatter();
    4.59 +		if (configuredDefaultFormatter == null) {
    4.60 +			log.log(Level.INFO, "Built-in default formatter: {0}", Configuration.DEFAULT_FORMATTER);
    4.61 +		} else {
    4.62 +			log.log(Level.INFO, "Configured default formatter: {0}", configuredDefaultFormatter);
    4.63 +		}
    4.64 +	}
    4.66 -					List<FormatterDefinition> configuredFormatters = configurationProvider.getConfiguration().getFormatters();
    4.67 -					for (FormatterDefinition fd : configuredFormatters) {
    4.68 -						log.log(Level.INFO, "Configured formatter: {0} implemented by class: {1}", new Object[]{rpad(fd.getName(), 16), fd.getClassName()});
    4.69 -					}
    4.70 -					if (configuredFormatters.isEmpty()) {
    4.71 -						log.log(Level.INFO, "No other formatters are configured");
    4.72 -					}
    4.73 +	public void listTypes() throws FormatterException {
    4.74 +	}
    4.76 -					String configuredDefaultFormatter = configurationProvider.getConfiguration().getDefaultFormatter();
    4.77 -					if (configuredDefaultFormatter == null) {
    4.78 -						log.log(Level.INFO, "Built-in default formatter: {0}", Configuration.DEFAULT_FORMATTER);
    4.79 -					} else {
    4.80 -						log.log(Level.INFO, "Configured default formatter: {0}", configuredDefaultFormatter);
    4.81 -					}
    4.82 -					break;
    4.83 -				case HELP:
    4.84 -					printResource(Constants.HELP_FILE);
    4.85 -					break;
    4.86 -				case LICENSE:
    4.87 -					printResource(Constants.LICENSE_FILE);
    4.88 -					break;
    4.89 -				case TYPES:
    4.90 -					println("TODO: list supported types");
    4.91 -					break;
    4.92 -				case VERSION:
    4.93 -					printResource(Constants.VERSION_FILE);
    4.94 -					break;
    4.95 -				case DATABASES:
    4.96 -					final List<DatabaseDefinition> configuredDatabases = configurationProvider.getConfiguration().getDatabases();
    4.97 -					if (configuredDatabases.isEmpty()) {
    4.98 -						log.log(Level.WARNING, "No databases are configured.");
    4.99 -					} else {
   4.100 -						for (DatabaseDefinition dd : configuredDatabases) {
   4.101 -							log.log(Level.INFO, "Configured database: {0}", dd.getName());
   4.102 -						}
   4.103 -					}
   4.104 -					break;
   4.105 -				case CONNECTION:
   4.106 -					boolean connectionTestResult = false;
   4.107 -					String dbName = options.getDatabaseNameToTest();
   4.108 -					log.log(Level.FINE, "Testing connection to database: {0}", dbName);
   4.109 -					try {
   4.110 -						DatabaseDefinition dd = configurationProvider.getConfiguration().getDatabase(dbName);
   4.111 -						if (dd == null) {
   4.112 -							log.log(Level.SEVERE, "No database with this name is configured: {0}", dbName);
   4.113 -						} else {
   4.114 -							log.log(Level.FINE, "Database definition was loaded from configuration");
   4.115 -							DatabaseConnection dc = dd.connect();
   4.116 -							connectionTestResult = dc.test();
   4.117 -						}
   4.118 -					} catch (ConfigurationException | SQLException e) {
   4.119 -						log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error during testing connection", e);
   4.120 -					}
   4.121 -					log.log(Level.INFO, "Connection test result: {0}", connectionTestResult ? "success" : "failure");
   4.122 -					break;
   4.123 -				default:
   4.124 -					throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported INFO_TYPE: " + infoType);
   4.125 +	public void listDatabases() throws ConfigurationException {
   4.126 +		final List<DatabaseDefinition> configuredDatabases = configurationProvider.getConfiguration().getDatabases();
   4.127 +		if (configuredDatabases.isEmpty()) {
   4.128 +			log.log(Level.WARNING, "No databases are configured.");
   4.129 +		} else {
   4.130 +			for (DatabaseDefinition dd : configuredDatabases) {
   4.131 +				log.log(Level.INFO, "Configured database: {0}", dd.getName());
   4.132  			}
   4.133  		}
   4.134  	}
   4.136 -	private void printResource(String fileName) {
   4.137 +	public void testConnection() {
   4.138 +		boolean connectionTestResult = false;
   4.139 +		String dbName = options.getDatabaseNameToTest();
   4.140 +		log.log(Level.FINE, "Testing connection to database: {0}", dbName);
   4.141 +		try {
   4.142 +			DatabaseDefinition dd = configurationProvider.getConfiguration().getDatabase(dbName);
   4.143 +			if (dd == null) {
   4.144 +				log.log(Level.SEVERE, "No database with this name is configured: {0}", dbName);
   4.145 +			} else {
   4.146 +				log.log(Level.FINE, "Database definition was loaded from configuration");
   4.147 +				DatabaseConnection dc = dd.connect();
   4.148 +				connectionTestResult = dc.test();
   4.149 +			}
   4.150 +		} catch (ConfigurationException | SQLException e) {
