Přesun XHTML šablony do značky <nk:stranka/>
authorFrantišek Kučera <franta-hg@frantovo.cz>
Thu, 18 Mar 2010 14:22:16 +0100 (2010-03-18)
changeset 7334c7eb5f2fae
parent 72 81c64c582a26
child 74 aec1fb81580e
Přesun XHTML šablony do značky <nk:stranka/>
→ každá stránka teď může mít vlastní titulek (v html/head).
     1.1 --- a/java/nekurak.net-web/src/java/cz/frantovo/nekurak/preklady_cs.properties	Tue Mar 16 14:33:05 2010 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/java/nekurak.net-web/src/java/cz/frantovo/nekurak/preklady_cs.properties	Thu Mar 18 14:22:16 2010 +0100
     1.3 @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
     1.5  prihlaseni.odhlaseniUspesne=Odhl\u00E1\u0161en\u00ED prob\u011Bhlo \u00FAsp\u011B\u0161n\u011B.
     1.6  prihlaseni.nadpis=P\u0159ihl\u00E1\u0161en\u00ED
     1.7 +prihlaseni.nadpis.odhlaseni=Odhl\u00E1\u0161en\u00ED
     1.8  prihlaseni.zadejte=Zadejte jm\u00E9no a heslo.
     1.9  prihlaseni.chyba=Nespr\u00E1vn\u00E9 jm\u00E9no nebo heslo, zkuste to pros\u00EDm znovu.
    1.10  prihlaseni.jmeno=Jm\u00E9no
     2.1 --- a/java/nekurak.net-web/web/WEB-INF/casti/detail.jsp	Tue Mar 16 14:33:05 2010 +0100
     2.2 +++ b/java/nekurak.net-web/web/WEB-INF/casti/detail.jsp	Thu Mar 18 14:22:16 2010 +0100
     2.3 @@ -3,8 +3,11 @@
     2.4  	  xmlns:c="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"
     2.5  	  xmlns:fmt="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/fmt"
     2.6  	  xmlns:fn="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/functions"
     2.7 +	  xmlns:nk="urn:jsptagdir:/WEB-INF/tags/nekurak"
     2.8  	  version="2.0">
    2.10 -    <p>TODO: Detail podniku (<c:out value="${param.podnik}"/>).</p>
    2.11 +    <nk:stranka titulek="TODO: Detail podniku">
    2.12 +	<p>TODO: Detail podniku (<c:out value="${param.podnik}"/>).</p>
    2.13 +    </nk:stranka>
    2.15  </jsp:root>
     3.1 --- a/java/nekurak.net-web/web/WEB-INF/casti/pridatPodnik.jsp	Tue Mar 16 14:33:05 2010 +0100
     3.2 +++ b/java/nekurak.net-web/web/WEB-INF/casti/pridatPodnik.jsp	Thu Mar 18 14:22:16 2010 +0100
     3.3 @@ -3,47 +3,50 @@
     3.4  	  xmlns:c="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"
     3.5  	  xmlns:fmt="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/fmt"
     3.6  	  xmlns:fn="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/functions"
     3.7 +	  xmlns:nk="urn:jsptagdir:/WEB-INF/tags/nekurak"
     3.8  	  version="2.0">
    3.10      <jsp:useBean id="podnik" class="cz.frantovo.nekurak.dto.Podnik" scope="request"/>
    3.11      <jsp:useBean id="pridatPodnik" class="cz.frantovo.nekurak.web.PridatPodnik" scope="request"/>
    3.13 -    <h1><fmt:message key="pridatPodnik.nadpis"/></h1>
    3.14 +    <fmt:message key="pridatPodnik.nadpis" var="titulekStranky"/>
    3.15 +    <nk:stranka titulek="${titulekStranky}">
    3.17 -    <c:choose>
    3.18 -	<c:when test="${param.akcePridat == 'pridej'}">
    3.19 -	    <c:catch var="pridatPodnikChyba">
    3.20 -		<jsp:setProperty name="podnik" property="*"/>
    3.21 -		<jsp:setProperty name="pridatPodnik" property="podnik" value="${podnik}"/>
