hg tag [-f] [-l] [-m TEXT] [-d DATE] [-u USER] [-r REV] NAME...

add one or more tags for the current or given revision

    Name a particular revision using <name>.

    Tags are used to name particular revisions of the repository and are
    very useful to compare different revisions, to go back to significant
    earlier versions or to mark branch points as releases, etc. Changing
    an existing tag is normally disallowed; use -f/--force to override.

    If no revision is given, the parent of the working directory is

    To facilitate version control, distribution, and merging of tags,
    they are stored as a file named ".hgtags" which is managed similarly
    to other project files and can be hand-edited if necessary. This
    also means that tagging creates a new commit. The file
    ".hg/localtags" is used for local tags (not shared among

    Tag commits are usually made at the head of a branch. If the parent
    of the working directory is not a branch head, :hg:`tag` aborts; use
    -f/--force to force the tag commit to be based on a non-head

    See :hg:`help dates` for a list of formats valid for -d/--date.

    Since tag names have priority over branch names during revision
    lookup, using an existing branch name as a tag name is discouraged.

    Returns 0 on success.


 == ============== ========================================
 -f --force        force tag                               
 -l --local        make the tag local                      
 -r --rev REV      revision to tag                         
    --remove       remove a tag                            
 -e --edit         invoke editor on commit messages        
 -m --message TEXT use text as commit message              
 -d --date DATE    record the specified date as commit date
 -u --user USER    record the specified user as committer  
 == ============== ========================================

global options:

 == =================== ==================================================================
 -R --repository REPO   repository root directory or name of overlay bundle file          
    --cwd DIR           change working directory                                          
 -y --noninteractive    do not prompt, automatically pick the first choice for all prompts
 -q --quiet             suppress output                                                   
 -v --verbose           enable additional output                                          
    --config CONFIG [+] set/override config option (use 'section.name=value')             
    --debug             enable debugging output                                           
    --debugger          start debugger                                                    
    --encoding ENCODE   set the charset encoding (default: UTF-8)                         
    --encodingmode MODE set the charset encoding mode (default: strict)                   
    --traceback         always print a traceback on exception                             
    --time              time how long the command takes                                   
    --profile           print command execution profile                                   
    --version           output version information and exit                               
 -h --help              display help and exit                                             
    --hidden            consider hidden changesets                                        
 == =================== ==================================================================

[+] marked option can be specified multiple times