   4.151 +			log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error during testing connection", e);
   4.152 +		}
   4.153 +		log.log(Level.INFO, "Connection test result: {0}", connectionTestResult ? "success" : "failure");
   4.154 +	}
   4.155 +
   4.156 +	public void printResource(String fileName) {
   4.157  		try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(fileName)))) {
   4.158  			while (true) {
   4.159  				String line = reader.readLine();
   4.160 @@ -139,4 +124,104 @@
   4.161  	private void println(String line) {
   4.162  		out.println(line);
   4.163  	}
   4.164 +
   4.165 +	private void printTable(Formatter formatter, ColumnsHeader header, List<Object[]> data) throws ConfigurationException, FormatterException {
   4.166 +		formatter.writeStartResultSet();
   4.167 +		formatter.writeColumnsHeader(header);
   4.168 +
   4.169 +		for (Object[] row : data) {
   4.170 +			formatter.writeStartRow();
   4.171 +			for (Object cell : row) {
   4.172 +				formatter.writeColumnValue(cell);
   4.173 +			}
   4.174 +			formatter.writeEndRow();
   4.175 +		}
   4.176 +
   4.177 +		formatter.writeEndResultSet();
   4.178 +	}
   4.179 +
   4.180 +	private Formatter getFormatter() throws ConfigurationException, FormatterException {
   4.181 +		FormatterDefinition fd = configurationProvider.getConfiguration().getFormatter(options.getFormatterName());
   4.182 +		FormatterContext context = new FormatterContext(out);
   4.183 +		return fd.getInstance(context);
   4.184 +	}
   4.185 +
   4.186 +	private ColumnsHeader constructHeader(HeaderField... fields) throws FormatterException {
   4.187 +		try {
   4.188 +			RowSetMetaDataImpl metaData = new RowSetMetaDataImpl();
   4.189 +			metaData.setColumnCount(fields.length);
   4.190 +
   4.191 +			for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
   4.192 +				HeaderField hf = fields[i];
   4.193 +				int sqlIndex = i + 1;
   4.194 +				metaData.setColumnName(sqlIndex,;
   4.195 +				metaData.setColumnLabel(sqlIndex,;
   4.196 +				metaData.setColumnType(sqlIndex, hf.type.getCode());
   4.197 +				metaData.setColumnTypeName(sqlIndex,;
   4.198 +			}
   4.199 +
   4.200 +			return new ColumnsHeader(metaData);
   4.201 +		} catch (SQLException e) {
   4.202 +			throw new FormatterException("Error while constructing table headers", e);
   4.203 +		}
   4.204 +	}
   4.205 +
   4.206 +	private static class HeaderField {
   4.207 +
   4.208 +		String name;
   4.209 +		SQLType type;
   4.210 +
   4.211 +		public HeaderField(String name, SQLType type) {
   4.212 + = name;
   4.213 +			this.type = type;
   4.214 +		}
   4.215 +	}
   4.216 +
   4.217 +	public enum InfoType {
   4.218 +
   4.219 +		HELP {
   4.220 +			@Override
   4.221 +			public void showInfo(InfoLister infoLister) {
   4.222 +				infoLister.printResource(Constants.HELP_FILE);
   4.223 +			}
   4.224 +		},
   4.225 +		VERSION {
   4.226 +			@Override
   4.227 +			public void showInfo(InfoLister infoLister) {
   4.228 +				infoLister.printResource(Constants.VERSION_FILE);
   4.229 +			}
   4.230 +		},
   4.231 +		LICENSE {
   4.232 +			@Override
   4.233 +			public void showInfo(InfoLister infoLister) {
   4.234 +				infoLister.printResource(Constants.LICENSE_FILE);
   4.235 +			}
   4.236 +		},
   4.237 +		FORMATTERS {
   4.238 +			@Override
   4.239 +			public void showInfo(InfoLister infoLister) throws ConfigurationException {
   4.240 +				infoLister.listFormatters();
   4.241 +			}
   4.242 +		},
   4.243 +		TYPES {
   4.244 +			@Override
   4.245 +			public void showInfo(InfoLister infoLister) throws FormatterException {
   4.246 +				infoLister.listTypes();
   4.247 +			}
   4.248 +		},
   4.249 +		DATABASES {
   4.250 +			@Override
   4.251 +			public void showInfo(InfoLister infoLister) throws ConfigurationException {
   4.252 +				infoLister.listDatabases();
   4.253 +			}
   4.254 +		},
   4.255 +		CONNECTION {
   4.256 +			@Override
   4.257 +			public void showInfo(InfoLister infoLister) {
   4.258 +				infoLister.testConnection();
   4.259 +			}
   4.260 +		};
   4.261 +
   4.262 +		public abstract void showInfo(InfoLister infoLister) throws ConfigurationException, FormatterException;
   4.263 +	}
   4.264  }
     5.1 --- a/java/sql-dk/test/info/globalcode/sql/dk/	Thu Dec 26 11:58:14 2013 +0100
     5.2 +++ b/java/sql-dk/test/info/globalcode/sql/dk/	Thu Dec 26 21:18:54 2013 +0100
     5.3 @@ -184,6 +184,6 @@
     5.5  		assertEquals(options.getMode(), CLIOptions.MODE.JUST_SHOW_INFO);
     5.6  		assertEquals(options.getShowInfo().size(), 1);
     5.7 -		assertTrue(options.getShowInfo().contains(CLIOptions.INFO_TYPE.HELP));
     5.8 +		assertTrue(options.getShowInfo().contains(CLIOptions.InfoType.HELP));
     5.9  	}
    5.10  }
    5.11 \ No newline at end of file