    3.22 -		<c:set var="pridatPodnikOK" value="${pridatPodnik.pridano}"/>
    3.23 -	    </c:catch>
    3.24 -	    <c:choose>
    3.25 -		<c:when test="${pridatPodnikChyba == null}">
    3.26 -		    <p><fmt:message key="pridatPodnik.bylPridan"/></p>
    3.27 -		</c:when>
    3.28 -		<c:otherwise>
    3.29 -		    <p class="chybovaHlaska"><fmt:message key="pridatPodnik.nebylPridan"/></p>
    3.30 -		</c:otherwise>
    3.31 -	    </c:choose>
    3.32 -	</c:when>
    3.33 -	<c:otherwise>
    3.34 -	    <form method="post" action="?akce=pridatPodnik&amp;amp;akcePridat=pridej">
    3.35 -		<fieldset>
    3.36 -		    <label><fmt:message key="dto.podnik.nazev"/>: <input type="text" name="nazev" maxlength="255"/></label><br/>
    3.37 -		    <label><fmt:message key="dto.podnik.popis"/>: <input type="text" name="popis" maxlength="255"/></label><br/>
    3.38 -			<fmt:message key="dto.podnik.url.tip" var="urlTip"/>
    3.39 -		    <label title="${urlTip}"><fmt:message key="dto.podnik.url"/>: <input type="text" name="url" maxlength="255"/></label><br/>
    3.40 -		    <label><fmt:message key="dto.podnik.ulice"/>: <input type="text" name="ulice" maxlength="64"/></label><br/>
    3.41 -			<fmt:message key="dto.podnik.cisloPopisne.tip" var="cisloPopisneTip"/>
    3.42 -		    <label title="${cisloPopisneTip}"><fmt:message key="dto.podnik.cisloPopisne"/>: <input type="text" name="cisloPopisne" maxlength="5"/></label><br/>
    3.43 -		    <label><fmt:message key="dto.podnik.mesto"/>: <input type="text" name="mesto" maxlength="64"/></label><br/>
    3.44 -		    <button value="submit"><fmt:message key="pridatPodnik.tlacitko"/></button>
    3.45 -		</fieldset>
    3.46 -	    </form>
    3.47 -	</c:otherwise>
    3.48 -    </c:choose>
    3.49 +	<h1><c:out value="${titulekStranky}"/></h1>
    3.51 +	<c:choose>
    3.52 +	    <c:when test="${param.akcePridat == 'pridej'}">
    3.53 +		<c:catch var="pridatPodnikChyba">
    3.54 +		    <jsp:setProperty name="podnik" property="*"/>
    3.55 +		    <jsp:setProperty name="pridatPodnik" property="podnik" value="${podnik}"/>
    3.56 +		    <c:set var="pridatPodnikOK" value="${pridatPodnik.pridano}"/>
    3.57 +		</c:catch>
    3.58 +		<c:choose>
    3.59 +		    <c:when test="${pridatPodnikChyba == null}">
    3.60 +			<p><fmt:message key="pridatPodnik.bylPridan"/></p>
    3.61 +		    </c:when>
    3.62 +		    <c:otherwise>
    3.63 +			<p class="chybovaHlaska"><fmt:message key="pridatPodnik.nebylPridan"/></p>
    3.64 +		    </c:otherwise>
    3.65 +		</c:choose>
    3.66 +	    </c:when>
    3.67 +	    <c:otherwise>
    3.68 +		<form method="post" action="?akce=pridatPodnik&amp;amp;akcePridat=pridej">
    3.69 +		    <fieldset>
    3.70 +			<label><fmt:message key="dto.podnik.nazev"/>: <input type="text" name="nazev" maxlength="255"/></label><br/>
    3.71 +			<label><fmt:message key="dto.podnik.popis"/>: <input type="text" name="popis" maxlength="255"/></label><br/>
    3.72 +			    <fmt:message key="dto.podnik.url.tip" var="urlTip"/>
    3.73 +			<label title="${urlTip}"><fmt:message key="dto.podnik.url"/>: <input type="text" name="url" maxlength="255"/></label><br/>
    3.74 +			<label><fmt:message key="dto.podnik.ulice"/>: <input type="text" name="ulice" maxlength="64"/></label><br/>
    3.75 +			    <fmt:message key="dto.podnik.cisloPopisne.tip" var="cisloPopisneTip"/>
    3.76 +			<label title="${cisloPopisneTip}"><fmt:message key="dto.podnik.cisloPopisne"/>: <input type="text" name="cisloPopisne" maxlength="5"/></label><br/>
    3.77 +			<label><fmt:message key="dto.podnik.mesto"/>: <input type="text" name="mesto" maxlength="64"/></label><br/>
    3.78 +			<button value="submit"><fmt:message key="pridatPodnik.tlacitko"/></button>
    3.79 +		    </fieldset>
    3.80 +		</form>
    3.81 +	    </c:otherwise>
    3.82 +	</c:choose>
    3.84 -
    3.85 +    </nk:stranka>
    3.87  </jsp:root>
     4.1 --- a/java/nekurak.net-web/web/WEB-INF/casti/prihlaseni.jsp	Tue Mar 16 14:33:05 2010 +0100
     4.2 +++ b/java/nekurak.net-web/web/WEB-INF/casti/prihlaseni.jsp	Thu Mar 18 14:22:16 2010 +0100
     4.3 @@ -3,34 +3,36 @@
     4.4  	  xmlns:c="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"
     4.5  	  xmlns:fmt="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/fmt"
     4.6  	  xmlns:fn="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/functions"
     4.7 +	  xmlns:nk="urn:jsptagdir:/WEB-INF/tags/nekurak"
     4.8  	  version="2.0">
    4.10 -    <jsp:useBean id="podnik" class="cz.frantovo.nekurak.dto.Podnik" scope="request"/>
    4.11 -    <jsp:useBean id="pridatPodnik" class="cz.frantovo.nekurak.web.PridatPodnik" scope="request"/>
    4.12 -
    4.13 -
    4.14      <c:choose>
    4.15  	<c:when test="${param.odhlasit == 'ano'}">
    4.16 -	    <p><fmt:message key="prihlaseni.odhlaseniUspesne"/></p>
    4.17 +	    <fmt:message key="prihlaseni.nadpis.odhlaseni" var="titulekStranky"/>
    4.18 +	    <nk:stranka titulek="${titulekStranky}">
    4.19 +		<p><fmt:message key="prihlaseni.odhlaseniUspesne"/></p>
    4.20 +	    </nk:stranka>
    4.21  	</c:when>
    4.22  	<c:otherwise>
    4.23 -	    <h1><fmt:message key="prihlaseni.nadpis"/></h1>
    4.24 -	    <p><fmt:message key="prihlaseni.zadejte"/></p>
    4.25 +	    <fmt:message key="prihlaseni.nadpis" var="titulekStranky"/>
    4.26 +	    <nk:stranka titulek="${titulekStranky}">
    4.27 +		<h1><c:out value="${titulekStranky}"/></h1>
    4.28 +		<p><fmt:message key="prihlaseni.zadejte"/></p>
    4.30 -	    <c:if test="${param.chyba == 'ano'}">
    4.31 -		<p class="chybovaHlaska"><fmt:message key="prihlaseni.chyba"/></p>
    4.32 -	    </c:if>
    4.33 +		<c:if test="${param.chyba == 'ano'}">
    4.34 +		    <p class="chybovaHlaska"><fmt:message key="prihlaseni.chyba"/></p>
    4.35 +		</c:if>
    4.37 -	    <form method="post" action="j_security_check">
    4.38 -		<fieldset>
    4.39 -		    <label><fmt:message key="prihlaseni.jmeno"/>: <input type="text" name="j_username"/></label><br/>
    4.40 -		    <label><fmt:message key="prihlaseni.heslo"/>: <input type="password" name="j_password"/></label><br/>
    4.41 -		    <button value="submit"><fmt:message key="prihlaseni.tlacitko"/></button>
    4.42 -		</fieldset>
    4.43 -	    </form>
    4.44 +		<form method="post" action="j_security_check">
    4.45 +		    <fieldset>
    4.46 +			<label><fmt:message key="prihlaseni.jmeno"/>: <input type="text" name="j_username"/></label><br/>
    4.47 +			<label><fmt:message key="prihlaseni.heslo"/>: <input type="password" name="j_password"/></label><br/>
    4.48 +			<button value="submit"><fmt:message key="prihlaseni.tlacitko"/></button>
    4.49 +		    </fieldset>
    4.50 +		</form>
    4.51 +	    </nk:stranka>
    4.52  	</c:otherwise>
    4.53      </c:choose>
    4.56 -
    4.57  </jsp:root>
     5.1 --- a/java/nekurak.net-web/web/WEB-INF/casti/registrovatUzivatele.jsp	Tue Mar 16 14:33:05 2010 +0100
     5.2 +++ b/java/nekurak.net-web/web/WEB-INF/casti/registrovatUzivatele.jsp	Thu Mar 18 14:22:16 2010 +0100
     5.3 @@ -3,88 +3,94 @@
     5.4  	  xmlns:c="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"
     5.5  	  xmlns:fmt="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/fmt"
     5.6  	  xmlns:fn="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/functions"
     5.7 +	  xmlns:nk="urn:jsptagdir:/WEB-INF/tags/nekurak"
     5.8  	  version="2.0">
    5.10      <jsp:useBean id="uzivatel" class="cz.frantovo.nekurak.dto.PozadavekNaRegistraciUzivatele" scope="request"/>
    5.11      <jsp:useBean id="uzivatelPredRegistraci" class="cz.frantovo.nekurak.web.UzivatelPredRegistraci" scope="request"/>
    5.12      <jsp:useBean id="registraceUzivatele" class="cz.frantovo.nekurak.web.RegistraceUzivatele" scope="session"/>
    5.14 -    <h1><fmt:message key="registrace.nadpis"/></h1>
    5.15 +    <fmt:message key="registrace.nadpis" var="titulekStranky"/>
    5.16 +    <nk:stranka titulek="${titulekStranky}">
    5.18 -    <!--
    5.19 -    Registrace probíhá ve třech krocích:
    5.20 +	<h1><c:out value="${titulekStranky}"/></h1>
    5.21 +
    5.22 +	<!--
    5.23 +	Registrace probíhá ve třech krocích:
    5.24  	1) uživatel vyplňí formulář
    5.25  	2) zobrazíme mu vyplněné údaje a on si je zkontroluje
    5.26 -        3) potvrdí registraci
    5.27 -    -->
    5.28 +	3) potvrdí registraci
    5.29 +	-->
    5.31 -    <c:choose>
    5.32 -	<c:when test="${param.akceRegistrace == 'kontrola'}">
    5.33 -	    <!-- Vypíšeme uživateli údaje, které zadal do formuláře, aby si je mohl zkontrolovat. -->
    5.34 -	    <c:choose>
    5.35 -		<c:when test="${param.heslo == param.heslo_kontrola}">
    5.36 -		    <jsp:setProperty name="uzivatel" property="*"/>
    5.37 -		    <jsp:setProperty name="uzivatelPredRegistraci" property="uzivatel" value="${uzivatel}"/>
    5.38 -		    <jsp:setProperty name="registraceUzivatele" property="uzivatel" value="${uzivatelPredRegistraci}"/>
    5.39 +	<c:choose>
    5.40 +	    <c:when test="${param.akceRegistrace == 'kontrola'}">
    5.41 +		<!-- Vypíšeme uživateli údaje, které zadal do formuláře, aby si je mohl zkontrolovat. -->
    5.42 +		<c:choose>
    5.43 +		    <c:when test="${param.heslo == param.heslo_kontrola}">
    5.44 +			<jsp:setProperty name="uzivatel" property="*"/>
    5.45 +			<jsp:setProperty name="uzivatelPredRegistraci" property="uzivatel" value="${uzivatel}"/>
    5.46 +			<jsp:setProperty name="registraceUzivatele" property="uzivatel" value="${uzivatelPredRegistraci}"/>
    5.48 -		    <p><fmt:message key="registrace.kontrola"/></p>
    5.49 +			<p><fmt:message key="registrace.kontrola"/></p>
    5.51 -		    <p class="registraceKontrolaUdaju">
    5.52 -			<fmt:message key="dto.uzivatel.prezdivka"/>: <c:out value="${uzivatel.prezdivka}"/><br/>
    5.53 -			<fmt:message key="dto.uzivatel.jmeno"/>: <c:out value="${uzivatel.jmeno}"/><br/>
    5.54 -			<fmt:message key="dto.uzivatel.prijmeni"/>: <c:out value="${uzivatel.prijmeni}"/><br/>
    5.55 -			<fmt:message key="dto.uzivatel.email"/>: <c:out value="${uzivatel.email}"/><br/>
    5.56 -		    </p>
    5.57 +			<p class="registraceKontrolaUdaju">
    5.58 +			    <fmt:message key="dto.uzivatel.prezdivka"/>: <c:out value="${uzivatel.prezdivka}"/><br/>
    5.59 +			    <fmt:message key="dto.uzivatel.jmeno"/>: <c:out value="${uzivatel.jmeno}"/><br/>
    5.60 +			    <fmt:message key="dto.uzivatel.prijmeni"/>: <c:out value="${uzivatel.prijmeni}"/><br/>
    5.61 +			    <fmt:message key="dto.uzivatel.email"/>: <c:out value="${uzivatel.email}"/><br/>
    5.62 +			</p>
    5.64 -		    <p>
    5.65 -			<a href="?akce=registrovatUzivatele&amp;amp;akceRegistrace=dokonceni&amp;amp;token=${fn:escapeXml(uzivatelPredRegistraci.token)}">
    5.66 -			    <fmt:message key="registrace.potvrdit"/>
    5.67 -			</a>
    5.68 -		    </p>
    5.69 -		</c:when>
    5.70 -		<c:otherwise>
    5.71 -		    <p class="chybovaHlaska"><fmt:message key="registrace.vyjimka.heslaSeNeshoduji"/></p>
    5.72 -		</c:otherwise>
    5.73 -	    </c:choose>
    5.74 -	</c:when>
    5.75 -	<c:when test="${param.akceRegistrace == 'dokonceni'}">
    5.76 -	    <!-- Uživatel si zkontroloval údaje a chce dokončit svoji registraci. -->
    5.77 -	    <jsp:setProperty name="registraceUzivatele" property="token" value="${param.token}"/>
    5.78 +			<p>
    5.79 +			    <a href="?akce=registrovatUzivatele&amp;amp;akceRegistrace=dokonceni&amp;amp;token=${fn:escapeXml(uzivatelPredRegistraci.token)}">
    5.80 +				<fmt:message key="registrace.potvrdit"/>
    5.81 +			    </a>
    5.82 +			</p>
    5.83 +		    </c:when>
    5.84 +		    <c:otherwise>
    5.85 +			<p class="chybovaHlaska"><fmt:message key="registrace.vyjimka.heslaSeNeshoduji"/></p>
    5.86 +		    </c:otherwise>
    5.87 +		</c:choose>
    5.88 +	    </c:when>
    5.89 +	    <c:when test="${param.akceRegistrace == 'dokonceni'}">
    5.90 +		<!-- Uživatel si zkontroloval údaje a chce dokončit svoji registraci. -->
    5.91 +		<jsp:setProperty name="registraceUzivatele" property="token" value="${param.token}"/>
    5.93 -	    <c:set var="chybaRegistrace" value="${registraceUzivatele.dokonciRegistraci}"/>
    5.94 +		<c:set var="chybaRegistrace" value="${registraceUzivatele.dokonciRegistraci}"/>
    5.96 -	    <c:choose>
    5.97 -		<c:when test="${chybaRegistrace == null}">
    5.98 -		    <!-- Registrace proběhla úspěšně. -->
    5.99 -		    <p>
   5.100 -			<fmt:message key="registrace.hotovo"/>&amp;#160;
   5.101 -			<a href="?akce=prihlaseni">
   5.102 -			    <fmt:message key="registrace.hotovo.prihlasit"/>
   5.103 -			</a>.
   5.104 -		    </p>
   5.105 -		</c:when>
   5.106 -		<c:otherwise>
   5.107 -		    <!-- Během pokusu o registraci uživatele došlo k chybě. -->
   5.108 -		    <p class="chybovaHlaska"><fmt:message key="${chybaRegistrace}"/></p>
   5.109 -		</c:otherwise>
   5.110 -	    </c:choose>
   5.111 -	</c:when>
   5.112 -	<c:otherwise>
   5.113 -	    <!-- Zobrazíme uživateli registrační formulář. -->
   5.114 -	    <form method="post" action="?akce=registrovatUzivatele&amp;amp;akceRegistrace=kontrola">
   5.115 -		<fieldset>
   5.116 -		    <fmt:message key="dto.uzivatel.prezdivka.tip" var="prezdivkaTip"/>
   5.117 -		    <label title="${prezdivkaTip}"><fmt:message key="dto.uzivatel.prezdivka"/>: <input type="text" name="prezdivka" maxlength="255"/></label><br/>
   5.118 -		    <label><fmt:message key="dto.uzivatel.heslo"/>: <input type="password" name="heslo" maxlength="255"/></label><br/>
   5.119 -		    <label><fmt:message key="dto.uzivatel.heslo.kontrola"/>: <input type="password" name="heslo_kontrola" maxlength="255"/></label><br/>
   5.120 -		    <br/>
   5.121 -		    <label><fmt:message key="dto.uzivatel.jmeno"/>: <input type="text" name="jmeno" maxlength="255"/></label><br/>
   5.122 -		    <label><fmt:message key="dto.uzivatel.prijmeni"/>: <input type="text" name="prijmeni" maxlength="255"/></label><br/>
   5.123 -		    <label><fmt:message key="dto.uzivatel.email"/>: <input type="text" name="email" maxlength="255"/></label><br/>
   5.124 -		    <button value="submit"><fmt:message key="registrace.tlacitko"/></button>
   5.125 -		</fieldset>
   5.126 -	    </form>
   5.127 -	</c:otherwise>
   5.128 -    </c:choose>
   5.129 +		<c:choose>
   5.130 +		    <c:when test="${chybaRegistrace == null}">
   5.131 +			<!-- Registrace proběhla úspěšně. -->
   5.132 +			<p>
   5.133 +			    <fmt:message key="registrace.hotovo"/>&amp;#160;
   5.134 +			    <a href="?akce=prihlaseni">
   5.135 +				<fmt:message key="registrace.hotovo.prihlasit"/>
   5.136 +			    </a>.
   5.137 +			</p>
   5.138 +		    </c:when>
   5.139 +		    <c:otherwise>
   5.140 +			<!-- Během pokusu o registraci uživatele došlo k chybě. -->
   5.141 +			<p class="chybovaHlaska"><fmt:message key="${chybaRegistrace}"/></p>
   5.142 +		    </c:otherwise>
   5.143 +		</c:choose>
   5.144 +	    </c:when>
   5.145 +	    <c:otherwise>
   5.146 +		<!-- Zobrazíme uživateli registrační formulář. -->
   5.147 +		<form method="post" action="?akce=registrovatUzivatele&amp;amp;akceRegistrace=kontrola">
   5.148 +		    <fieldset>
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